the thread about nothing...


Original video? :wow:
she obviously knows what she's doing.

:lol: .

On an unrelated note, she asked who from the jurors didn't drink/like alcohol. I raised my hand. She asked me why and I responded, "I don't like the taste." Without missing a beat, she's like "Aren't you a third-year college student? You aren't even twenty-one. You shouldn't drink alcohol anyway."

The only thought in my head was "Heavenly blessed divine beauty, please sit on my face."


she remembered your vitals, make that move playa.

If you want to go for it go for it, but know that she knows details about every member in the jury pool. It's her job.
accuse someone of racism... then use racism

Not sure if srs :lol:

Where's the racism in my post? :nerd:
calling his ancestors weak, when you don't specifically know them.

Nah, its fine dude- hes black. He can twist crap all day to how bad they have it and how my ancestors are the root of all evil. even said "******** crakers!" which if any white person said the same thing in their direction, would get banned and blacklisted. Always searching for a vehicle to prove racist points instead of reading and listening to whats actually said. I'm disappointed in NT
I'm just happy there is no negrepping on NT
I'd probably be -30 for pointing out common sense
Wow CJ! I love hypocrisy- its fine for black dudes to only like white women and not date black women (said many times around here). But for me to only date the women i tend to prefer, makes me no better than my ancestors and I'm a tripleK member now. Lets not sugarcoat this, you just dont like white people- because you jump at every oppurtunity to turn things into a race issue against whites. I know dudes like you, they just tolerate me- but i can tell they dont like me and prejudge me all the time.

Nowitzness the thing is I never even judged you before you posted that, you were always a cool dude in my book and you still are. It's not an issue of not liking black women, preferences are preferences but what I'm getting from this is that you essentially said that dark skin is just not attractive. The same rhetoric that's been spewed by europeans for centuries. Get the correlation? You like what you like and I respect that, but to say someone isn't attractive because of the tone of their skin is ignorance at it's finest imo. I have no issue with white people at all; do I dislike many actions and statements regarding race made by whites in America? Yes.
Other quick notes on today's jury duty:

~ How am I the youngest person in the jury? Everyone is at least ten years older than I am.
~ If you are 90+, you shouldn't be coming to jury duty. The judge had to literally yell at two men that were really really old.
~ If you are an older lady (50s) and not hot (not a MILF), don't openly talk about sexual encounters in public.
~ Jos should not be dressed in their work clothes.
~ Why was I the best dressed person there? When the judge was interviewing other jurors, there were professionals there wearing shorts and a tee. I looked like I was trained by the "Dressing Better Thread."

Most of all, I should I have exaggerated all the encounters I have had with law enforcement.

they don't want to be there. it's a day off work for them.
I really hate how commercials betray black people. I havent seen nobody sport a natural in decades. Yet in every commercial the blk person either got a nappy head, or natural :lol:
I don't get why y'all are so picky about the female's skin color :smh:...there's beautiful women of allllll ethnicities and from all continents (except maybe Antarctica) :lol: You can't even try to generalize imo b/c there's so many exceptions to whatever the stereotypes may be :smokin :smokin :smokin

im with this guy
All good fam, you like what you like I'm not knocking that. Sometimes I fly off the handle a bit regarding race, I apologize for my comments.

Back to the thread of nothingness...

Who knew K Michelle was sitting on something this heavy :wow: :tongue: :evil:

And for nowitzess :lol:

Why does everything turn into racism because ofppersonal preference.. I don't mess with Asian women.. Does that mean I hate Asian people?
CJ and Nowit.....take that to yall PMs. Yall letting yall feelings show.

My 2 cents: There are gorgeous women from every ethnicity. Im black. I love black women (married one). Dated women from maybe a half dozen races. Wife happens to be black. mj shrug
Why does everything turn into racism because ofppersonal preference.. I don't mess with Asian women.. Does that mean I hate Asian people?

I'm saying :lol: black dudes only like "da snow bunniez" but the second non blacks say we dont find dark skin attractive regardless if shes dark skinned hispanic girl or dark skinned whatever it's a problem :lol: double standards :lol:
^It's not really double standards when both are highly prevalent on and off the internet. I'd say that's one of the few things very even.

That mini mini bike gif :rofl:
These girls I work with are all talking mess about each other to me but when they interact it's the most hilarious fakest stuff I've seen. Every day I go into work and I've got some new story to hear without even asking :lol:

Sounds just like my job :lol: Lulz for days from said stories though.
Why does everything turn into racism because ofppersonal preference.. I don't mess with Asian women.. Does that mean I hate Asian people?

I'm saying :lol: black dudes only like "da snow bunniez" but the second non blacks say we dont find dark skin attractive regardless if shes dark skinned hispanic girl or dark skinned whatever it's a problem :lol: double standards :lol:
CJ and Nowit.....take that to yall PMs. Yall letting yall feelings show.

My 2 cents: There are gorgeous women from every ethnicity. Im black. I love black women (married one). Dated women from maybe a half dozen races. Wife happens to be black. mj shrug

Thank you and repped!
Why you so mad, bro?

You don't control what people talk about in here so sit your *** down.
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