the thread about nothing...

for the playas that are workin now 

[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]
this is when Kanye was sooooo great...


Ye "
" now?
Anyone know any good xbox 360 or ps3 reviews?

I don't care if it's a written review or a video.

Thanks in advance.

Onto some music:

lol i dont know why people think they make bad music. sure its cheesy but it's actually better than the manufactured autotune princesses the leading companies have to offer.

some of my favorites from both parties.
got mad anxiety after a heavy night of boozing last night, hate that ****... where's a xanax bar when you need one, damn.
I'm a country boy but I like this shorty from NYC, I'm tryna get with her , I like her a lot but how can I tell her I'm tryna be wit her without sounding like a gump, pls respond
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i was overalls were kinda in style, i kinda wanna rock a pair.


Bring em back boy boy. I cant tell you how many times I've seen country white dudes rock them when I was in the Marines. It may not be urban style, may not even be style, but they are out there. I say do it!




This Trinidad James dude is :x :smokin

I got Edibles and Green Crack today :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin
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