The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

It's called samurai x trust and betrayal

calling Rurouni Kenshin "Samurai X" is straight up disrecpectful and treats fans as idiots

The creator of the series endorsed the name Samurai X and there should therefore be no problem with people using it. :lol: Your statement is illogical as hell.

And that's exactly what the OVA releases are called. "Samura X: Trust and Betrayal" and "Samurai X: Reflection". There is not a single version of them officially licensed as "Ruroni Kenshin".

@kvsm23vs24 I second watching Gurren Lagann, especially if you're a fan of the Mecha genre of Anime.
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If you're into creepy stuff

I'd watch "Another" The anime but only watch it at night

It's got a twist,

A little suspense, And gore and it's English Dubbed
I was just thinking about this last night. It takes a bit to get to the action but it's pretty good. Corpse Party was pretty good too

Started watching Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni earlier, that OP is weird as hell 
 30 more episodes left.
Dragon Ball Super
Look like Frieza's species are cheaters regardless of universe. :lol:
Time to see what piccolo can do now. :pimp:
Lean over and be like have you read prison school. If she about to be a bedroom cosplayer

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Can iwatch that tournament without watching the show as a whole?
you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not watching the lead up to the dark tournament.

Agree with this. The first few adventures and arcs of Yu Yu Hakusho just do such an excellent job of introducing you to the main cast, developing them as unique characters, forging bonds and relationships between them all, while still providing entertaining stories. The Dark Tournament is my favorite arc of the series, butI think it's made that much better if you've watched everything that came beforehand, like Genki's tournament or Yusuke's first encounter with Toguro, which really is the entire lead-in to the Dark Tournament.
Shikis BL Vampire scene
Always reminds me of
Mika and Yuu from Owari

Episode 13 so far so good.
Nice twist in Feng Shen Ji. This should be a real treat to see. Glad I randomly stumbled on that manga. Got it in my top 5 fosho.
The creator of the series endorsed the name Samurai X and there should therefore be no problem with people using it. :lol: Your statement is illogical as hell.

And that's exactly what the OVA releases are called. "Samura X: Trust and Betrayal" and "Samurai X: Reflection". There is not a single version of them officially licensed as "Ruroni Kenshin".

@kvsm23vs24 I second watching Gurren Lagann, especially if you're a fan of the Mecha genre of Anime.


what's illogical is calling the character a samurai. himura kenshin was never a samurai. he wasnt born in a samurai class of military nobility. he born to a peasant family then sold into slavery.

he was recruited and became a hitokiri during the japanese civil war, acting as an assasin in covert missions and later taking the front lines of the war. the hitokiri battousai was never a samurai.

its called rurouni kenshin for a reason because the creator, nobuhiro watsuki, created that word to mean he is no longer a hitokiri and became a wandering swordmans attoning for his sins.

the name samurai x was created by sony to market it to americans because calling it by its original name would confuse most viewers. japanese character with a sword. automically he's a samurai. thats what i call treating the audience as dumb.

the show failed in america because it was literally dumbed down. from horrible english dub voice acting and translation, to sloppy editing just to make it more kiddie and appealing as a cartoon.

btw... here's my copy of the OVA



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The creator of the series endorsed the name Samurai X and there should therefore be no problem with people using it. :lol: Your statement is illogical as hell.

And that's exactly what the OVA releases are called. "Samura X: Trust and Betrayal" and "Samurai X: Reflection". There is not a single version of them officially licensed as "Ruroni Kenshin".

@kvsm23vs24 I second watching Gurren Lagann, especially if you're a fan of the Mecha genre of Anime.


what's illogical is calling the character a samurai. himura kenshin was never a samurai. he wasnt born in a samurai class of military nobility. he born to a peasant family then sold into slavery.

he was recruited and became a hitokiri during the japanese civil, acting as an assasin in covert missions and later taking the front lines of the war. the hitokiri battousai was never a samurai.

its called rurouni kenshin for a reason because the creator, nobuhiro watsuki, created that word to mean he is no longer a hitokiri and became a wandering swordmans attoning for his sins.

the name samurai x was created by sony to market it to americans because calling it by its original name would confuse most viewers. japanese character with a sword. automically he's a samurai. thats what i call treating the audience as dumb.

the show failed in america because it was literally dumbed down. from horrible english dub voice acting and translation, to sloppy editing just to make it more kiddie and appealing as a cartoon.

btw... here's my copy of the OVA




I'm sorry, but what? :lol: Kenshin was never a samurai? The **** are you talking about? His Master trained him to be a samurai. He fought in a conflict against other samurai, in one of the most infamous conflicts involving samurai in world history (the bakumatsu), various people in the series note he's a samurai, and he never gave up being a samurai until after the series proper: hence him still carrying around a sword and even further improving his skills with it.

