The Official NFL Off-Season Thread - Tony Gonzalez traded to the Falcons

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Peppers to NE is NOT good for the rest of the NFL.

Peppers said he wants to play for an Elite 3-4 team...

I dunno how much truth to this rumor there is but him being able to play end and line backer in NE would be something serious.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Whoever gets Housh is going to overpay. I'm not sure why people are dying to have a 32 year old possession receiver. I'm glad the Eagles didn't pursue.
Think of all the single coverage Houshmandzadeh and Berrian will get because of AP...

He'd be well worth the price for us I think. Not sure how beneficial it would be for Seattle, Cincy, or TB to throw all that $ at them because they don't have any other proven offensive weapons like we do.
How exactly will single coverage benefit a guy who has six catches in his career for 40+ yards? I just have a feeling that he's going to getsomething stupid like $7.5-$8M average over 5-6 years.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

what in the hell is everyone in the NFL doing? lololololololololololololol ... canty and hall worth that much money ... eagles let dawkins walk ... broncos dangle cutler ... this had been weird free agency period ...
The FA crop SUCKS. All the top talent got new contracts or were franchised before free agency starts. Haynesworth was the only top talent outthere. That means that a lot of teams have money to burn, and they'll do it by overpaying players.
if the pats get pep they have to give him a huge deal which is something they are not known to do. they do have the cap space now though. hopefully we canrealign the divisions if that happens though
. tired of getting beattwice a year by them every year
I guess we got em because he could play end and tackle. We dont know how Osi will come back so if anything happens we have Canty. Im sure he'll be comingin on 3rd down situations. Im not that worried about the money. Teams could just cut a player whenever they want. I guess we'll see what happens.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Whoever gets Housh is going to overpay. I'm not sure why people are dying to have a 32 year old possession receiver. I'm glad the Eagles didn't pursue.
Ok..if that's where you stand then I respect that..but can I ask why?

McNabb clearly stated to your front office at the end of this past season that he will not sign a contract extension unless they go out and improve the team.Well let's look at what the Eagles have done so far (if I'm forgetting anything let me know):

-Lost Brian Dawkins to Denver
-Lost Lito Sheppard to NYJ
-Basically told Houshmandzadeh to stuff it when he said they were a team he was interested in

Donovan HAS to be looking at this as a terrible off-season so far (even though we've only completed 3 days). He's been upset with the Eaglesorganization countless times during his time with them...and I really hope we hear a comment from him in the near future about what the Eagles have"done" so far. It's looking more and more like Donovan will jet sometime in the next year or two and the Eagles will be stuck with Kolb as theirstarter

So basically my question is, how can you just be glad that the Eagles are not interested at all in T.J.? Everyone knows the only quality receiver McNabb hashad to throw to is T.O. during his one season throwing to him. How you can you be glad that the Eagles didn't at least take a look at Housh is beyondme...unless maybe you think they're going to go after Boldin? You never know what will happen in Arizona...they could resolve their issues. You can'tassume 'Quan will be out there on the market..

*Waiting patiently for your response Joka
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Whoever gets Housh is going to overpay. I'm not sure why people are dying to have a 32 year old possession receiver. I'm glad the Eagles didn't pursue.
Ok..if that's where you stand then I respect that..but can I ask why?

McNabb clearly stated to your front office at the end of this past season that he will not sign a contract extension unless they go out and improve the team. Well let's look at what the Eagles have done so far (if I'm forgetting anything let me know):

-Lost Brian Dawkins to Denver
-Lost Lito Sheppard to NYJ
-Basically told Houshmandzadeh to stuff it when he said they were a team he was interested in

Donovan HAS to be looking at this as a terrible off-season so far (even though we've only completed 3 days). He's been upset with the Eagles organization countless times during his time with them...and I really hope we hear a comment from him in the near future about what the Eagles have "done" so far. It's looking more and more like Donovan will jet sometime in the next year or two and the Eagles will be stuck with Kolb as their starter

So basically my question is, how can you just be glad that the Eagles are not interested at all in T.J.? Everyone knows the only quality receiver McNabb has had to throw to is T.O. during his one season throwing to him. How you can you be glad that the Eagles didn't at least take a look at Housh is beyond me...unless maybe you think they're going to go after Boldin? You never know what will happen in Arizona...they could resolve their issues. You can't assume 'Quan will be out there on the market..

