the thread about nothing...

Finals got me like..

I'm southwest Asian.:D

far west
I'm black
Well TAN fan your boy is back to broke and i am not even mad. I finally decided it was more financially responsible to knock out one of my college loans then to sit on the cash. So yesterday i put 19k on my college debt. It has been really hard grinding to make more money at work while saving as much as i can while still paying $1100 a month in college loan payments. But I am about half way there and it isn't getting any easier, but i have a plan to hopefully be debt free in 6 years.

The day it is paid off i know i will feel like a new person. I have been lucky enough to not carry substantial credit card debt. My corolla is paid off and I don't have a mortgage yet so the only debt to my name is college loans. I will be a free man in 6 years (ya know unless i have a kid, buy a house, do real life things....since i will be 33 years old by then but i can hope)
Super mario world :pimp:

How much is the interest rates on the student loans? jking0821 jking0821

10% and 9.25% right now.

I am in the process of trying to apply for an independent loan at a lower interest rate. Sallie Mae stays jacking up my interest rates. I have had them at 4.75% and 5% for the last year. But they jumped back up to 9-10 for this coming year.
Dude you should totally refinance those. Try out Sofi if your credit is great and you have a high income. There's several companies out there who specialize in this thing. Refinancing my loans was extremely beneficial to me.

Check those links out.

19k on the loans props man you're crushing it.

really appreciate it fam. I actually looked into Lendkey last year before i went through the rate reduction plan for sallie mae. They said they could lock me in at 7% or give me a variable at 4.95%. Which is really good but at the time i had lower interest with sallie mae. I will be reapplying this year to see what i can get now that the principle is even lower.
Damn that's a beating.

I'm happy i don't have any student debt. School is way cheaper here so i could manage. I def pay it back in taxes though
Word. Taxes here are very high.

It allows a lot more people to afford good education though so I'm fine with it.

When I was in nursing school I paid like $200 for a full semester.

A year in College or University is like $600-1000 I believe.
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