The Oscars: 2024's 96th Academy Awards, 7:00pm March 10th ABC

From what you've described, it really seems that you would take that as disrespectful if it were said to you, or if a comedian looked dead at getback getback and said what you just said.

Na, it wasn't a dig at his personal appearance or disability. Jokes about someone's actions or words is fair game.
Btw, having dealt with racism at an early age myself, is a reason I would avoid racism as a joke topic. But getting older, being used it, unfortunately, it's something that slides in American humor. It's unacceptable but it occurs.
One thing is for sure. Some of you dudes in here have been sheltered growing up. Insults and jokes are a rite of passage growing up. Especially in the black community. Now all of a sudden it's considered bulling when a comedian cracks jokes about celebrities? This generation is soft man.......... :smh:
That doesn't mean everybody was taking the jokes well.

I think most of us knew someone who had a short temper, knew what set them off, and knew which lines they weren't supposed to cross. Still, mofos would stand tens of feet away, say that thing they know they're not supposed to say, and run like hell while the rest of us would laugh. Know what to expect when you decide to push the envelope.

I think I have been consistent in saying comedians should just stop whining and say their ****ing jokes and deal with the backlash.

I think what bothers a lot of comedians is the fact that unlike the pre-social media days, what they say will be seen by folks who would not appreciate their material or pay to watch them perform. Furthermore, the criticism can be instantaneous (long gone are the days where someone had to rely on a critic's column that would be published days after the show). It's on them to roll with the punches and grow the thick skin they want the public to have while continuing to do what they want to do. Social media and its criticism is not going away.
Na, it wasn't a dig at his personal appearance or disability. Jokes about someone's actions or words is fair game.
So YOU are the moral standard of when a punch/slap should be thrown? So appearance off the table, actions are fine. C'mon man. You're obviously coming at this from a place of empathy and good intentions, but this makes no logical sense.
Those celebrities likely made those statements because they were in the wrong, regardless of how they felt in their heart. If they were right, no need for a public apology.

The rush to publicly apologize is often times dictated by public perception of the act, not the perpetrator’s feeling of said act after the fact.

I don’t for a second believe Donald Trump was sorry when he apologized for his “grab them by the *****” remark.
I'm trying to figure where Will goes from here. There's a lot of deep seated issues within him that needs to be taken care of.

This would actually be a good time to take on an unhinged, villainous anti-hero role where he he just exorcises his demons on screen sorta like Denzel in Training Day, Pacino in Scarface, etc. That would be a sight to see! I never see him play the bad guy.

And also my prediction for next year's Oscars, if Will is invited back that is. Will presents the award for best actress. Chris Rock walks to the stage... there's an insanely tense moment. Then they hug it out. Standing ovation and tears from the audience and the recovery and comeback is complete!

How about that!
So YOU are the moral standard of when a punch/slap should be thrown? So appearance off the table, actions are fine. C'mon man. You're obviously coming at this from a place of empathy and good intentions, but this makes no logical sense.
I never said anyone should be punched. I've said Will was wrong. I can just also say Rock was wrong.
We live in an age where the new generations become extra sensitive to any discriminatory thing today. You all can guess the type of "hard" content people would get away with in the 70s, 80, 90s etc. Those times didn't have millennials, gen z, etc. But they must have had people who either knew something shouldn't have been said or done, some people who let things slide and took it in pride, and some who were quite insensitive and didn't gaf.

It's a buildup imo. Constant jokes make a person feel like they're bullied.
No, we live in an age where the new generations become extra sensitive to discriminatory things today. You all can guess the type of "hard" content people would get away with in the 70s, 80, 90s etc. Those times didn't have millennials, gen z, etc. But they must have had people who either knew something shouldn't have been said or done, some people who let things slide, and some who were quite insensitive and didn't gaf.

It's a buildup imo. Constant jokes make a person feel like they're bullied.
We evolve. Things that were ok 50 years ago aren't ok now. That's a good thing.
You right. "His jokes about a person with alopecia". Does that work?
Does it work if he doesn’t know she has alopecia. Have you confirmed that? A person who spoke to Chris that night said he didn’t know she had alopecia.

I think what bothers a lot of comedians is the fact that unlike the pre-social media days, what they say will be seen by folks who would not appreciate their material or pay to watch them perform. Furthermore, the criticism can be instantaneous (long gone are the days where someone had to rely on a critic's column that would be published days after the show). It's on them to roll with the punches and grow the thick skin they want the public to have while continuing to do what they want to do. Social media and its criticism is not going away.

