The Invincible Thread

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this aint nothing new.. try to have a simple conversation on some things when people say dumb shhh on racial or class lines or even with ignorance for the rest of the world  when I went state side in high school and college, was quick to get the "well if you don't like it just go back to where you came from"
This guy killed a bunch of innocent blacks and burned a flag yet I hear way more about Kaep on the news. It's disgusting. Son is burning flags but Kaep won't stand and now he gotta leave and doesn't know his place or respect. People are out of their minds. Didn't hear any white people complain about him burning the flag.

I appreciated that quote from Rodney Harrison. Exposes himself for the dumb *** that he is. Rodney just as light as he is and you know damn well Colin was going through **** being around only white people growing up.
Like I said in the actual Kaep thread the people that take issue with him don't because they think he is disrespecting the flag/military they take issue with him for the reasons why he chooses to do what he did.
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Can't wait til someone of a higher stature (i.e. - Lebron) does this. Gonna be a lot harder to attack his character and credibility. 
 Can't embed the link right now (somebody may have already posted this earlier, idk), but what Stan Verrett said was spot on

You're basically more concerned with a flag and a song than people's lives and legitimate issues
From the comments section:
I find it to be so infuriating when people get stuck on the first page of the book (refusing to stand for the national anthem and misunderstanding the free speech aspect) and never get to the other 300 pages of the book, which contain the actual substance of the discussion. Ask the next question. Listen to the next answer. The guy is pulling the fire alarm. Don’t stand there while the sprinklers are showering you asking why he pulled the alarm. Find the fire and put it out.
If people like Drew Brees, Sherman agree with the protest but not the platform/method, it's their right to state that but I think it's even more disingenuous (than the perception of Kaep's motives) to leave the fact you agree with the reason's for his protest and not continue to progression of that discussion.

The post @Mister Friendly  quoted from that Vet was one of the better perspectives I've seen in all this
Upset? Interesting choice of words.

Also... I have no comments beyond. You've just proven you didn't read what I said or understood it. Which is fine.
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Like I said in the actual Kaep thread the people that take issue with him don't because they think he is disrespecting the flag/military they take issue with him for the reasons why he chooses to do what he did.

I think this as well. It's easier to feign outrage over what it supposed to be a patrotic symbol than it is to address the substance of what he's saying.

And why? Because in actually acknowledging the issues he's articulated, those same critics open themselves up to having to share their thoughts and opinions on those issues. Not all but most of the backlash I've seen are from white individuals. Why would they specifically not want to talk about them? Truth. Because once you have a frank and real discussion of the systemic issues and injustices, you maybe have to acknowledge or at the very least your inherent privilege and how hundreds of years of real oppression have affected POC. And in that same token of you ignore or have ignored it, are just as complicit in the system as those who first implemented it by openly allowing it to continue while reaping the benefits of it. All the while ignoring the plight of your fellow American(s) who's clearly been hurt as a whole by that same system.
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It's sad that dude is 100% getting cut before 9/11. White america would've lost there minds if he sat during the Anthem during that day

The Niners don't actually play on 9/11. They play on Monday the 12th. I'm not sure if there are festivities planned to honor 9/11 or not for that game.
Upset? Interesting choice of words.

Also... I have no comments beyond. You've just proven you didn't read what I said or understood it. Which is fine.

Get called on your ********, throw a tantrum.

You're not even close to being right bud.

As a good amount of NTers you'd rather have the laugh instead of actually reading what I said. I get it man, no worries.
“I don’t necessarily see that as a solution to anything,” Foster said. “This is me talking. This is Arian talking. If that’s what he felt, that’s his form of protest, I support his right to protest. Those are his thoughts, his opinions.”

Foster continued: “I understand 100 percent what he’s doing. He’s frustrated, just like me. He’s just like my brother. He’s just like my cousins out there. He’s frustrated. It’s hard seeing people get murdered and killed without repercussions.”

Foster’s No. 1 issue with the rash of police shootings is a lack of value granted to the lives lost. Cops who fire their service weapons are rarely prosecuted. And news outlets are quick to publish a mug shot and criminal record if the victim has one.

“I’m active in the communities. I try to educate young brothers that are in gangs and victims of what people don’t understand — this is a systemic problem that’s been going on for generations.

“If you think about it, Marvin Gaye had a great song, “Inner City Blues,” where he said ‘trigger-happy policing.’ That same sentiment is being said 40 years later. Is everybody crazy, or is something actually going on? I think that’s the dialogue that Colin Kaepernick is trying to get started. Would I not stand up for the pledge [of allegiance]? Me? No. I don’t see the correlation, in my opinion. But I understand what he’s doing. The backlash that he’s getting, that’s what I don’t understand. Sports have been used for protest for years.”

He’s received many tweets from people saying that if he doesn’t like this country, he can leave.

To that, he responded: “What do you mean? Where can I go? ... African Americans are the only people in America who don’t have a heritage, because of slavery. We’re descendants of genocide, and people don’t like to talk about that. It’s the truth. We’re the descendants of genocide. So when you say, ‘You can leave,’ where to? I don’t know where my people come from. Am I from the Congo? Am I from Kenya? Am I from the Ivory Coast?

“I have no idea where my lineage comes from, and that is a huge issue as to why there’s a self-identity crisis in our neighborhoods. We’re taught to hate ourselves for generations. And people are just quick to say, ‘Get over it. Get over it. Slavery happened a long time ago.’ I grew up in a domestically violent household. There are effects that I grew up with and had to deal with emotional issues growing up with domestic violence in my house. That’s one generation removed. Now here’s 300 years of slavery, you’ve seen your people get people, have them told you aren’t anything. Written in laws that they’re three-fifths a human being for 300 years. You’re telling me there’s no psychological effects that won’t trickle down in your bloodline? Of course there are. Until this country addresses is, this will happen.”



Wow. What a powerful quote.. Well said Arian..well said my man..
Wait... DSK is white?! :wow:


LeBron isn't doing anything like this. Too much money to lose. Carmelo has done the most out of them and he won't go this far. I would love to hear one of them support Kaep and speak but I doubt it happens.
Wait... DSK is white?! :wow:


LeBron isn't doing anything like this. Too much money to lose. Carmelo has done the most out of them and he won't go this far. I would love to hear one of them support Kaep and speak but I doubt it happens.

Didn't he just do something on the espy's if I recall? Specifically about police brutality before Kaep did. He was also apart of the donald sterling, jersey inside out stance as well (again if i recall).

Could for sure see him doing something to support the stance when he has a stage.
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You're not even close to being right bud.

As a good amount of NTers you'd rather have the laugh instead of actually reading what I said. I get it man, no worries.

i thought you took your ball and went home? [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I doubt he gets cut.

I mean. Dude kinda sucks at his job man. Lol..

I'm all for activist Kap, but football playing kap gets 4 thumbs down from me...the milk has gone bad...
Yea Kap wasn't good last year and ain't do too much so far in the preseason ...from a football standpoint I still don't see him being cut just for the fact that the only other option is gabbert, you know at some point he's gettin benched n Kap is going to be put back in ( if he's still on the team ) ...or maybe the 49ers want the 1st pick tho ? [emoji]128064[/emoji] :lol:
^That's why I don't see him getting cut either. You still have that element of knowing he was very good not to long ago, and the fact that Blaine Gabbert is still Blaine Gabbert. He's a lot of linemen's favorite quarterback.
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