the thread about nothing...

Ugh totally bombed my second organic chemistry exam. This is the second time I'm taking the class too...hold me TAN.
Remember those days. :lol:

After Orgo 1 I went for Biochem. Good luck to you guy.

It feels like a Monday.

Yeah I got through Orgo 1 and everyone has been telling me Orgo 2 is much easier, but I'm not finding that to be the case.

Gotta be grinding all day every day now I guess.

Totally feel you on the feeling like Monday though. I need another spring break.
props to bieber for getting all serious at the end ... didn't expect that... doesn't he have like 4 songs in total ... ehhh rambling
in order for sub-cultures to thrive, knowledge must be shared freely within the community. weird how sneaker culture does not adhere to this and is the total opposite. people wondering why the sneaker game is ****** up, its because of **** like that. 
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