The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Just started some of When they see us and it's already tough.

Man it pisses me off. And this dude here
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Very familiar with the story

It took Ken Burns documentary up a notch and personalized it. Ava did an excellent job.

Korey :smh: being thrown in an adult prison at 16 with a public sex offender tag and having to do more time because you got an adult conviction, just because you wanted to support your man. :smh:

Anyone catch "When they see us" yet?

Hard but great watch.

Man these cops need to be dead or in prison.

The DA on down
Very familiar with the story

It took Ken Burns documentary up a notch and personalized it. Ava did an excellent job.

Korey :smh: being thrown in an adult prison at 16 with a public sex offender tag and having to do more time because you got an adult conviction, just because you wanted to support your man. :smh:

Hard but great watch.

The DA on down
Hadn't realize there was a Ken Burns doc. I sat through his 20 hour baseball doc. I bet the CP5 joint is bananas.

Thanks for the heads up.

Made it through the first episode of When They See Us. **** is jaw dropping man. For folks very familiar with the story, were the facts played up for tv? Like buddy heading down only to make sure his friend was straight only to wind up taking his spot?

Definitely going to be looking more into this. Briefly read a wiki page about 18 months back on it. Was completely unfamiliar with the story prior to then. I was just 1 - 2 years old when it happened.
I’m mad no one assassinated that piece of racist trash in the white house.

The types of people who do these assasinations are the ones that support him.

Plus, as long as he doesn't cut military spending, no one powerful is touching him.
Any doc about the CP5 is rough. I am in no rush to revisit it when I got the cold hard facts about it.

That was probably the main thing when I was younger that opened my eyes to not just innoccent ppl being convicted cuz nobody believes them but institutionalized racism playing an active part in getting innocent minorities put away. Like those cops were actively tricking those kids, tripping them up, etc. Ain't care about doing any kind of detective work :smh:
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Hadn't realize there was a Ken Burns doc. I sat through his 20 hour baseball doc. I bet the CP5 joint is bananas.

Thanks for the heads up.

Made it through the first episode of When They See Us. **** is jaw dropping man. For folks very familiar with the story, were the facts played up for tv? Like buddy heading down only to make sure his friend was straight only to wind up taking his spot?

Definitely going to be looking more into this. Briefly read a wiki page about 18 months back on it. Was completely unfamiliar with the story prior to then. I was just 1 - 2 years old when it happened.

Korey going down there only to support Yusef is a very real thing. I think they’ve all done episodes of the wrongfully convicted podcast at this point and that’s always brought up.

He wasn’t on the list whatsoever when cops came to get Yusef. He just held his mans down and they bagged him for it.

Ava did a great job with the show. I actually didn’t realize how hard Korey had it all those years. He’s always sounded somewhat upbeat in interviews but I didn’t really know much about the case until after they were awarded their settlement. I would like to say it’s hard be upset when you rich now but visualizing what they went through let’s me know they weren’t paid nearly enough.

Can’t front if were in their shoes it’d be hard to convince me to put the killers on payroll and let them go loose on that DA/ those cops. Y’all would have to extradite me from a very nice island.
Watched When they see us last night and made it to episode 4. Man.......... I had to turn if off. It was too hard to watch. I saw the CP5 documentary (which was done by Ken Burns daughter and she also wrote the book about the CP5) a couple years ago. That was very triggering, but actually seeing a visualization of what these boys/men went through hit me deep in my soul. Specifically Korey's story sent me over the edge. It was like watching Amistad or Roots for the first time. I'm going to try and get through the rest of it today, but I know I have to be in the right head space to do so.
Yeah when my nephew got into some **** that's minor in the grand scheme I almost **** bricks just having him deal with the system knowing how it could be twisted.
watched a bit of it, had to take a break

got legit heated watching
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I knew the story from growing up in the area. Had a bunch of friends who lived in Schomberg growing up, so we spent a lot of time rolling though Central with nothing really to do. I’ve definitely been with groups of other kids similar to that first episode, which is why the story is so personal to me.

Tried to watch with my girl who wasn’t born here and doesn’t completely understand the extents to the ******* in this country, so it was nice to see her find out just how foul this country and white people in positions of power could be to little black and brown boys and girls.

I don’t think I’ll get through the full series. It was cool seeing as they shot it right there and all the locations they showed were on point, but that just made it harder to watch. It all felt so familiar and the acting and writing is so good it’s hard to not put yourself in everyone’s shoes.

I’m at work today in a bad *** mood, probably because of the two episodes so watched yesterday. I think I’m good on the rest honestly.
I don't even come in here that often and already knew there would be some talk of When They See Us. I too remember the case. Although I was only 8 at the time and didn't fully know the extent of what was going on, I knew it was BS. I watched the first two episodes, and yeah, it pisses you off. But the main takeaway of it is, look at how much as changed even from 89. You can close your eyes and just listen and it would sound like today, which is the real tragic part. This is the part that irks me with the current state of social affairs and movements that act like this is a new phenomenon, **** been happening, and will continue. It's infuriating and sad.
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