The Glove Thread / Zoom Flight 98

Rock em with this. Lol
WTH is going on? :lol:

So if you can't rock jeans with these because its a goon sneaker, are you supposed to wear Dickies?

For a second there I thought we were talking about the shoe and not what you wear with it.

Just wear your shoes and forget everyone else what they think.
I agree with xmigzx. Jeans , shorts, sweats all acceptable.Here's a crazy idea let's get the shoes first lol
Thank God I live in Az and can rock bball shorts year round. My attire of choice (wear shuits n ties M-F). Drives my girl crazy. Lol!!

Probably won't be what I wear when wifey and I go out.
Idc why people talk about how a shoe does/doesn't look good on feet with jeans. OBVIOUSLY everyone is gonna have their own taste. People shouldn't be called clowns unless they rockin something outrageous or getting very matchy matchy
I agree with xmigzx. Jeans , shorts, sweats all acceptable.Here's a crazy idea let's get the shoes first lol
Come on bro. You're killing me here. Don't remind me of how crazy this shoe hunt looks like it's going to be.
^It's gonna be one to remember. Went to about 8 stores yesterday, and none of them knew jack-****. One old grey store manager at a champs knew what they were, but was in utter disbelief that they're supposed to release anytime soon.

I honestly believe they come out on the 12th, and people have just overlooked them due to the ton of other things that release on that same day. How the hell else can we be days away and no one know anything?

I prefer to just walk in the store, pay for my shoes and bounce, but this time around looks like I'll be ordering online.
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Just because SOME of you Jabrone's Can't Dress to Save your Life, doesn't mean you should drag down everyone else with your Turrible Fashion Sense.

If you can't rock jeans with these... YOU Can't Rock Jeans with these, homeboy. Doesn't mean nobody else can & will pull it off.

Wear What You Like. And that applies to Clothing as well... 
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No damns or worries how it looks to the audience. Just rock em! Let's just rejoice that finally one of the more eclectic sneaker lines of the "golden age" is back. Hopefully we get the Zoom Glove and Zoom Payton 2 sooner rather than later.

Got these in and people who have no idea who Gary Payton like this shoe. Even females dig them.
Damn... Didn't intend to get some of yall so worked up with my humble opinion.

These are my favorite kicks of all time, but I still think they look goofy as hell with jeans. Doesn't mean I "cant dress to save my life" or that Im trying to "drag you down with my terrible fashion sense"... Just means I think they look like clownshoes with jeans :lol:

Oh well. While the taste of sodium is still fresh in your mouth .... Lemme sprinkle a lil more salt on your plate :wink:


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Only on NT ? ... ****

Foams look just as bad, if not worse with skinnys.

Paytons whole line was goon staples. Bodybags(glove/sog), Ratchets(ZoomGP), Dubs, "Gangster Peoples" shoes were all word of mouth slang people used to call Paytons way before internet nicknames for sneakers took off. Jordans were the pretty boy favorites while GPs were worn by all the grimey cats.

Been on NT since 2000...been in the industry since '98...worked all over the country, including in Portland/Seattle for 6 years...never once have I heard any of these nicknames for Payton's...

Only EVER heard them called "The Gloves"

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Only on NT ? ... ****

Foams look just as bad, if not worse with skinnys.

Paytons whole line was goon staples. Bodybags(glove/sog), Ratchets(ZoomGP), Dubs, "Gangster Peoples" shoes were all word of mouth slang people used to call Paytons way before internet nicknames for sneakers took off. Jordans were the pretty boy favorites while GPs were worn by all the grimey cats.

Been on NT since 2000...been in the industry since '98...worked all over the country, including in Portland/Seattle for 6 years...never once have I heard any of these nicknames for Payton's...

Only EVER heard them called "The Gloves"


Same here. I don't know where those names came from...
Something got lost in translation. We call the Zoom GP's "ratchets" because of the ratcheting system.

bingo... This was way before "ratchet" was a household word meaning girl with whorish tendencies. Goonies loved that nickname because of its connotation to a pistol.

Only on NT ? ... ****

Foams look just as bad, if not worse with skinnys.

Paytons whole line was goon staples. Bodybags(glove/sog), Ratchets(ZoomGP), Dubs, "Gangster Peoples" shoes were all word of mouth slang people used to call Paytons way before internet nicknames for sneakers took off. Jordans were the pretty boy favorites while GPs were worn by all the grimey cats.

Been on NT since 2000...been in the industry since '98...worked all over the country, including in Portland/Seattle for 6 years...never once have I heard any of these nicknames for Payton's...

Only EVER heard them called "The Gloves"


Ive been here since 01, I know who you are. You've been gracing NT with valuable info for years. Much appreciated :nthat:

About the nicknames... .they're very.....very "hood" names. These weren't industry names and were definitely not the kind of thing Nike would ever want to be intentionally associated with.

While the title "GP" was representative of Gary Payton, "GP" has always been slang for "Gangster Person"... I cant be only one that heard people call GPCs "Gangster People Cigarettes" back in the day .

GP is slang on the street for a dub (20 bag) because Paytons number was 20 same way people call a 7 a "Vick", on the inverse people also called the shoes dubs.

Bodybags was a morbid reference to the zipper on the Gloves/SOGs and held a sinister meaning to a small demographic that wore them. Alot of people that gravitated toward this nickname were the same guys wearing matching Nike "killah gloves" on their hands in the dead middle of the summer to void their fingerprints.... Seriously bad dudes.

Probably a midwest thing, Chicago/Detroit/Stl gangbangers (that arent dead) and Cops of the era would probably have more knowledge of these nicknames than anyone who's in the industry or actually into sneakers. Does Jumpmanbostic still post ? Maybe he could chime in.... He was DPD right ?
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