The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

I dont know if this is a Canadian only thing, but this was just announced.

500GB Crystal White PS3 with 1 Year PS+ - $299.99

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^ yea, so far only for Canada. Yesterday Best Buy Canada had 500gb ps3 with LBP2, battle all stars and a year of plus for $60. The error went unnoticed for three hours and they honored the mistake :rofl:
^ yea, so far only for Canada. Yesterday Best Buy Canada had 500gb ps3 with LBP2, battle all stars and a year of plus for $60. The error went unnoticed for three hours and they honored the mistake :rofl:

Highly doubt they will honor the mistake unless you live in Quebec. Best Buy will send you a coupon within a week and cancel your order.
I remember seeing you playing Heavenly Sword. Did you finish it?? What did you think??

I finished it, and for what it was (being a very early PS3 game) it was good for its time but now has been greatly surpassed. I had a very very in depth conversation with the creative director one night and learned a lot of interesting facts about the very very rocky development of the game.

It was originally developed on the 360 and they had had funding to produce it there and were working on releasing it in 2008 I think. Eventually, they (M$) were unhappy with the product and development was halted. They shopped it around to other studios but were unable to secure funding for the IP to stay independent. So to move forward they signed on with Sony and got a raw deal contractually giving up the IP rights. Sony funded them enough to up the poly-count and make it look and sound pretty, but the team was very rushed to get the game out polished or not. If you've played it, you know what I'm talking about as you can tell that the game feels very unfinished, underwhelming, poorly edited, and extremely repetitive at times.

After the game came out they broke away from Sony to become independent. In the process he lost all of his rights to work on Heavenly sword which was his brainchild for YEARS. What we saw in that game was a very small glimpse of the overall story he had conceived so if the overall story will ever be told he would have to re-build his relationship with Sony. |I

Maybe Sony will re-think it now that DmC is getting good reviews. But you can best believe he's going to be making a lot of demands about the rights and development :lol:

Overall I'd still say it's worth a rent/play if you can have it for less than 20.

You're right there. I got it when it first came out, and while I like the game, you can definitely feel that there's so much more to it. I would love to learn more about Kai and Nariko's relationship. They just skimmed over it real quick.

It seemed that Sony was really trying to push this game as the benchmark for graphics and power for the PS3, but it really ended up as what felt like was a nice long demo.
you know what i want... i want tomonobu itagaki to create a ninja turtles game... i was sick when he made ninja gaiden sigma 1, 2.. but as soon as he left, team ninja screwed up big.. ninja gaiden 3 was a joke...

it would be so sick to have a real ninja turtles game, similar to ninja gaiden.. but then also with stealth kills and weapon upgrades.. and make them look like the old school ninja turtles.. but still give the option to change to colored headbands or any of the cartoon alter egos.. i think they could really make something sick if that would happen...
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Add me to the list of people getting Ni No Kuni and then tossing to the back of my backlog which is about 20 games deep currently. I would have waited but I had to get the Wizard's edition.

I'll also get Wake up club to see what the fuss is about. It's got trophies so I can't complain.

Also Vita's becoming a beast for fighting games.
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus Supports Cross Play And Cross System Costume DLC

@Hybrid What's wrong with The Last of Us if you can say.
I really want to play it but my New Years resolution was to buy no new games this year and get through my backlog along with playing retro games for inspiration.
I need to do this. I have sooooo many games to play. That is actually a great idea. Lets motivate each other :lol:

There's 2 games I want to play this year that I'll be sad not to. Bioshock Infinite and Titan from Blizzard. If Titan actually launches this year then I might break. I can live with waiting to play everything else.

I've already played builds of The Last of Us. I wasn't very impressed. GTA V will be impressive but I see no reason why it will kill me to play it later.

Here was my E-mail for New Years:

My New Year's Resolution for 2013 is to not purchase any new video games this year and play/replay strictly games that I own! I will be completing one game per month at minimum. If I finish early I will choose a wildcard(s) that I will be able to complete remaining time in the month. I could go into a whole rant about how the current state of the industry has driven me to this and how I'm in desperate need of inspiration but let's just get to the list:

Jan - Heavenly sword

Feb - Kingdom Hearts 2

March - Metal Gear: Snake Eater - Subsistance

April - Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

May - Final Fantasy 13: Linear Edition

June - Chrono Trigger

July - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

August - Shadow of the Colossus

September - The Walking Dead Season 1

October - Final Fantasy 9

November - Resident Evil 4

December - Final Fantasy Tactics

Wild Cards:
- Limbo
- Spec Ops: The Line
- Shenmue/Shenmue II
- Shinning Force II
- Journey
- Devil May Cry 3: Special edition
- Heavy Rain
- Team Fortress 2
- Skyrim
- Sequence
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
- Hitman Absolution
- Deus Ex : Game of the Year edition
- Dishonored
- The Legend of Zelda (NES)
- Chrono Cross
- Thousand Arms
If anyone has Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete please let me know as I would really like to play it!
Can u explain why last of us didn't impress u and why or what they may have did that made u feel that way I'm really looking forward to the game
A bunch of signs are pointing to PS4 being revealed & annouced this year:

-PS2 end of lifecyle & no longer being produced.
-New "Limited Edition" colors SKU's of the PS3 showing up in North America (Canada)

Report: Sony Has Major Announcement For May, Possibly About PlayStation 4


Engadget's Spanish language site published an interview with with Sony VP of home entertainment Hiroshi Sakamoto today, in which Sakamoto hints that a major hardware announcement from the company is coming around the time of the annual E3 convention.

According to Engadget's translation, "He told Emol (translated by Engadget Spanish) in response to a question about "a new announcement related to the new PlayStation," that while the news is "still a big secret," the PlayStation side of Sony, "are getting ready for it."

After a follow-up question regarding whether the news was a "big announcement" or "something complimentary," he stated, "Probably the former, on that date we hope to deliver big news, but we must wait until May at least."

Obviously, it's -- while this is hardly a confirmation -- it's easy to read this comments that the next PlayStation console, codenamed "Orbis," is being set to be announced at or around the time of E3. Sounds like this should be a very interesting show indeed.

i wonder if ps4/orbis can sign on via psn thereby sharing the same "space" with vita/3 users.

3 will still be good for their store and netflix etc. by the time 4 drops.....what in geting at is 3/vita users seeing 4 users signed on and visa versa....keep word a mouth REAL easy for Sones.

this answers trophy questions as well....yes i feel they AND screen nanes/content downloads will carry over to 4/orbs

Yo! I’m excited to finally announce that our first wave of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale DLC will be available February 12th. Here’s what to expect.

Kat graces PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale with her presence, as an up-close melee fighter who utilizes her ability to manipulate gravity to turn the tide in battle. Players who enjoyed Gravity Rush on PS Vita know that Kat loves to bend gravity to allow her to dash, slide, and fly from one place to another, and her All-Stars incarnation is no exception. Those who enjoy AP burst combos and varied mobility will definitely gravitate towards Kat.


Emmett Graves from Starhawk joins the fray! He brings his signature “Build & Battle” style from Starhawk, calling down different structures to aid him in battle, including Rift Extractors for AP and Flak Turrets that fire at will. Aside from his default rifle and pistol, Emmett can also call for additional weaponry in the form of shotgun and rocket launcher loadouts, allowing him to adapt to any situation. These loadouts will also change his level 1 super, giving him a total of five supers to choose from!


They're both looking good, they got them spot on IMO, can't wait to try them out. Remember that they're free for the first 2 weeks

There's also some new info, pics and a trailer for Lightning Returns.


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