**The Official Rick Ross Appreciation Thread PART 2: "God Forgives, I Don’t" THE ALBUM**

I don't promote nor condone violence, however...last time I checked Pac shot two police officers.
Not saying Pac was a hardcore gangster, but he wasn't no Wayne or Ross tho.
He shot 2 police officers that smashed their windows with guns and were threatening them. That's self defense, not being a gangster. I could see my pops doing the same thing if he felt his family was in harm. If his actions were criminal dude would have done a major bid, but no charges were even pressed. Regardless, Pac was no punk, dude was hothead no doubt, but he wasn't really riding on his enemies like that. B.I.G. would have got murked in 95 if Pac was really on the stuff he talked about.

Point is, Pac wasn't everything he rapped about, but he painted a great picture, and that's all I really care about. It's always been entertainment to me.
The Big article Im talking about is from the late 90's I dont even know if I can find it. As far as the whole "Its entertainment" thing. Thats what this music is and has always been. These _'s are not and have not done all the things they rap about. I love Jay's music but Im not taking everything he says as fact. Jay described what the rap game is on Ignorant ****. Its a lot dudes who have done dirt like Gucci Mane, Jeezy, Boosie and T.I. so that does add authenticity to thier music but most of these dudes just put stories to beats. If we gonna start saying "I only listen to dudes who are real" yall might as well stop listening rap music.

Or you can just listen to Gucci, Jeezy, Boosie, or TI. Right?

I mean, how do you go from saying these dudes "are not have have not done all the things they rap about" and then in the next breath mention Gucci, Jeezy, Boosie and TI and the dirt they've done?

You sound confused.

I find it astounding that you guys can't separate exaggeration and fabrication. Lots of people exaggerate. "Yo, I played ball today and dropped like 50" when you dropped 15.

Lying is not having played ball at all that day. "Yo I smashed this BAD shorty this weekend" but you didn't smash at all.

"Yo, is this you in the picture?" "No, that's a photoshop that some hater trying to assasinate my character made". OK. And then continuing down that same path with this fabricated BAWSE DON KINGPIN steez.

A major part of the problem with this conversation is that you guys have the word "real" twisted. This isn't 1990's "keep it real". I just don't like phony human beings.

Adele is real. Mos Def is real. Kanye is real. Drake is real. Flo and Pit are making party records. BOB has his lane. 50 done put in work and anyone you talk to who knows him will tell you he is NO JOKE.

Their music is a fairly honest reflection of who they seem to be personally. Of course I know there is some poetic/artistic license involved.

But they aren't actors who rap. And I can't recall a single situation where they straight up lied. If anything they are almost TOO honest, hence some of the hate that Drake gets for being a "simp".
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Only problem I got is why Plies be acting like he dont have a nursing degree from a top med school.
For real. I'm actually impressed by that more than anything, but I just hate that he all his rapping is about what his brother did. I always get a chuckle about Plies "hidin in bushes wit da yoppa", when I'm like "Ummm, no Plies, that was your brother"
you know what...I didn't know this was really true.

Go figure. 
The difference with Ross is the fact that he takes this persona beyond the music, do you not hear this guys interviews he acts like he's really a mob boss. Music is Music but when you take that persona and start to act everywhere you go it becomes corny.

Not to mention a big reason he gets all that is because he continues to lie about the situation. Like fam just say you weren't dealing drugs its cool... ****** are worshipping rappers who call themselves pretty *******, & dudes who kiss on the lips you feel me?
So what do you want him to do?

He already kinda spoke on it in "Valley of Death"...and I guess he outright denied it... 

Call ya boy, A C.O. but if I really was
When all these *****s undercover, ****** *****s up
Keep it trilla, ***** never had a gun and badge
Kept a nice, watch smokin' on a hundred sack

Back in the day, I sold crack for some nice kicks
Skippin' school, I saw my friend stabbed with a ice pick
Young ***** 15 with 3 C's
From that very day I carried on the 3 C's

Can't criticize *****s tryna get jobs
Better get smart, young brotha live yours
Only live once and I got 2 kids
And for me to feed them I get 2 gigs

I shuffle ****, I ceo so we can bow our head
And pray over the meatloaf
I'm lookin' at the big picture
Keep a ***** with cha, tryna get a bit richer

I remember prayin' for, for me to just get the
The opportunity to just get a record deal
And now I sign artists
Thank you, lord

It personally doesn't bother me because its just entertaining to me anyways. I don't really care. I mean If you can't enjoy a song because you're too worried about fact checking, go read a book.

I mean seriously. What does complaining about Ross do to change his popularity or success? 
The Big article Im talking about is from the late 90's I dont even know if I can find it. As far as the whole "Its entertainment" thing. Thats what this music is and has always been. These _'s are not and have not done all the things they rap about. I love Jay's music but Im not taking everything he says as fact. Jay described what the rap game is on Ignorant ****. Its a lot dudes who have done dirt like Gucci Mane, Jeezy, Boosie and T.I. so that does add authenticity to thier music but most of these dudes just put stories to beats. If we gonna start saying "I only listen to dudes who are real" yall might as well stop listening rap music.

