The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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Like menphissfinest said earlier.... I personally have used RSVP sites in the past to secure a pair or two. Do I like the fact that I have to pay for a service, no. But I have a full time job with responsibilities, a wife a mortgage. I just can't camp out for days to get a pair of shoes. I've been collecting for over 15 years, sometimes I wish it would go back to the way it used to be, walking in to a store and picking up what you need no problem. It is what it is though. If I have to use a service, so be it....

im actually more content these days now that I miss out more.

less money spent and I actually started wearing shoes that were just sitting on my closet. It almost makes me a smarter consumer since I pay extra, if necessary, for something I want and just say forget it to the stuff I was luke warm on that I would have normally purchased just because.

yes, it does suck when I miss out on something I really want like the cork lebrons... but life goes on and im a cheapy at the end of the day. hate tipping which is essentially what the RSVP stuff is.
Memphis!!! Damn you took the words from my brain man.....thats everything i wanted to say and ES knows your right that's why he blocked you but its all good.

On that note let me clear something up since people think i hate ES for some reason. I Don't.

Hes a smart dude and i know this because we slang a few mentions back and forth on twitter when he first blew up. I look at him as competition and he knows I'm one of the few sites that actually knows what I'm doing as opposed to some of these other sites that have no clue.

I look at him as purely competition like any other site that might get the jump on me because he makes me work harder. If he takes pairs from me that's like another site taking pairs from me, i don't hate the dude its just dislike the way he comes off in his posts sometimes like hes doing the world a favor.

I feel that Memphis pretty much said everything i wanted to say.I f anyone has anything to say or wants to ask me anything (doesn't wanna argue either) please let me know.
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RSVP companies are very concerned about what the masses think about me.

We can just let the code do the talking on Thursday :smile:
 I look at him as competition and he knows I'm one of the few sites that actually knows what I'm doing as opposed to some of these other sites that have no clue.
Shoes + Technology is such a funny mix. So many feelings in here man. I just wish there was more good discussion of beating the system, but everyone knows that no one will share. Which is cool because this is all out in the open, but damn...

Everyone wants a handout on a bot, yet gladly fork over $50 every release for RSVP, when you could just get a bot for one-time cost @ same price. So backwards.
Until people figure out to scrape the Nike db like I think evilside has learned then he will always have an advantage.
I give up. It's so hard just to give Nike my money that I'll just take it elsewhere from now on and not deal with this bots and rsvp nonsense.
Apparently, I got a warning for this post.

Hopefully, it is now conformed to the standards of NT:

If people get mad because un-claim RSVPs go to employees then all the better - maybe then they will see that the current RSVP process is flawed.

You say you would rather see people get the shoes versus the employees.  You need to correct that - because you only care that a person willing to pay your RSVP prices gets the shoe.  If that same person was an employee at a Nike store - you would still be fine with it.  So get it straight - you only care about people who can afford your RSVP prices.

And how much did you charge for the Lebron Champ pack?

And please let me determine the value of my own time.  Of the people at Lenox who got their pairs for TRUE RETAIL - 5 of them have expressed their gratitude towards me - in tweets, in videos, on instagram.  

One guy even hooked-up his friend up with a pack with no fees.  

[Stuff] like that don't happen when you gotta pay $500 for a chance.  In that regards, my time - well spent.

You can brag about your numbers. You can brag about your pairs here and your pairs there.

But what I did was shutdown a region. 

10 packs.

$5000 in RSVP money.

$30,000 - $50,000 potential on the resale market.

When the RSVP process gets harder and harder - your competition will get smaller and smaller.

And believe me - I will still be your competition. I got nothing to lose and plenty to gain.
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