The Invincible Thread

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sorry man, I just don't see a problem with a dome at all

I played in outdoor hockey games when it was like 15-20 degrees and it sucks, I would rather have teams be equal

Its cool to agree to disagree. I favor indoors for many sports. Hell having a retractable roof here at miller park has been amazing and would never wat to go back to a strictly outdoor stadium. With that being said tho Im a firm believer of football being outside.

What's wrong with the way it is? It's not like you need to worry about the league becoming 90% indoors. Indoor games are always a nice switch up and I even kind of look forward to them. Best of both worlds IMO.

A game isn't meant to be either of them just because some old school guy said so. we have the option to do whatever the hell we want.
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What's wrong with the way it is? It's not like you need to worry about the league becoming 90% indoors. Indoor games are always a nice switch up and I even kind of look forward to them. Best of both worlds IMO.

A game isn't meant to be either of them just because some old school guy said so. we have the option to do whatever the hell we want.

Like I said just personal preference.
just don't seem right having an NFC north team with a dome..

I get certain teams having domes.. But if I was a cold weather team, I'd make it miserable for incoming teams.. Same for Miami or Florida teams

Really only couple spots I would put a dome
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Mannnnn was looking forward to seeing some Football tonight 
All NFL teams should be outside. We've had this discussion mad times. Fans still go to those games. If they don't like it, stay home and watch. It's a better game when it's outdoors.
All NFL teams should be outside. We've had this discussion mad times. Fans still go to those games. If they don't like it, stay home and watch. It's a better game when it's outdoors.

You enjoyed that Seahawks/Vikings game? It sucked
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All NFL teams should be outside. We've had this discussion mad times. Fans still go to those games. If they don't like it, stay home and watch. It's a better game when it's outdoors.

we don't agree on much. but we agree on THIS. and the fact that your Yankees did Arod dirty today :lol:
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