Or you can just listen to Gucci, Jeezy, Boosie, or TI. Right?

I mean, how do you go from saying these dudes "are not have have not done all the things they rap about" and then in the next breath mention Gucci, Jeezy, Boosie and TI and the dirt they've done?

You sound confused.


Its pretty clear what I said. Most rappers are not doing the stuff they rap about not even close. If you just wanna listen to a few rappers that you know are real cool. Do you. I think the whole real/fake debate is dumb for real cause unless your with somebody in his day to day life we dont know what that man has done or been through. That applies for every rapper.
you know what...I didn't know this was really true.

Go figure. :lol:

It's very true :lol: As somebody already said, the internet has made it very easy to find out what's "real". It sucks that some sites purposely undercut how good of a high school student he was in both sports and academics, just to "appeal to the streets". I actually like finding out that multiple rappers have been college educated, whether they've graduated or just did a year or two. It's just funny listening to tracks like "Murkin Season" and "Goons Lurkin", knowing good and well that he was in college studying and prepping lab experiments just like I was.
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Its pretty clear what I said.

I didn't say I was confused. Yes, what you said was clear. I said you sound confused because there was a bit of a contradiction in there.

You sound confused again.....

And as for not knowing "what that man has done", well, there are public records that would suggest otherwise in some cases.

But let me ask you this......how can you say "Most rappers are not doing the stuff they rap about not even close".....

And then say......"unless your with somebody in his day to day life we dont know what that man has done or been through"......


That's another contradiction.

You obviously see it how you see it, and I see it a different way and we can just leave it at that. Happy Hour is on the horizon.

you know what...I didn't know this was really true.

Go figure. :lol:

It's very true :lol: As somebody already said, the internet has made it very easy to find out what's "real". It sucks that some sites purposely undercut how good of a high school student he was in both sports and academics, just to "appeal to the streets". I actually like finding out that multiple rappers have been college educated, whether they've graduated or just did a year or two. It's just funny listening to tracks like "Murkin Season" and "Goons Lurkin", knowing good and well that he was in college studying and prepping lab experiments just like I was.

Ole' titrating for pH lookin a... :rofl:
Its pretty clear what I said.
I didn't say I was confused. Yes, what you said was clear. I said you sound confused because there was a bit of a contradiction in there.

You sound confused again.....

And as for not knowing "what that man has done", well, there are public records that would suggest otherwise in some cases.

But let me ask you this......how can you say "Most rappers are not doing the stuff they rap about not even close".....

And then say......"unless your with somebody in his day to day life we dont know what that man has done or been through"......


That's another contradiction.

You obviously see it how you see it, and I see it a different way and we can just leave it at that. Happy Hour is on the horizon.

Its not really a contradiction in the sense that you're just choosing to say "you can never really know what someone does in their prior life" 

You're just choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt whereas he isn't putting it past them. 

Its like saying "well since he said he was, he might as well be!"
This man Ross just says whatever on the mic :smh:. Like the saying goes, he's been living this lie so long that he probably actually believes it's real. But since I don't care I still rock to his music cause none of these guys are as real as they claim (not that I care).
That aint no contradiction. Thats common sense. Theres no way all these dudes are living the life they rap about but at the sametime some have to an extent. We dont know for sure. You can go off of stuff you see online or whatever but the fact remains. You and others have said "I dont like frauds or phonies" yet yall are in dudes appreciation thread more than his fans. I aint the one thats confused. If I think somebody is phony Im not wasting my time on 'em.
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Its not really a contradiction in the sense that you're just choosing to say "you can never really know what someone does in their prior life" 

You're just choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt whereas he isn't putting it past them. 

Its like saying "well since he said he was, he might as well be!"

The contradiction to me is this....

He's telling me I can't say who is real and who isn't because "I'm not with them everyday" in essence.

But then, how can he say "these rappers aren't living the life they're rapping about" if he isn't with them everyday to verify that either?

So it's "dumb" for me to think what I think but it's isn't dumb for him to think what he thinks, when ultimately, neither one of us can 100% verify our beliefs?

And mind you, he's kicking that **** to me.

He's making broad sweeping statements about how NO rappers have done everything they rap about. How can he make such a claim but tell me I can't do the same?

Especially when I'm talking about SPECIFIC artists. Is everything those artists say 100% true? Maybe not. I've already allowed for poetic and artistic license. Is every human 100% honest. Probably not. So in it's own way, that's real too.

Are they known liars that are crafting this extravagant personality and glorifying and glamourizing a dangerous lifestyle that by most accounts leads to death or jail? I don't think so.

That aint no contradiction. Thats common sense. Theres no way all these dudes are living the life they rap about but at the sametime some have to an extent. We dont know for sure.

You're doing it again. You're saying there is "NO WAY all these dudes are living the life they rap about but at the sametime some have to an extent"

And then the next line you type is "We don't know for sure".


If we don't know for sure, then you can't really say there is no way. You sound confused.
Its not really a contradiction in the sense that you're just choosing to say "you can never really know what someone does in their prior life" 

You're just choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt whereas he isn't putting it past them. 

