The Speech That Cost JFK His Life...(exposing the secret societies)

Jan 17, 2005
Here he is, one of our nation's greatest heroes, speaking up on the secret societies and their schemes. Sadly enough, this speech was what ultimately ledto his assassination.
I wish JFK and RFK were still alive.

Anyone know if Sirhan Sirhan got a life sentence or the Death Penalty?
This aside with tampering with the federal reserve. He signed an act I cant remember which caught the eyes of some angry men in the government. His aim was toexpose all coruption on all scales. The Illuminati was threatened. Just my conpiracy theory about his death.
R.I.P to JFK, I wonder if it was his conscience that made him get ready to expose what was going on.
Sadly I think the message that they sent was pretty clear and no president will ever have the balls to do what JFK did.

Also, don't forget about Executive Order 11110
The power to issue currency shouldn't be in the hands of foreign international bankers, who loan us money at interest in order to keep us slaves to debt.
That power to issue OUR currency belongs to US the people, as stated in the United States Constitution.
The other thread that was 15 pages long wasn't enough? You had to start another one too?

This is a very interesting speech though.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

The other thread that was 15 pages long wasn't enough? You had to start another one too?

This is a very interesting speech though.
This thread and the other thread already are not alike though.
You don't think that the Federal Reserve is a conspiracy?
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

The other thread that was 15 pages long wasn't enough? You had to start another one too?

This is a very interesting speech though.

"wasn't enough," yet "very interesting"

"The wise speak to make a point, fools just speak to be heard."
The other thread had this exact video in it, along with a page or two of discussion. Sounds pretty similar to me. But don't mind me. I'm just a fool,speaking to be heard. Maybe you'd care to throw out the term "sheep" as well?
I just hope that one day, the honest truth is revealed to the American people.

'Til then, we have to work with what we have.
He was the first Roman Catholic President in a country where all other presidents were Christian with bloodlines in the European governments.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Doubt it

come again?
That's what she said!

I honestly doubt this was a reason. I'd buy the mafia conspiracy over this.
What do you think the mafia had to gain from his death?
International bankers had waaaaaaaaaaaaay more to lose I think
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

^ they making a movie about you.. and it sucks,

Says the guy asking for advice with Viagra?

You're done fam'.
Theyesguy: it seems as if your agitated by this thread and the last thread... so I don't understand why you continue to post negative comments... why notjust stay out of the thread?
I mean, there's always some conspiracy that I'm hearing about. Some of the things make sense and all, but at the same time I want to believe that thegovernment isn't as corrupt as some make it out to be.
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