the thread about nothing...


Nah my old ex and I both feel the same about each other. She wouldn't be making the trip out here to see me for 3 weeks in January otherwise. We're both young, but we've discussed marriage/kids together and she's the only girl I've ever thought about that with. I told her I don't mind if she's with other people in the time we can't be together and she's gone on some dates but hasn't let anyone else get the yambs. She's not slutty at all, definite wife material. I've been with 6 other girls since meeting her but that's only because of the extreme distance. If she was right here with me, I wouldn't even THINK about cheating. But that's all I want, I don't want a GF, I focus on myself. I just wanna get the random meaningless yambs until I get another shot with my ex or possibly meet someone even better (which is doubtful). I keep falling into this fake relationship rut with this other girl. It's nice to get topped off and get yambs all the time but it's just not emotionally fair to her. I gotta end it.
Man, girl problems.

I've never been in a serious relationship, but this stuff just sounds like it can be stressful at times.
I lost rep points..

What happened?
I did as well.

Basically, if a thread gets deleted, the rep points earned in that thread are extinguished from your record.
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i gotta get more shoes. For the people in here have you guys given up on buying shoes?
Just saw someone call an AK a "yoppa". So, calling an AK a chopper is no longer cool enough, it became a choppa, but now thats not ganster enough, so now its being called a yoppa. If anything, being on the internet and posting on forums isn't gangster at all

"my ninja got that yoppa, he'll bang it at a coppa"

I've heard it before, it's kinda an old term.
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