The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Where The Last Kingdom ****ed up

Who told these arseling screenwriters that getting rid of Leofric so early was a good idea? Literally the GOAT character and best wingman for Uhtred. I never read the books so maybe the idea originates from there but even if it did, they could have had him on for at least another season.

I agree. As well as they worked together I don't entirely miss him. Kinda like a necessary evil. He needed to lose somebody close to him but someone who could be replaced easily. Who else could it have been?
Ya'll doing spoilers for a show that ended 6 months ago. I kinda agree losing certain characters takes away a bit from the show. You get used to them then they're outta here.
wheelman was dope.

Gotta get on ST2 and Narcos 3. Hate having a wife who wants to watch **** together but rather watch LAHHLA, NY, ATL etc.
Has anyone else seen this mini doc on the guy cleared of murder because of a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode?

looks like next season of terrace house will be north of tokyo in nagano and starts in dec for japan

Repped. Maybe they’ll go snowboarding and skiing.

Instead of new cast members I wish they’d bring back people from the last 2 seasons. I want Naachan, cheri, and avian to have an epic fight. Throw Lauren bae in the mix too.
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