Saying he shouldn't be identified as a samurai because he wasn't born into a certain class honestly makes no sense. This is a fictional story and that's therefore irrelevant. Within his fictional story, the fictional character is a samurai. You honestly might as well try to argue that Naruto's not a ninja because he wears bright clothes, screams all the time, and can use magical attacks powered by chakra. :lol: Who the **** cares? It's a fictional story and within it none of those things stops him from being a ninja, which he's also identified as, just as being born a peasant doesn't stop Kenshin from being a samurai.

He was no longer an assassin, but continued operating as a samurai based on the school in which he was taught. And fun fact: Hitokiri Battosai is taken from the real world Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu who were a group of FOUR SAMURAI who filled the exact same role in history that Kenshin does in the show. Kenshin is specifically based off of Genzai Kawakami, who was again a samurai, from his appearance to his sword style. Arguing that he's not a samurai within his series makes zero sense.

How would calling it by its real name confuse most viewers, when some versions of the anime series were called "Ruroni Kenshin"? :lol: Your logic makes no sense. And Nobuhiro Watsuki himself approved the name. If the creator of a series doesn't have a problem with something then neither should you. That's about as silly as you can get. Hell, back to the earlier point, if he didn't want Kenshin to be identified as a samurai then he simply wouldn't have allowed them to choose that particular name, and could've then worked with them on it. Instead, they came to him with "Samurai X" and he said yeah go right ahead, that's perfect. The subtitle of the series is also "Wandering Samurai".

Wouldn't say the show failled in America at all. It received a total of 3 seasons, had high ratings, and earned great reviews. That's not what I call a failure. Whether or not you think English Dubbing is good is entirely a matter of opinion, so I see no reason to debate about it. The filler arcs they threw in however were widely believed to be a drop in quality, which Nobuhiro agreed with, stating that while he liked the first, he couldn't stand the next two, which then directly led to it being discountinued because those were the ones that received the worst ratings. The voice acting didn't change. The animation didn't change. The quality of the writing changed, taking a major plummet, so the show was cancelled/shortened from its intended length. You literally see this all the time with anime and it's as simple as that. In its prime, the show was doing just fine and competing capablly with every other anime that Toonami featured. The show also had to be "dumbed down" because it was being shown to children in America and that level of violence in a children's tv show is generally not socially accepted. Had that violence been left in then realize that the show never would've been aired at all. This is again something you see with damn near every anime that appears on American television. Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam, Ruroni Kenshin, etc. They all do it. If that was the reason for shows failing then 1)It would have been noted and corrected by now by the people creating these shows and 2)you wouldn't have any anime becoming popular in America. Despite that, all the series I just mentoned? Which had the issue of censoring/changing scenes to reduce the violence? Are widely viewed as classics in both America and Japan. As to why a show fails that's something we all have to deduce for ourselves, since its not as if studios regularly release their reasons for cancelling soemthing. However, i'll always argue that its not an accident that the series ended after they stopped adapting the original storylines and began creating new ones, which go to any fansite and you will find them to be considered the worst arcs of the series.

And your copy of the OVA isn't the release for the American market, hence it has the Japanese name.
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^ but he was never a samurai though. He was an assassin. Even I know that, and i'm not as versed in the series as Battousai is. :lol:
I'm pretty sure it was only in the english dub that they ever said he was a Samurai.
^ but he was never a samurai though. He was an assassin. Even I know that, and i'm not as versed in the series as Battousai is. :lol:
I'm pretty sure it was only in the english dub that they ever said he was a Samurai.

The only way that Kenshin really doesn't fall into the role of Samurai is due to not being born into the caste for it, which is typically how it goes in anime and manga when they're depicted. One Piece, Naruto, and other series all have people being identified as samurai, who clearly weren't born from any nobility. I remember Kenshin being called a samurai in the manga, but i'm definitely not about to go look for pictures in a series with that many chapters either :lol:
Felt like a Doctor after finishing shiki

Kenshin was great
The movies my lawrd!
Classic cried during the second one
I remember trying to do hiten mitsurugi style with a broom stick

That was my childhood!

Along with "This hand of mine is BURNING RED! Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory! ERUPTING BURNING FINGER!"
Felt like a Doctor after finishing shiki

Kenshin was great
The movies my lawrd!
Classic cried during the second one
I remember trying to do hiten mitsurugi style with a broom stick

That was my childhood!

Along with "This hand of mine is BURNING RED! Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory! ERUPTING BURNING FINGER!"

That honestly might be my favorite catchphrase/attack from any anime that i've ever seen. :smokin Entire series was great. Need to see about rewatching it soon too.
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