The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3




^ Nice start. Needs more content for now though.
Thanks, working on that now.

On another note. I may have to turn down a wedding for the first time. I usually shoot solo and this one is just too large. 20 people in the wedding party. And even though I know I could do it, it would be a beast. Has anyone shot a wedding that large?
^ Nice start. Needs more content for now though.
Thanks, working on that now.

On another note. I may have to turn down a wedding for the first time. I usually shoot solo and this one is just too large. 20 people in the wedding party. And even though I know I could do it, it would be a beast. Has anyone shot a wedding that large?
Solo? No. Did it with a friend.
Some shots i got today with a friend, my first time out since getting my D7100 any criticism is appreciated.

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My old co-worker requested if i shoot her wedding. I told her im only 3-4months into
this photography thing, she understood and was cool with it. So i suggested we do SEVERAL practice
shoots leading up to the wedding date.

These are a few from the 1st practice shoot. Any suggestions, holla at me.




^I'm sure ksteezy can chim in on some help with wedding photography as well as other's but my suggestion would be to try and not cut off body parts. For example on that last pic the legs are cut off, try and keep the entire body in the frame but in some situations it wouldn't matter.

Check out ksteezy's blog to give you an idea on how to compose some of your shots.

On another note does anyone have a youtube tutorial or write up that they ran across on how to integrate a watermark into the picture? I looked at this one ( but after following the steps I think a few are missing and can't seem to get it right.

Was looking to integrate a watermark in this pic.

Welcome to the 7100 club, im sure you will enjoy the button placment more than anything. What lense did you get?

haha thanks for the help btw and I got the 50mm 1.8d to start and I'm about to purchase a 35mm in the next couple days.
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feedback appreciated
1st pic - It looks fine, just really flat to me. The almost straight on lighting doesn't help give the photo any dimension either. I'd like to see what this might look like in b&w, and possibly more of a pano type crop.

2nd pic - first thing I see immediately is the horizon is crooked. Might have chosen a different composition, and not my subject dead center in the frame.
Idk how many of you guys are on but for those of you who are and in Chicago I'll be at this photo walk on Saturday. It would be nice to meet some of you and walk around the city

Man this sounds amazing but I work Saturday and will be heading to see my parents for Father's Day.

Anything else that pops up like this shoot me a PM if you remember...or I guess post here. I'm a newb so I want to do things like this with people who know what they are doing and learn from their craft.

I'd also be down to meet up with you and do some shooting along with any other NTers that might be down. I'm new to photography and new to the city so I need to know of some good shooting spots. I eventually want to take a pic of the skyline and have it printed on canvas for my wall.
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