The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Still sad henderson wasn't able to win. He was still able to land a few bombs and bisping was unable to avoid them again.
If GSP wins GSP vs Spider guaranteed
I actually think Bisping has a solid chance in that one, especially with the ring rust and GSP just being naturally smaller.

Really unfair for Jacare and Romero though, pretty sure both of those guys run through Bisping with minimal problems.
Hell yes Bisping has a chance. Ring rust is real. MW division will get all screwed up
I'll take Bisping in that fight. In the words of Gegard..."I'll jab that face up all night"

Watching Bisping's boxing his last few fights has been enjoyable. Aside from him circling into that H-Bomb. 
Jab off
Still sad henderson wasn't able to win. He was still able to land a few bombs and bisping was unable to avoid them again.
Man, I really did think Hendo had that. I still actually can't believe he didn't finish that
GSP byke :pimp: :pimp:

Curious to see how he performs.

He's been trainning like a dog and says he's in the best shape of his life so we shall see.
Rumor has it the delay in negotiations between the UFC and GSP was centered around how much Vaseline he will be allowed to use upon return, had nothing to do with his sponsors.
cant wait fot GSP to come back and out-point everyone to death :smh:

say what yall want, i respect gsp...but he hella booring to watch
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I'm not down playing GSP one bit, however I honestly am intrigued to see if his style can hold up to today's top tier talent

It'll most likely be almost 4 years since he last competed, and don't forget, he was getting all he could handle in his last fight from Hendricks

Game has changed and evolved of course, I actually do want to see if his boring jabbing style can still outclass the best
I wouldn't eem be surprised to find out Gsp wasn't 100% clean during his run

Fedor seems washed breh I don't want him getting hurt.. I hope mitrione is washed too
Yeah you cant just assume GSP was clean cant assume anyone clean for that matter


i wouldn't be surprised either.

GSP coming back to a whole different sport
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Cast for upcoming season of TUF: Washed Edition

Seth Baczynski – 20-14, 35, Gilbert, Ariz.
Julian Lane – 11-6, 29, Mansfield, Ohio
Mehdi Baghdad – 11-5, 31, Los Angeles, Calif.
Dhiego Lima – 12-5, 28, Dacula, Ga.
Justin Edwards – 9-5, 34, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Ramsey Nijem – 9-6, 28, Salt Lake City, Utah
Tom Gallicchio – 19-9, 30, Temecula, Calif.
Gilbert Smith – 12-6, 35, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Eddie Gordon – 8-4, 33, Freeport, N.Y.
Joe Stevenson – 33-16, 34, Victorville, Calif.
Hayder Hassan – 6-3, 34, Coconut Creek, Fla.
Jesse Taylor – 30-15, 34, Temecula, Calif.
James Krause – 23-7, 30, Lee’s Summit, Mo.
Hector Urbina – 17-10, 29, Coconut Creek, Calif.
I never liked coach Justin, lol. This season gonna be a **** show

“Cody should have no involvement in this at all,” Dillashaw said Wednesday at the TUF 25 media day. “He was coming in, I was on my way out, for the most part. We were never friends. It wasn’t like I did anything to dishonor him or whatever. I think it’s more Urijah pumping these guys up and continuing to push this trash and build this team, which is money in his pocket. Every guy that fights from there pays him. I think it’s him being the mastermind behind this whole thing.”

Dillashaw (14-3), the former bantamweight champion, is most disappointed in Castillo and Buchholz, two people he considered close friends for six or seven years. He said he has spoken to them behind the scenes during TUF, but there is still hostility.

“You think you make friendships for a lifetime and they seemed to turn pretty quick,” Dillashaw said. “You’re disappointed with certain people. I wasn’t always close with everyone. I wasn’t ever really friends with Garbrandt. We weren’t really that close. But guys like Justin Buchholz, the head coach, he was always in my corner. Danny Castillo. Guys like that. You really kind of lose a lot of respect for how they’re acting and their friendship you thought you had.”

Dillashaw, 31, said the few weeks taping the show have made him feel like he made the correct decision in leaving Team Alpha Male for Elevation Fight Team, because of how Garbrandt and the other coaches are acting. He believes the series will show those on the outside the truth of what happened between both sides.

“I think they’re trying to hype themselves up,” Dillashaw said of Castillo and Buchholz. “Justin put himself through the hype machine of being the best coach ever. He’s gonna be behind his fighter and do what he needs to do. Maybe when it’s all done and said, we’ll see. But I’ve lost a lot of respect for those guys. They’re showing their true colors throughout this whole thing. It’s gonna be a tough one to figure them.”
Guess I'll be tuning in this season.. Snake tj trying to justify it to himself why he left. Talking about this confirms I made the right decision leaving.
I've never heard of a team being so mad because one fighter left. It's not a gang. You're not with them for life.
Only thing is, what kind of brotherhood is it where you have to pay Uriah to be a part of the crew? Na, that aint gonna fly if I'm someone like TJ or Cody

Then you have Benevidez training with TJ in Colorado too now, so..... uhhhhh
I'm assuming Uriah gets paid because he took money out of his own pocket to invest in the training facility, hiring the coaches etc, which seems perfectly normal/standard to me. Only difference between that and any other team is that he's an active fighter.

I think people don't rock with TJ tho because of a combo of his training (supposedly knocking people out constantly, etc.), and also because of Bang Ludwig. Bang was doing stuff like saying in interviews after TJ left that TJ has what it takes but the rest of team Alpha Male doesn't have the drive to be champions, or something along those lines. Basically he was in the media sparking the feud by talking bad about Faber/TAM and rubbing TJ's success in their face. That's the type of **** that no fighter or team is really gonna take kindly to, so I can see how certain members might not **** with him.

Regardless tho TJ vs Cody is a dope fight. And it'll be even more interesting if they don't like each other so I'm down for all the **** talking :lol:
Both camps are annoying but it's going to be entertaining to say the least

Not knowing the specific arrangements that Uriah has with his fighters, it's probably unfair to comment one way or another. My main point in that, is you're mixing business with pleasure it seems, that can get sticky. Again, brotherhood is brotherhood, I totally understand that. At what point can you separate the business aspect with the family aspect. Gets complicated, so I can understand where TJ coming from. Everyone trying to make money and everyone trying to be the best fighter they can be.

If it's all this brotherhood crap, then go at Benevidez too and the other Alpha fighters who are going to Colorado too. TJ gonna have that ace in the hole all season long

Bang seems like a sleeze ball and Justin seems like a tool. It's the same thing on both sides
From my understanding, they're already paying for coaching fees and facility fees, but Faber takes a cut off the top of that to promote them. And basically, you have no choice if you want to be promoted by Faber.

My man left a team to go somewhere else where he thought would help out his career more. I can dig that. How you gonna try to hold a grudge against someone that wants to better his own life and situation? The whole situation is ridiculous to me.
From my understanding, they're already paying for coaching fees and facility fees, but Faber takes a cut off the top of that to promote them. And basically, you have no choice if you want to be promoted by Faber.

My man left a team to go somewhere else where he thought would help out his career more. I can dig that. How you gonna try to hold a grudge against someone that wants to better his own life and situation? The whole situation is ridiculous to me.
Welp, there you go

Yeah it's a ridiculous concept but let's face it, the narrative makes for a better build up. Wouldn't eem be surprised if this was all a farce and Alpha isn't even that mad at TJ. Who knows
On another note, anyone else think the group of 31 investors that bought a 60% stake in WSOF for $25 mil basically investing at a $41.6 mil valuation just threw their money away and will never get it back?
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