The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Anyone been a "guest" shooter at a wedding? My cousin is getting married and she has hired a photographer, but my aunt is asking me if I don't mind taking photos as well with my cam. Not obligated to take every shot since I'll be enjoying the wedding, but needed to know how to avoid interfering with the hired photographer while still composing good shots. Cc: ksteezy ksteezy

Nowadays everyone brings DSLRs to weddings and is just something photographers just have to deal sucks, but you can't expect people to not want to pull out their cameras...just have a good sense of where you are standing, chances are you won't get any great shots if you are not the main photographer so I don't even understand why people would want to lug a big camera to an event they are

I'm bringing my camera and 24L to my broinlaws wedding and I'm only using it during the reception while people are dancing and is not in the way of the hired shooter at all.

Don't for one second think of pulling the couple aside for your own portraits bro, we had some dude pull that stunt at a wedding and we missed the time window for our portraits because he took them and they couldn't blame us, hope the shots dude got were worth
Good to know. I have always been anti mirrorless but honestly I am not even sure why. I would never ditch a DSLR but i know in certain scenarios, a mirrorless would be better like traveling to some crazy places like Brazil where theft can be pretty high.

Good to know. I have always been anti mirrorless but honestly I am not even sure why. I would never ditch a DSLR but i know in certain scenarios, a mirrorless would be better like traveling to some crazy places like Brazil where theft can be pretty high.

Interesting. Digital Rev just put this up:

That's how I always felt about mirrorless vs DSLR. My mind changed when I realized that I was able to get DSLR quality photos with half the weight and bulk. Granted, I'm still on the fence about selling my DSLR to go to mirrorless, but I figured it's worth a shot.
85 milly is in! Can't wait to test it. Couple test shots around the house...first impression is the AF is pretty damn quick.
85 milly is in! Can't wait to test it. Couple test shots around the house...first impression is the AF is pretty damn quick.

85 is a great length. Did a shoot today and shot the whole thing at 2.8 and the bokeh is serious. Should've shot some stuff at 1.8 to see what I would get. Got a shoot tomorrow though. Was having a rough time with finding my spots though and has me wanting that 70-200 haha.
85 is a great length. Did a shoot today and shot the whole thing at 2.8 and the bokeh is serious. Should've shot some stuff at 1.8 to see what I would get. Got a shoot tomorrow though. Was having a rough time with finding my spots though and has me wanting that 70-200 haha.
Lets see the sample shots!
Really like all 3 shots. Also send you a +follow on Flickr.

Which 85mm is that you shot with?

Thanks! Those were pretty much the only shots that I liked from the whole session. I need more practice. I was shooting with the 85mm f/1.8G. I need to stop going so hard on the sharpening when I export haha. I followed you back on flickr.
Thanks yall. It was my first outdoors shoot with my strobes. Alien Bee 800 with a Westcott Apollo Orb powered by a Vagabond Mini. I need to learn more about composition etc. I feel like my shots were not composed well at all. I tried to shoot some wide shots with the 35mm but it just seemed so awkward. I have a shoot tomorrow and think I will try the 50mm out, and hopefully it isn't too wide of a shot for me.
What about spare batteries? I have a Canon, should I stick with the same brand? Seems like spare Canon batteries are expensive, and generic brands are a lot cheaper. Is it worth it?
What about spare batteries? I have a Canon, should I stick with the same brand? Seems like spare Canon batteries are expensive, and generic brands are a lot cheaper. Is it worth it?

I bought a Calumat brand and I am not sure if it is faulty but it's drains way faster than my Canon one. IMO I would get a Canon or at least a better 3rd party brand.
I tried playing around with my D3200 and 35 f/1.8 today. It got way too cold for my liking and I ended up heading inside after a few minutes. I did manage to snap a couple WDYWT pics though.

In the second pic I noticed the area around the laces looked a little purple. Would that be considered chromatic aberration/purple fringing? I remember reading that the lens is particularly prone to that sort of thing before I bought it. I've never really seen examples of it though.


Crop in really tight on the laces and if the purple is around the outside edges of it, could purple fringing. This is a real high contrast scene though so it could  also the camera struggling to expose the black laces properly.
Crop in really tight on the laces and if the purple is around the outside edges of it, could purple fringing. This is a real high contrast scene though so it could  also the camera struggling to expose the black laces properly.


So would this be fringing or just poor exposure? lol Anyway, thanks for the input. Not too worried about it, just curious.
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A friend of mine just contacted me for a photoshoot for a product he's starting to sell. Anyone have any idea what I should be setting my price point at?
What about spare batteries? I have a Canon, should I stick with the same brand? Seems like spare Canon batteries are expensive, and generic brands are a lot cheaper. Is it worth it?

Wasabi is a really good brand for 3rd party batteries.


So would this be fringing or just poor exposure? lol Anyway, thanks for the input. Not too worried about it, just curious.

That chromatic aberration is due to the lens.
Just some randoms from yesterday. I'm really starting to love this camera more than my D7100 (which is for sale btw, as well as my Sigma 35 f/1.4 cough cough)

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Went out and shot my boys engagement (buddhist) ceremony. Was finally able to test the 85mm out. I'll have some samples out soon
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