The OFFICIAL Powerball and Megamillions thread:

Damn, someone in Milpitas, CA won again (5 numbers). This the Chevron by my house too for the 2nd time, last time was a 425 mil winner
The lottery is fixed for east coast winners .. every now n then someone in cali or the midwest will win. But majority are somewhere on the east of the US
The winner already came forward to claim. That was fast. Given that they're from a very poor town in Mass, they wouldn't know anything about financial advisors and lawyers. Good luck.
Definitely would get a lawyer and a financial advisor, if I won the lotto.

Pay off my loans and debt would be the first thing on the list. I feel that once I do that, I may go crazy lol.
And the winner is .... Mavis

Yeah Chicopee is pretty impoverished, like Holyoke, Springfield and a lot of Western MA. Hopefully it's someone that needed it and is able to help out many people.

I was listening to one story about a couple who won 27 mill, spent it on a a jet, cars and ultimately lost it all in a few years and filed for divorce. Like wtf...
It is crazy. Even sitting on interest of $1 mil can get you out of binds years down the line.

Does MA allow you to be anonymous, or a trust/lawyers collect in your name? She did the exact opposite of what you should do. I get she wants her money asap with that first check being months down the line. This first month, she's gonna have vultures from all walks of life trying to offer her money up front if she pays it back soon. But this right here is your average everyday lottery player. The lottery doesnt care for your well being. They will eat up all this publicity at her expense. They at least could have advised her to wait a day and line up some help.
Shoulda named a trust or something
Pretty sure there could have been some anonymity
Its all luck, and they probably spent only like 6-10 dollars. Lottery pooling mustve pumped alot of money into this jackpots only to have 1 person win
I would've remained anonymous for as long as I can and figure out how to properly handle everything. I'd be super paranoid if I were her right now :lol:
It is crazy. Even sitting on interest of $1 mil can get you out of binds years down the line.

Does MA allow you to be anonymous, or a trust/lawyers collect in your name? She did the exact opposite of what you should do. I get she wants her money asap with that first check being months down the line. This first month, she's gonna have vultures from all walks of life trying to offer her money up front if she pays it back soon. But this right here is your average everyday lottery player. The lottery doesnt care for your well being. They will eat up all this publicity at her expense. They at least could have advised her to wait a day and line up some help.

Mass does allow you to claim it through a trust. People are saying it is rigged based on how calm she is. I don't buy that. She's just stupid. Easier to disappear when you've planned it out ahead of time. And yes, she's an everyday lottery player so this behavior was to be expected.
She look kinda special. Bless her heart. Im staying under the radar until all business is handled & even then I'm looking to a trust or someway to remain anonymous. You'd think ppl would have some grasp of this by now
I really wonder why (besides luck) some ppl win it all & why some jackpots are split
Her FB page as of this morning was still public. Friends of friends telling others who are trying to be helpful by telling her to close her page are telling others to mind their business. They say she's more of a scratch off player yet picked her numbers. 99% of the people I know do the quick pick. Only hardcore $200/ week players have time to pick numbers and wait in line etc. it's like clockwork. Great case study of what not to do. It's already public that she has two kids too. It's crazy yet sad. I shouldn't feel bad. Totally her choice. She's putting family and friends at risk though.
Ol girl is cashing a Mayweather check how is she at risk? She got enough paper to get money team like security.
Its a shame. Either would have loved it to see it hit 1.7 billion or seen jackpot split among people who needed to win. Ppl who have jobs win? What about others
There's only a few states where you can claim anonymity... A blind/bridge trust are probable If you're not in one of those states but it's a lot of hassle.

The hassle would be worth it. What's a few months of inconvenience compared to lifetime of peace knowing that your name and face isn't everywhere?
Wouldnt even wild out like that. Think I'm take enough now to spend responsibly. Only thing is being bored af bc everyone else has to work lol
If y'all win, would you give away/donate money to a cause?

If so, how much.
If y'all win, would you give away/donate money to a cause?

If so, how much.

I would donate A LOT. Put money towards health care and education in Latin American and African countries. I don't know how much that would realistically accomplish, but it's better than buying yachts and cars and **** for myself.

I would just move out to the SoCal area, buy a decent house and new car and then try to help people out.
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