the thread about nothing...

My bed sucks man

This weekend I slept so great on my huge couches in the living room

My GF hates that I sleep in the living room instead of the bedroom

But man I get way better sleep on my couches :lol:
strongly considering stepping away from social media, mainly twitter & Facebook. Ill keep instagram though.
But I never realized how big of a distraction and pointless. Don't get me wrong theres some useful info and things 
you can find on there, but for the most part your time can be used towards something else.
Took a trig test today that was supposed to be on one specific chapter.. but included a bunch of ish we haven't even went over or mentioned for weeks.

Got another F in the grade book smh
Just drank 4 different kinds of Gatorades in the last hour.
Stepped off the soccer field.
-Bro gave me a sip of the Red one
-Got in the car, the other bro pulled out a blue one, told me to kill it
-Went to the 7-11, copped the lemon and pepino one. Killed it.
-They were 2 for $2.22. So I bough him one, orange, took a sip and told me to kill it
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