the thread about nothing...

you know what really grind my gears? NT without the new post tab. :smh:
we need it back

I'm reachin em :pimp:
I was fighting my eyes trying not to fall asleep in class.
Shouldn't have ate that 2 side combo from the school cafeteria 

Been so tired lately smh

Always need to wake up early. Then i end up taking naps and i can't sleep at night, wake up early, still tired. It's like a never ending circle.

I wish i could just take one day off and do nothing.

Let's hope i can get some decent sleep this weekend.
At the hospital for my appointment with the team again, the biopsy results should be in so hopefully I'll finally have a diagnosis for my condition
@Jking0821  what movie is that fam 

Yesterday was the first day in a long *** time that I've felt smart (well at least in math
). Trig teacher taught a whole new section section yesterday and I conpletely understood everything, even helped out some of my friends who I usually ask for help. Homework was done before class ended #letsgetit 
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