**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

This is the cleanest version of this type of clasp yet. All these other ones look so bulky and out of proportion with the chain.
Thanks! If you're going to do it, better make it clean! This bracelet is nearly 300g. too 
I was bout to say SHYNE came in this b!+ch like damn..but GoldenSun!!..Not to be outdone!!! I f#?k wit both of yall..keep it comin
LOL and a pearl earring.  
breh I never noticed this till you said something, I never knew that shaq was wearing women's stuff for a minute now.  rolex brehs, is that a gmt or submariner that he has on?  my ability to search internets  says that it's gotta be a sub but maybe not?  I only ask cause for once I kinda see why people complain about diamond bezels, the more utility oriented rolexes look really bad with them IMO.  yeah I know that there's some factory rolex multi color sapphire bezel that costs a fortune but I say keep the gems on the day n dates.
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