*Waiting patiently for your response Joka
Actually, no, he didn't clearly state that. Michael Smith says that's what happened, which flies in the face of other reports statingthat's not what happened. Reid wasn't there. McNabb's agent wasn't there. Michael Smith is an idiot. He was completely off the mark with theHoush visting the Bucs and Eagles report. How many times is this dude going to be wrong?

Matter of fact, how many times is ESPN going to be wrong this offseason? Mort said Shanahan was hired by the Chiefs. ESPN ran with the Dawkins signing beforehe even arrived in Denver. I know there have been others, but I won't waste my time finding them.

As for Housh, I don't give a damn about the dude. The offseason is three days old. Free agency isn't the only way you build a team.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Whoever gets Housh is going to overpay. I'm not sure why people are dying to have a 32 year old possession receiver. I'm glad the Eagles didn't pursue.
Ok..if that's where you stand then I respect that..but can I ask why?

McNabb clearly stated to your front office at the end of this past season that he will not sign a contract extension unless they go out and improve the team. Well let's look at what the Eagles have done so far (if I'm forgetting anything let me know):

-Lost Brian Dawkins to Denver
-Lost Lito Sheppard to NYJ
-Basically told Houshmandzadeh to stuff it when he said they were a team he was interested in

Donovan HAS to be looking at this as a terrible off-season so far (even though we've only completed 3 days). He's been upset with the Eagles organization countless times during his time with them...and I really hope we hear a comment from him in the near future about what the Eagles have "done" so far. It's looking more and more like Donovan will jet sometime in the next year or two and the Eagles will be stuck with Kolb as their starter

So basically my question is, how can you just be glad that the Eagles are not interested at all in T.J.? Everyone knows the only quality receiver McNabb has had to throw to is T.O. during his one season throwing to him. How you can you be glad that the Eagles didn't at least take a look at Housh is beyond me...unless maybe you think they're going to go after Boldin? You never know what will happen in Arizona...they could resolve their issues. You can't assume 'Quan will be out there on the market..

*Waiting patiently for your response Joka
Actually, no, he didn't clearly state that. Michael Smith says that's what happened, which flies in the face of other reports stating that's not what happened. Reid wasn't there. McNabb's agent wasn't there. Michael Smith is an idiot. He was completely off the mark with the Housh visting the Bucs and Eagles report. How many times is this dude going to be wrong?

Matter of fact, how many times is ESPN going to be wrong this offseason? Mort said Shanahan was hired by the Chiefs. ESPN ran with the Dawkins signing before he even arrived in Denver. I know there have been others, but I won't waste my time finding them.

As for Housh, I don't give a damn about the dude. The offseason is three days old. Free agency isn't the only way you build a team. kind of dodged my question..but whatever

Just take away the fact that Mike Smith isn't credible...seeing that the Eagles have gotten worse this off-season, what do you think Donovan's thinkingright now? I don't care whether or not Michael Smith's not credible..we all know the McNabb wants a lot more weapons than the Eagles have given upduring his time there.

Free agency isn't the only way you build a team.
Free Agency is NOT the way you build a team.
Nowhere did I say Free agency is the place to build your I don't know where either of you are getting that from. All I said is theEagles need to make a splash in FA, because I think everyone knows McNabb is not content with what he has to work with right now.
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

^^ Everything I said is the truth. You just mad because you was crying talkin about Dawkins aint go no where and all the reports were false and you ended up eating your words. He was your emotional leader on that team. Even being a Cowboys fan, the way I saw him charge up on that field before kick off was something I wish we had on our team and I KNEW they would come out and smack us. We'll see who takes over his position this year.
Considine isn't on our team anymore genius. How are you going to talk %@*% about things you clearly don't know anything about?
Oh so yall got rid of him too? So who the hell do yall have back there at safety?

Damn cats getting extra emotional over losing a friggin football player like they play on the team. My mans (no @!%%) called me last night talkin bout I need to chill with the Dawkins talk cuz he had shed a tear when he saw him hold the Broncos jersey up.

Eagles fans are def some emotional dudes. I guess ZERO Lombardi's will do that to you

P.S. I assume Dawkins sucks now that he is not an Eagle right?
You seem like the kinda Cowboys fan that realized when he knew the 'Boys had no chance when you "saw Dawkins charge up", acted likehe didn't care about losing anymore and just proceeded to think of ways to bash on the Eagles. Eagles fans ARE emotional dudes, because the city ispassionate about its sports. I'm sorry that Dallas has sucked for a long time now and you have less of a reason to get "emotional over losing afriggin football player like they play on the team."