Its like saying "well since he said he was, he might as well be!"

The contradiction to me is this....

He's telling me I can't say who is real and who isn't because "I'm not with them everyday" in essence.

But then, how can he say "these rappers aren't living the life they're rapping about" if he isn't with them everyday to verify that either?

So it's "dumb" for me to think what I think but it's isn't dumb for him to think what he thinks, when ultimately, neither one of us can 100% verify our beliefs?

Which is why I said this whole debate is dumb. You can keep going back to "You sound confused" or whatever but my whole point has been the same from the jump. Most of rap is entertainment and thats it.

You and others have said "I dont like frauds or phonies" yet yall are in dudes appreciation thread more than his fans. I aint the one thats confused. If I think somebody is phony Im not wasting my time on 'em.

I see you aint wanna address this though..... Moving on with my night.
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You in business?
It's basically branding. Branding is something you tend to spend money on.
iDJ can say they have another #1 album. Their artist can say he has another #1 album.
Some people would view that as a sound investment. It ain't like they're breaking the bank.
Assuming they are even doing this. Which is really all heresay. It was done once in the business, and for the record, they don't actually BUY them persay. And I'll leave it at that.

Ross' fanbase isn't big at all. Ross all over the radio & TV and still can't beat any of Jizzle's first week sales..
at this point , whoever likes ross will continue to like him and

those who don't have made up their minds. we on 

page 75 of an appreciation thread and you have the same

people who dislike ross continue to check in

just to express their dislike for dude , nobody in this forum

holds ANY weight in the streets , just sneakerheads on 

message forums.......those who's opinions matter on "street"

topics could care less about the c.o ordeal...

streets aren't what you see on "the wire" ,  theres hood dudes

that'll sing along to nicki minaj and drake that'll 

pop u with the quickness , very seldom will u see a hood

dude call ross fake
Honestly the last few Ross interviews I seen dude always seems mad humble and says he is blessed to have this opportunity. It's not like he came out of nowhere he was grinding for years trying to get put on, sleeping on Eric Sermons couch and stuff.

Bottom line is Ross makes good music, so I'm gonna keep listening to him

Anyways back to the music

Album is dope...... Ashamed Amsterdam, and Presidential  :wow:

Right behind deeper than rap

Teflon Don
Port of Miami

A lot of people slept on Deeper Than Rap b/c of the whole C.O. situation & dnt realize that it was some of his best work...

Deepr Than Rap
Teflon Don
Port of Miami

I guess he maxed out at Teflon Don & the expectations was to high for me b/c this album didn't live up IMO. Definitely not garbage but it has no replay value to me like his previous work
I guess 2Pac never existed. He was THE studio gangster.
I don't promote nor condone violence, however...last time I checked Pac shot two police officers.

Not saying Pac was a hardcore gangster, but he wasn't no Wayne or Ross tho.



Music still classic. But if he came out today, his card would get pulled.

Guys gotta stop taking entertainment as gospel.
This is the real problem here.

Most of you all need actual role models instead of clinging to music artists.

I have no problem listening to ross nor do I look to music to educate me. It doesn't have any obligation to do other than just what it already does.

I have books for that. I have degrees for that. 

It sucks, but I'm not wasting my time trying to convince everyone that I NEED music to have positive messages. If it does, so be it. If not, then so be it. 
Why is it so hard to believe Ross was a crooked CO?

Dude was running with the BOOBIE BOYS back when his career was starting out. Say what you want to say about him, but that's pretty much all the credit he needs...

but then again, Ross is the most non-rapping rapper ever and I wasn't really feeling this album too much. Honestly, Ross hasn't made an original track since Port of Miami. Everything he puts out now is just a different version of BMF or " _____ Music", with Khaled talking in the back with whoever has the biggest buzz in the business right now.
Why is it so hard to believe Ross was a crooked CO?

Why is this the main rebuttal?

I could see if Ross himself would have came out and said "Yeah I was a CO but I was dirty".

But...that ***** STILL TIL THIS DAY...will not openly flat out come out and say "I was a correctional officer". He sidesteps THE HELL out of that question whenever it's bought up.

Are ya'll that much of a fan that ya'll have to resort to the "well maybe he was a crooked CO" angle?
Why is it so hard to believe Ross was a crooked CO?
Why is this the main rebuttal?

I could see if Ross himself would have came out and said "Yeah I was a CO but I was dirty".

But...that ***** STILL TIL THIS DAY...will not openly flat out come out and say "I was a correctional officer". He sidesteps THE HELL out of that question whenever it's bought up.

Are ya'll that much of a fan that ya'll have to resort to the "well maybe he was a crooked CO" angle?
The only reason I wonder if he never admitted being dirty is because that might be illegal?

I mean If you're a CO who admits to moving it in jail, doesn't that imply you're itching to get scooped up by the FBI?

I mean if they're listening to Meek Mills records and telling him to watch his lyrics, I guess people are analyzing Ross' lyrics too. 
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