the thread about nothing...

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She like dem Kpop looking boys.
What's wrong with a girl that's a bit fobby? Judgemental af Frisco smh what fobby girl hurt you
i was just joking famb lol. we should be asking shoyru what's wrong with a dude who's a bit fobby and for her to post them pics :nerd:
Nothing against fobby boys. Some are hella sexy in fact. I just never had a relationship with one. :lol: I'M the one who's a fob compared to any person I dated.
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Are you me? I love left handed girls. I think its cute that they do everything I do but with the left hand.

Girls wearing glasses with book bags tho :pimp:

Haha I only recently discovered my love for left handed girls. Funny thing is that the chick actually wears glasses and has a book bag lol. Man thank you, I'm actually going to ask her for brunch soon.

We sit across from each other at lab. One day both of our lab partners didn't show up, so we were partners. Now my originally lab partner is 'badder' in a sense than her. She's Moroccan but I never had any intentions with her. I would say that I'm funny and mysterious lol, so I'm normally able I make people laugh and such. But with this chick, left hand, I was so nervous when we partnered up. She's really smart and cute ughhh. I feel like a teenager sometimes like that's the sole reason I go to lab cause she's there. Legit get butterfly's. Now during the lab I remember just saying stupid stuff and thinking to myself "why would you say that. Thar sounds so stupid". But she would laugh so I did take it as a sign.

It's just funny that girls that are in sense 'hot' or 'bad' are easier to talk to and I can be myself. Now this average chick who in my eyes think is beautiful, I just slip up. Got me simpin' and ish lol. But next lab I'm really going to break that barrier and just look at her as friend like I do with most girls.
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