The Invincible Thread

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Vick looked real bad in NY and even worse in Pitt. He's done. Body can't hold up anymore.
Vick will go down as my favorite QB to watch.

But yea, the godfather of the league is done.

He did help us win against SD last season though.
Taking his legal issues out of the equation, what's Mike Vick's NFL legacy?

While he's obviously not a bust, he could be considered one of the most overrated athletes (considering draft position) in the NFL over the past 15-20 years, right?
2 seasons ago. Last 3 seasons combined, Bell has played more than AP.

Take off those soft purple shades for a moment.
That's cause Roger gave Peterson that absurdly long suspension...meanwhile bell stays hurt or suspended since that breakout year.

I love Leveon bell as much as the next guy, but AD is still the bar at Rb. If nothing else than his consistency.

Same can be said about Gurley. He's not top-3...yet.

Well said. Everybody has different criteria. It's subjective.

If we're basing it off of last year nobody should have a problem with including Devante Freeman. He earned it.

If we're basing it off of potential then I'd be hard pressed to find someone that I'm more excited about than David Johnson. Seriously. He's fits today's game like a glove.

Basing it off anything else the answer is Adrian Peterson. Until he's knocked off his perch I can't put anybody ahead if him.
Taking his legal issues out of the equation, what's Mike Vick's NFL legacy?

While he's obviously not a bust, he could be considered one of the most overrated athletes (considering draft position) in the NFL over the past 15-20 years, right?
people will see his highlights and overrate him.. but we've seen outright busts taken that high before (tim couch)

not as good as he should have been (since he never learned how to read defenses).. I guess he'll be looked at as an exciting player who had some highs (winning the playoff game in lambeau.. eagles games vs skins and giants) and with lows

obviously cant use the word consistency.. exciting will probably be his legacy, luckily he has clips on youtube
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Lol. So Mike Vick just good for YouTube highlights or sumn? Lol.

He's the black Tim couch? [emoji]128514[/emoji] :lol:

Fam changed the game...yea he coulda been better. But what player can't you say that about?

I dont think Atlanta regrets the trade. I don't think the eagles regret giving him a second chance. He was successful in both places.

Might not of been successful in the way that pleases you, or in the most efficient way. But he got W's everywhere he went.

Not to mention the cultural phenom that was MV7.....dude is right where he's supposed to be legacy wise. Nowhere close to a bust. Not even remotely a possibility.
2 seasons ago. Last 3 seasons combined, Bell has played more than AP.

Take off those soft purple shades for a moment.
That's cause Roger gave Peterson that absurdly long suspension...meanwhile bell stays hurt or suspended since that breakout year.

I love Leveon bell as much as the next guy, but AD is still the bar at Rb. If nothing else than his consistency.

Same can be said about Gurley. He's not top-3...yet.

Well said. Everybody has different criteria. It's subjective.

If we're basing it off of last year nobody should have a problem with including Devante Freeman. He earned it.

If we're basing it off of potential then I'd be hard pressed to find someone that I'm more excited about than David Johnson. Seriously. He's fits today's game like a glove.

Basing it off anything else the answer is Adrian Peterson. Until he's knocked off his perch I can't put anybody ahead if him.

There should almost be two separate for potential, and one for in the present. I think when you combine the two, you get guys on the list who become over-ranked.

Personally, it's AD...then a HUGE gap between him and #2. If you're going off of potential, you get zero argument from me with him being top on that list.

Taking his legal issues out of the equation, what's Mike Vick's NFL legacy?

While he's obviously not a bust, he could be considered one of the most overrated athletes (considering draft position) in the NFL over the past 15-20 years, right?

people will see his highlights and overrate him.. but we've seen outright busts taken that high before (tim couch)

not as good as he should have been (since he never learned how to read defenses).. I guess he'll be looked at as an exciting player who had some highs (winning the playoff game in lambeau.. eagles games vs skins and giants) and with lows

obviously cant use the word consistency.. exciting will probably be his legacy, luckily he has clips on youtube

Well said.

Also, I'd be wary of signing him after the Jets debacle. He flat out admitted that he wasn't prepared. If you're a vet clipboard holder, that's the one thing that you should be counted on for. If anything, to set a good example for the guys ahead of you on the roster.

He'd probably be one of the last guys I'd look to for any sort of leadership.
Lol. So Mike Vick just good for YouTube highlights or sumn? Lol.

He's the black Tim couch? [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I wasn't comparing him to tim couch.. tim couch was my example of an outright bust taken 1st overall in the draft

I don't think vick is a bust.. however, he didn't live up to his potential
Fam changed the game...yea he coulda been better. But what player can't you say that about?

I would say someone like steve young had a far greater impact on changing the game in the way people think vick did
yea he coulda been better. But what player can't you say that about?
dude admits he didn't even know how to read defenses til he joined the eagles.. and openly talks about him kinda winging it  in his Atlanta days
Not to mention the cultural phenom that was MV7.....dude is right where he's supposed to be legacy wise. Nowhere close to a bust. Not even remotely a possibility.
and the question was, what exactly is his legacy.. the phenomenon and him as an exciting player is probably it 
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Foles to KC is interesting.

Shows me the coaching staff doesn't feel good about the back ups behind Smith...they now have Smith, Foles, Andy Murray, Tyler Bray and Kevin Hogan. Would think that Hogan and Murray get cut. OR, they'll package a trade and get some late draft picks back for Murray.
isn't Bray supposedly dumb as rocks?
Not sure. People say he can throw the ball a looooong way though.

Now, after seeing the numbers (tweeted by Schefter) ...I'm thinking the Chiefs have a plan — Ride with him as a backup this year, threatening Alex Smith. If Foles gets a chance and looks good in Reid's system (a la 2014), he could be Smith's long-term replacement. (KC is potentially paying him 16M (!!!) in 2017, which is why I say that.)
who said Vick was the black Tim Couch? Vick is probably the black Carson Palmer if you want to compare careers
Vick had a stretch in 2010 that was some of the most untoppable quarterback play I've ever seen. His accuracy was on point, his decision making, everything. He ran for almost 700 yards too and didn't even play the full season.

Anomaly of a season for Vick.
Vick had a stretch in 2010 that was some of the most untoppable quarterback play I've ever seen. His accuracy was on point, his decision making, everything. He ran for almost 700 yards too and didn't even play the full season.

soon as defenses adjusted it was over and he couldn't read them but it was a great run as a Philly fan
who said Vick was the black Tim Couch? Vick is probably the black Carson Palmer if you want to compare careers
no one..

dude misread what I said and tried to make a joke.. completely missed the point I was making about draft position/busts when answering the question
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High ceiling but definitely is overrated due to that ceiling, those highlites and the off field impact
that comeback vs the giants.. and that game vs the skins are two of the most vividly memorably games of my life as an eagles' fan

nothing else really stands out from his time with the team.. that first game of chip's time with the team too
Vick lived off his abilities in Atlanta, he has said before he didn't study defenses, playbooks, etc. like he should have

a Vick with his head on right like he was after jail might have been something VERY special but it is what it is

my favorite Vick memory is beating Favre in Lambeau in the playoffs but that was probably were he peaked
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That run against Minny in OT is legendary. Neck and neck with Marshawn's against NO for best runs "IVE" every seen.
Vick with his maturity post prison combined with his pre prison abilities would've been something to watch
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still remember when vick went to lambeau in the playoffs and took down the favre and packers in a cold conditions :nthat:
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