****The Philladelpia Phillies have won the 2008 World Series. Congratulations!****

All of those pitches Kaz threw to Utley were horrible, dude is so vulnerable to sliders away esp behind in the count.
Good start by the Phillies
damn it i got a stream in europe
i'm missing the american commercials....

i wanna see that holiday inn commercial again
howard great d continues
i wouldnt mind if he was hitting...but he's not...shouldve dh'ed him
After the discussion about the rules at the Trop and the stupid catwalks:

McCarver: "I think it's safe to say they're going for a different kind of ring"
Buck: "(long pause) Very nice"

man if we werent playing them i would want crawford to win one

dude stuck it out instead of jumping ship
dude is shook
trying to hard
way too hard
he needs to relax...we need him to step up this series
199 strikeouts in the regular season for Howard.

I'm sorry but I don't think anyone should be able to win MVP with 199 strikeouts.
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