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Have you played any AC games since Ezio? I thought Syndicate was pretty good but was downplayed because Unity was so broken and left a bad taste in people's mind. Brotherhood still the GOAT AC title tho.

I played 3, and couldn't finish out of boredom. Played 4 and the pirate **** did nothing for me, so couldn't finish. That's when I knew that series passed me by. Heard Syndacite was good tho. Just got better **** to play/not play :lol:
Bruh I could care less what anyone says in regards to GotY. I have yet to play BotW therefore I'm not giving it GotY or even calling it a top 10 game :lol: I am going to play it soon enough but even then I'm almost 99.3% sure that I will like Super Mario Odyssey more than BotW.
or u can like em both the same
because they both end up being goty worthy
or u can like em both the same
because they both end up being goty worthy
While that is possible, I highly doubt it. I'm just now really starting to get into these open world games i.e. The Witcher 3. I would have preferred for Zelda to be a little more linear but seeing as how I've yet to play it, I won't judge it. Odyssey is what I've been wanting since Sunshine. Galaxy while great, loses points with me due to the forced motion controls. I wasn't a huge fan of 3D World either. It's just an all around good year for gaming, especially if you own PS4 or Switch and like their exclusives :smokin
I only played 12 twice since July!!! I only played my SNES mini once!! I need a vacation just to have time to play games smh
All you need is some publication, ANY publication to say GOTY and you can make a GOTY edition :lol: I was gonna say it'll get a GOTY edition and that's about it. AC been washed since Ezio
Wildin ,black flag was the best. So much so,that ubi is now having that team creating a straight up pirate game
Wildin ,black flag was the best. So much so,that ubi is now having that team creating a straight up pirate game

I played 3, and couldn't finish out of boredom. Played 4 and the pirate **** did nothing for me, so couldn't finish. That's when I knew that series passed me by. Heard Syndacite was good tho. Just got better **** to play/not play :lol:

The ship sailing and pirate thing doesn't really do anything for me. I saw it was very popular tho. Read up on that other game a while back. Y'all can have that :lol:
They need to bring back Tenchu and make a real assassin action game with modern technology and gameplay.

Imagine having a GTA-like open world with Ninja Gaiden type flashy wall running and ninja traversal with stealth kills and a legit action game combo system. None of that AC, wait for a counter and press a button to watch a canned animation weakness.
I am obviously just being dramatic :lol:

But the new AC’s gameplay is completely different. It is basically a souls type of a game in a really cool settting. I am pretty excited about it.
I am obviously just being dramatic :lol:

But the new AC’s gameplay is completely different. It is basically a souls type of a game in a really cool settting. I am pretty excited about it.
Hopefully I can resist and not cop day 1 :lol:
Thrift shop had a first version PS3 for $80 on certain days specific items are half off..I will call everyday and see which items are marked down and then I will scoop it up..if it's still there after work
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