The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

In the super bowl thread for falcons vs pats, we were celebrating when it looked like the falcons were gonna win. People were posting eff trump and posting pics of slaves beating up their masters.

Kraft, Brady and Belichick are all Trump supporters. Trump was also rooting for the Pats. There’s a clear link.

In this case though, I’m almost sure Snoop thought Till was Covington, because Darren Till has absolutely nothing to do with Trump besides being white?

Snoop’s commentary as a whole is trash tho, the UFC is stupid for working with him. This dude called Cormier a crying ***** after the Jones fight, cmon bruh. A nobody on the internet can say that but he has too high a profile to be talking so reckless.
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I think a lot has to do with Woodley not being an arrogant POS. He's the ultimate pro. It probably also hurts him that he doesn't have a lot of highlight knockouts.

Agree him being an arrogant guy. Fans say they want someone like Woodley but what they really want is a charismatic and polarizing figure.
Of his 9 UFC wins, 5 are by KO and each is pretty brutal looking. He absolutely leveled Hieron in his UFC debut. UFC just doesn't show them in his highlight reel for some reason.

Will be interesting to see how Israel and Kamaru handle things as the new rising black stars.

Israel is a opinionated, millennial hipster dude and Kamaru is the real life T’Challa so I don’t think they will go down too well with America :lol: :pimp:

I like both of these cats a lot. Especially Stylebender, I think that kid is pretty special

Yeah, hughes and gsp didn’t talk much or trash their opponents and still became big stars. They became the big draw but the majority of the ufc’s fanbase is white. Meanwhile woodley is a beast and tried to wait for big money fights like diaz or gsp because he wasn’t a big draw himself. To be honest, I did get a little tired of woodley waiting for a money fight to appear for him. Keep wrecking fools and make yourself the money fighter people want to match up with and maybe that’ll finally start for him with the demolition of till.
I'd heard some talk that Hughes may be pretty racist.

I don't think he actually ever really 'waited' for a money fight. He just said it, which was almost entirely a '**** YOU' move since WB was talking about fighting Lawler as if he had already lost the fight. This is what made him say "You wanted to fight LAWLER, so go fight him" which cased even more rustled jimmies.

DC, Nnganou, Jon Jones, Mighty mouse(also a soft spoken total pro) anderson silva

I don't think any of these guys other than Francis had a real push from the company. Especially in MM's case. They legit never pushed him.
cmon man uncle dana aint racist, money sees no other color but GREEN baby lol

but for real, madd doods be getting the push, RUMBLE used to get ALLL the promotion whenever he would fight, HALL was getting the push big time he just never really lived up to the hype, Kevin Lee is getting a big push, that dood Wale from NYC was getting the push but he also failed to blow, DC had the push from the get after ther merger, RAMPAGE is one of the biggest stars of MMA period, Suga Shad was a big push and one of the pioneers of the company, Anderson Silva is one of the most recognizable faces attached to the UFC, Jon Jones HAD A NIKE CONTRACT etc.

I think whats really going on is you just dont have as many black martial artists opposed to white, brazilian, asian or whatever, but if you look at the small percentages of black doods in MMA they doing WELL.

So i dont think there is a race thing going on in MMA like many doods want to believe, think it just comes down to demographics.
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I don’t like Colby at all but that’s ******* hilarious :lol:

Also the prospect of Trump being at that fight is wild.
Colby taking wild extreme measures tryna create hype.

The UFC will 100% get behind it too because it will do numbers :smh:
The things is, at UFC 225 where he was the co-main they only did 250k buys. So being a POS isn’t even making him a draw. It’s more of a hobby than a solid marketing plan.

He’s trying to run the Chael game plan except with more racism and xenophobia and essentially zero charisma. Dude is a ******* loser. I don’t want to see Woodley submit dude or decision him or even tko him, I want to see the dude get knocked stiff
The things is, at UFC 225 where he was the co-main they only did 250k buys. So being a POS isn’t even making him a draw. It’s more of a hobby than a solid marketing plan.

He’s trying to run the Chael game plan except with more racism and xenophobia and essentially zero charisma. Dude is a ****ing loser. I don’t want to see Woodley submit dude or decision him or even tko him, I want to see the dude get knocked stiff

Forreal I’m so against this racist xenophobic **** in today’s climate I wouldn’t mind seeing Woodley hurt him so bad he can’t fight again. Like I said before, some things are bigger than sports. People with a voice and a following can influence a whole bunch of dummies into thinking their dumb ideas are ok.
This jackson wink thing is like when the nwo split and it was the wolfpack red & black vs nwo black & white.
I encourage anyone to watch Colby’s post fight presser after he fought rda

It’ll get your blood boiling and no matter what act he’s putting on or not if you support him you’re a big problem to society
Colby is the scummest of scum.

I understand why people dislike Conor due this his arrogance but at least he’s witty and funny. Colby really crosses a line and is wild disrespectful
This is going to be a race thing from day 1 thanks to him. I had mentioned this during the presser as well. Ariel believes it’ll be unprecedented

colby had bones so heated he told woodley to hit his line whenever camp starts... saw usman and platinum making fun of him the other day.. everybody wants to put hands on him :lol:
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