Yeah, at what point do people realize that they have to deal with the realities of the market.

But if someone wants to bring up claims that there are jokes that are getting suppressed that would make people laugh, then just say it.

Like stand-up comedy is an occupation. If you can make people laugh, I would think there is a place in the market for you. But instead, I get this constant whining about how great comedy is being suppressed and denied access to the market when you can just ******* say it. It is not a space in the market dudes are complaining about, it is access to marketing avenues and higher profit opportunities outside of strictly stand-up. It is not the art of stand-up comedy that is being threatened, it is the lifetime earning potential of people that start in comedy

Say your damn joke, b. And deal with what comes next.
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We evolve. Things that were ok 50 years ago aren't ok now. That's a good thing.

I respectfully disagree. Things 50 years ago were better and I say this as a Black Man. We didn't have woke bois, sjws and Libs crying in their Veg Wraps because they stubbed their toes. Slurs were slurs, men were men and you could say what you wanted without getting canceled.
This is just a cope and betrays the obvious indefensibility of your position..:lol:
From your replies I don't even think you know my position but I'm sure you're enjoying thinking you do
Will doesn't care.... but the man he cared enough about to walk on stage and slap.
You're mistaken.

Will doesn't care about what you're talking about.

I literally replied to what you said to say Will doesn't care about that. Not that his wife was insulted or that he was.

I'm not sure why you confused the two.

Is this why you think I'm coping and my stance is indefensible? You could've just asked what I was referring to instead of assuming.
He's now offering groveling public apology. Wut :lol:
The Instagram apology is groveling now?

Again, it seems you cant see this for what it is.

If Will was actually sorry he would've apologized in his acceptance speech. Mans wasn't out of his mind. He was in control and cognizant of everything he said. Of all his choices that night he once again chose not to do something and went to justify his actions.

Its no surprise Chris Rock's apology and statements came out on the same day.

You're concerned with Will not being praised after his achievement as if it really matters. He still won the Oscar. Still got to accept it and give his speech. Still got a standing ovation for it. He was celebrated immediately after and was dancing and performing at the after party.

I mean public perception doesn't even fully agree with your stance. Why pretend it is the majority and prevailing opinion? I mean you admit to being confused for why anyone would even defend Will showing there's something about this you simply cant grasp.
will apologized because of all the backlash he got... if he was really sincere about his apology he woulda apologized to Chris Rock in his acceptance speech.... the only way everything will be all good is if Will agrees to get roasted on comedy central with Chris Rock hosting like Kimmel said
At this point its more likely Chris and Will do a movie together.
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Wrong for doing what exactly? Telling jokes he was brought in to do?
For the 100th time, he can tell jokes without singling out one person to humiliate. If he can't, find someone that can. If you think it's OK to single out one person to degrade in front of them and millions of others, something you'd get slapped for at a BBQ, we can just agree to view things differently.
For the 100th time, he can tell jokes without singling out one person to humiliate. If he can't, find someone that can. If you think it's OK to single out one person to degrade in front of them and millions of others, something you'd get slapped for at a BBQ, we can just agree to view things differently.
You mentioned before not looking dead at someone. Now you're adding to that with not singling someone out. Let's take his same joke, delivered differently.

If he had just said "I see a few bald headed women out here, looking like a bunch of GI Janes," you're all good then?

For the 100th time, he can tell jokes without singling out one person to humiliate. If he can't, find someone that can. If you think it's OK to single out one person to degrade in front of them and millions of others, something you'd get slapped for at a BBQ, we can just agree to view things differently.
If you want clean cut jokes, then you need to check out some religious comedians. But you cannot seriously be on here trying to regulate comedians as to protect peoples feelings. Your utopian ideals don't work in the real world.
For the 100th time, he can tell jokes without singling out one person to humiliate. If he can't, find someone that can. If you think it's OK to single out one person to degrade in front of them and millions of others, something you'd get slapped for at a BBQ, we can just agree to view things differently.
Goodness...if you think that was 'degrading' and 'humiliation'... I don't even.
You remind me why I'm not religious to this day. I've always been open to religion my whole life, but every time I visit a church or any place of worship I feel like everything I say and do is sinful.

No mentally healthy mature person at a BBQ slaps another for a bald joke. That says way more about the slapper than it does the person making that joke.
It's comedy, anything goes. The fat man will laugh at the black joke. The trans girl will laugh at the brown joke. The lesbian will laugh at the cancer joke. The cancer girl will laugh at the short joke....

Somebody will always laugh at a joke at somebody else's expense. You can't act offended when it hits close to home.
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