****The Philladelpia Phillies have won the 2008 World Series. Congratulations!****

How in the HELLLL did Pena catch that?!
It is a wrap folks.... This Phillies team is something else. Absolutely amazing. Now we can hopefully save Lidge for tomorrow night if we need him.
holy moly
cole hamels

i dont have tickets but im going down to the park tomorrow night
anyone else?
3 of my friends have tickets tomorrow night

I start my masters classes tomorrow, OPPS looks like i'll be missing my 1st class
One more game ... i'd give anything to be in Philly right now!!!

All the years of pain of being a Philly Phan may be on the verge of ending.
Hamels today, gotta take care of business

how sweet would it be if the phils and the lions won a championship in the same year.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Hamels today, gotta take care of business

how sweet would it be if the phils and the lions when a championship in the same year.
you dont even know my friend, yesterday was one of the best days of my life watching those 2 games

you see the youtube videos of State College last night? It was riot crazy

right outside McLanahan's, I used to work there when I was in school...made me wish I still was, I get to 3-4 games a year still tho
Gonna lose 5 bucks to my boss... he's gonna be at game 5 too.. hopefully he doesn't get to celebrate the actual W or he's really gonna let me haveit
got an exam tomorrow and one wednesday
i dont care
ill take the f

im heading down to the park tonight
dont have ticks but who cares
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