the thread about nothing...

It's crazy how when I sleep on my left side I don't have bad dreams, and when I sleep on my right side it's like I'm in hell :lol:
tried to watch the bet hip hop awards last night...couldn't understand one work Dro said...turned back to watch the US lose to Costa Rica....
The general forum is blocked at school 
So yeah, right now I'm editing a video for a group project that I'ma be passing tomorrow. Problem is, I felt we did a half-*** job at it.

Now I wanna clutch it, like make a new one and submit it before the deadline. But my groupmates are already asleep.
Took me 55 minutes to drive 9 miles today. Apparently people think it's a good idea to close off lanes during rush hour.
got a promo at work where instead of taking call im chatting with people....

been on niketalk and random games sites all day
went home after lunch


Took me 55 minutes to drive 9 miles today. Apparently people think it's a good idea to close off lanes during rush hour.

Seriously the idiocy involved in traffic. We will look back on it in 100 years and say "i can't believe people sat in these boxes for hours to get from place to place" its literally the worst thing on earth

got a promo at work where instead of taking call im chatting with people....

been on niketalk and random games sites all day

Its easiest with me... :lol:
Took a trig test today that was supposed to be on one specific chapter.. but included a bunch of ish we haven't even went over or mentioned for weeks.

Got another F in the grade book smh
This is me all day right here smh. Midterm in the morning. Praying for at least a c
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