The city IS part of the team, and vice versa.

We'll see you during the season, and make sure you aren't in the playoff race - again.

And no, Dawkins doesn't suck now, I'll be following the Broncos next season... he's still my favorite player of all time.


Regarding the Eagles' wide receiver search, I'm glad we stopped going for Housh. He IS overrated, and not what we need. We need someone we can throw afade to in the end zone and count on to score for us. T.O. was that guy for us before, and I'm just praying that Boldin ends up leaving AZ. He's theideal guy for us this off-season.
Who should we make a splash with then? An aging receiver who isn't a big play threat? Should we pay all that money to a possession receiver? Like I said onthe last page, this FA group sucks. Everybody good was gone before it started, which has led to teams overpaying everyone.

And your of the opinion that we have gotten worse, I'm not. We lost two ancient tackles. We lost a safety who has been a liability in coverage the last twoseasons. We lost our 4th CB who didn't want to play for us anymore. We lost a TE with no hands. We lost an absolute mess of a safety. If that's whatyou think makes us worse, than so be it. The Eagles have made ONE mistake in the McNabb era in letting players go. That was Derrick Burgess.

I won't even bother commenting on McNabb because who knows what the #@+* he is thinking. And frankly, I don't care either. I have faith that if we arecommitted to Donovan, we'll get something done.
Originally Posted by So Slickening

Regarding the Eagles' wide receiver search, I'm glad we stopped going for Housh. He IS overrated, and not what we need. We need someone we can throw a fade to in the end zone and count on to score for us. T.O. was that guy for us before, and I'm just praying that Boldin ends up leaving AZ. He's the ideal guy for us this off-season.
^^ Dallas' season was over when they closed Texas Stadium in that horrible fashion they did. At that point, our season was over. Don't get it twistedand try to say that I don't care about my team. But I'm not bout to shed tears over them. I been a Boys fan since I was 5. The last time they wonanything I was 9. Im now 23. These past 13 years have been tough on Cowboys fans. BUT I WILL NOT SHED TEARS lmao
. Thats just ridiculous.

And for the record, your fans are classless as %%##, word to the cheering for Irvin's potential paraylyzation
DMN Blog: Kevin Burnett to visit the Raiders
8:10 PM Sun, Mar 01, 2009 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Calvin Watkins E-mail News tips

Free agent linebacker Kevin Burnett has a trip scheduled for Oakland on Monday.

The signing of Keith Brooking on Saturday put Burnett's ability to stay in Dallas in doubt.

Burnett was hoping to start at inside linebacker alongside Bradie James, but Brooking's comfort level with coach Wade Phillips was the deciding point forthe Cowboys.

Burnett talked to Cowboys' officials about a new contract last weekend. But when things didn't work out, Burnett hit the market on Friday.
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

^^ Dallas' season was over when they closed Texas Stadium in that horrible fashion they did. At that point, our season was over. Don't get it twisted and try to say that I don't care about my team. But I'm not bout to shed tears over them. I been a Boys fan since I was 5. The last time they won anything I was 9. Im now 23. These past 13 years have been tough on Cowboys fans. BUT I WILL NOT SHED TEARS lmao
. Thats just ridiculous.

And for the record, your fans are classless as %%##, word to the cheering for Irvin's potential paraylyzation
I admit that Philly fans get ridiculous sometimes, but we shed tears because of the passion we have for the game. I for one, though, have neveractually cried over anything regarding football or expect to, although I've been emotional before. Losing the Super Bowl was the worst.

Knowing the city and having living here all my life and seeing how the city is regarding its sports teams, I just understand why a fan would shed tears oversomething like that.
Joka isnt getting it cause hes not seeing how it will piece together as a team. With Housh, assume they dont cut no revievers, Desean, Reggie, Housh, Curtisaint bad spread everyone out and make plays.
What don't you guys get? Of course I think he's a great talent. Of course I'd like to have him on my team. But not at THAT price. He's going toget a ridiculous contract, you all know that. He's the only FA WR on the market that's worth a damn. Matter of fact, he's just about the onlyoffensive player out there that's worth a damn. Housh will probably get 5-6 years at $8M+ per with $20M guaranteed. That's too much for somebody whoisn't a game changer if you ask me.
Id take Housh on my team any day.... about as good of a #2 as you can get IMO...
That's the thing, the Eagles don't need a #2, we need a #1.
That's too much for somebody who isn't a game changer if you ask me.
Exactly. We need a game changer, and Boldin would be that guy, if...
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