the thread about nothing...

I tried,man. I really tried. Studied for days for that damn midterm and that **** was nothing like what he gave us to study. I don't even want to cont school anymore. I'm just ready to end it and find a trade man. This **** has me torn. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. Stressed to the max. I'm so close to just breaking down man.
I really hate that I can survive a good portion of the middle of the day where I'm not hungry. I just...function. Breakfast---work all day--dinner. Not a good eating habit 
Shouldn't they have MPH street signs within 20-30 feet of every exit out to a highway? That's a first step, because I can't tell you how often I'll be driving on highways and there won't be a single MPH sign for 20 seconds of driving 55 MPH or so. How is that a system that's fair to drivers or people that live off of highways (you know, those people with few neighbors but long *** driveways that come out of a wooded area - not talking to city heads unless NY/LA people actually leave Long enough to notice)
When you trying to register to a forum and the sn you want to use doesnt work.

"Welp, **** dat site..."
When you trying to register to a forum and the sn you want to use doesnt work.

"Welp, **** dat site..."
Depending on what forum it is I might be able to jack the account if the username you want is taken.
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Relapsed again smh
These opiates really are the devil.
I searched the house for the pills and I don't even know why I did it.
Depending on what forum it is I might be able to jack the account if the username you want is taken.

You're the man.

Relapsed again smh
These opiates really are the devil.
I searched the house for the pills and I don't even know why I did it.

I already know, not personally but there is a HUGE problem where I'm at - actually obama is coming here next week to talk specifically about the opiate epidemic here... it's sad.
so im going to freight fest on sunday at six flags anything i should consider doing ? anyone been there yet this year in jersey 
I already know, not personally but there is a HUGE problem where I'm at - actually obama is coming here next week to talk specifically about the opiate epidemic here... it's sad.
I'm prescribed Tramadol but I'm trying to quit them on specialist's order to try a non-opiate painkiller like Lyrica or Gabapentin for my chronic pain. I have an addictive personality so my mom hides all my medication because I've abused it a few times in the past 1,5-2 years since the chronic pain started. Never to extreme levels but sometimes I just wanted to experience a day without pain again. I'm prescribed the maximum dosage (400mg) but it only makes the pain somewhat bearable, some days I'd take 600 to numb the pain almost entirely.
My situation is a bit different than the typical junkie but I can easily see why it's such a problem. I generally don't enjoy mind-altering substances; I don't like being high from marijuana and I don't enjoy being drunk but my opiates make me feel like I'm in heaven, aside from still having pain.
I can still function 100% normally but I just feel much happier and more energetic.
Tramadol is a bit different than other opiates though, it also boosts serotonin and other brain chemicals. Unfortunately that results in the withdrawal process being like trying to quit both an opiate and an anti-depressant at the same time.
Before I discovered Kratom (natural plant that relieves almost all withdrawal symptoms by interacting with the same brain receptors as opiates) I tried lowering my dosage by 50mg and after 2 hours I felt like dying. Hot/cold sweats, panic, electric brain shocks, ...
With Kratom I basically only experience more pain as I gradually lower my painkiller dosage, it relieves pretty much all withdrawal symptoms for me.
I can't seem to stop myself from wanting to take them though. I spent hours searching the house for the pills while my mom was at work.
I honestly don't know how I'm gonna manage getting my dosage all the way down to 0.
I don't even remember what being sober feels like because I've been high 24/7 for the past 2 years.
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I'm taking psychology class.
Some people in here really got some problems lol
I'm only taking it as an elective
Went to use the restroom at work, and my coworker left his butt hairs on the seat. Smh. I confronted him about it in front of everyone. Lulz were had b.
That's wild Belgium Belgium , I remember seeing awhile back that you had some pretty serious health problems - I hate to see anybody going through what you are. Especially considering you sincerely need the medication... I remember you were getting some tests done or something? I very well may be mistaken..
Relapsed again smh
These opiates really are the devil.
I searched the house for the pills and I don't even know why I did it.

My best friend ruined his entire life because of a heroin addiction that stemmed from an opiate addiction.

He is currently in a county jail awaiting a prison sentence for his part of a prescription drug ring here in AZ.
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