The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

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Y'all look way too deep into this man.

You can tell that this dude has personally touched your lives.

Some of y'all egos weaker than D Rose's knees
I agree, many people's issue with Lebron is that he lacks humility. There are many great athletes with zero "humility"......kobe, Jordan, Ali, to name a few. Lebron does come off a certain way but he backs it up, it's when athletes are cocky and trash that I have a problem with.
Draymond Green is the worst I've seen and he isn't even an all time great lol. But Kobe,Jordan, and AI post game interviews....yikes. Lebron is better at them than those few i mentioned but he isn't the WOAT cmon son

Lebron is easily the most scrutinized player of all time. Due to the hype coming out of high school and living to 99.9% of the expectations when everyone thought he would bust in Cleveland. But the 0.1% y'all can't let go

Pls dont hurt me.
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Draymond Green is the worst I've seen and he isn't even an all time great lol. But Kobe,Jordan, and AI post game interviews....yikes. Lebron is better at them than those few i mentioned but he isn't the WOAT cmon son:lol:

Lebron is easily the most scrutinized player of all time. Due to the hype coming out of high school and living to 99.9% of the expectations when everyone thought he would bust in Cleveland. But the 0.1% y'all can't let go:smh:  

Pls dont hurt me.

ive never understood why it bothers them so much.
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Firstly we are all entitled to our opinions. Doesn't make anyone a hater, etc. As far as calling out the critics he is entitled to do that for whoever doubted him. Let the others speak for themselves. He's not Moses...LOL.

Lebron is a ridiculous athlete and a basketball savant. I've enjoyed watching him as a once in a generation talent. Because someone observes that Lebron lacks any true humility doesn't make them a "hater". Plus when you make things black and white as in for or against, and allow no middle ground, then there can only be two camps. Haters and well...
Who made this man a mod
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Why does it make you so unhappy someone has an opinion that is different than yours? Must be rough.

Congrats Cavs fans. Time to repeat.

Lmao unhappy.

Who made this dude a mod
Im having discussion and you talking bout unhappy.

Based off your sad opinion you look like the unhappy "hater"
Oh u Lebby stans just got no chill
First y'all get mad at the haters thread and now at a mod for having a different opinion
Can't even take a win gracefully :rofl:
Why yall talk about hating like it's a bad thing. Hating is a lifestyle choice. Respect our choices.
It's also corny how emotional they get when you disagree with them
Yeah with deez nutz :rofl:
LeBron fans have to make some concessions as do is "haters"

LeBron fans must realize that most of his criticism has been brought on by him and him alone. LeBron quit on his team, point blank. Anyone who saw that Playoff game against the Celtics knows it. LeBron also quit off the court by leaving on national television to leave to Miami, agree or not, it was a tactless move. LeBron continuously also for better or for worse instituted the GM player role. Some people hate that, and that's that. Most of his sneakers are ugly (I like the 13's though) LeBron does wine, and while it may not matter to you, that **** gets annoying. He also lacks accountability, sure he says the right things always, but he always lets out some side bar comment to let people know a loss or failure isn't really his part. 

LeBron haters have to make some concessions as well.

LeBron is and has been the best player in the league for the better part of a decade. LeBron James carried the Cavs to victory this year, no Kyrie did not deserve co-mvp. LeBron makes his teammates better (yes just like Jordan did, and Kobe did not do) Delly is not in this league is he isn't on the Cavs. Just like Mike Miller/Allen played years longer than they probably would have otherwise by riding brons talent. 

For me personally I probably align closer to the "hater" for what it's worth.LeBron imo is just not aesthetically pleasing to watch like some other stars of the league. I don't enjoy watching him bowl over the opposing undersized two guard and then watch him either dunk, or get fouled. But hey, dude is a transcendent athlete that is catching W's and had the greatest comeback in a series where nobody thought he could come back. Props to him, I guess.
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Lebron is easily the most scrutinized player of all time. Due to the hype coming out of high school and living to 99.9% of the expectations when everyone thought he would bust in Cleveland. But the 0.1% y'all can't let go:smh:  

Pls dont hurt me.

I'll never understand this at all. The hate Lebron gets is similar to the hate my wife and her girlfriends give out because someone had the wrong purse or wrong shoes on with an outfit.
Lebron haters don't bother me anymore. Some of y'all gotta stop being so thin skinned did y'all really think they would stop slandering him after the win?
Fans hate popular athletes. It is what it is. If you're someone like Lebron who has been considered the face of the sport, it's going to happen. These ppl are just like us. They have their faults. Difference is their every move is on trial by the entire world. Lebron could be perceived as the perfect person...and ppl will still find a problem with him. The massive Steph Curry hate from the past couple of weeks prove this. It just comes with the territory.
Lebron haters don't bother me anymore. Some of y'all gotta stop being so thin skinned did y'all really think they would stop slandering him after the win?
Hell I seen people slander MJ still and he's the GOAT
Anyway shout out to the real Cleveland fans that stuck through the aftermath of the Decision and Byron Scott years and finally won one now
There's my concession
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Firstly we are all entitled to our opinions. Doesn't make anyone a hater, etc. As far as calling out the critics he is entitled to do that for whoever doubted him. Let the others speak for themselves. He's not Moses...LOL.

Lebron is a ridiculous athlete and a basketball savant. I've enjoyed watching him as a once in a generation talent. Because someone observes that Lebron lacks any true humility doesn't make them a "hater". Plus when you make things black and white as in for or against, and allow no middle ground, then there can only be two camps. Haters and well...
Who made this man a mod
"I wholeheartedly disagree with what you're saying, so you shouldn't be a mod."



@soychulo  has been solid. Dude has politely checked me a few times, and I'm glad for it.

Even his response up there, I disagree with it, but there's nothing disrespectful in it.

Just a respectfully different opinion than mine.
This whole thread is full of jokes so in not seeing how my comment was taken so serious, it's like I you don't put :lol: at the end of a sentence people think you're serious
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