****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

To what gain though? A coach punking a teenager on camera isn't exactly a good look for the league. Lavar may subscribe to the "any attention is good attention" line of thinking but staging an event like this would just be stupid.

I don't think its staged, I just think his league has awful "coaches"

Explain to me WHAT IS a good look for THIS league?

ya'll probably think this was legit too huh? :lol:
Those are bad examples. Oak and Stephen Jackson is legit. Them dudes ain't faking a argument, that wasn't even that serious anyway.

That JBA coach thing just looked crazy. I can't see somebody agreeing to go along with that behind closed doors on some conspiracy ****. :lol:
It's not a matter of it being fake as in scripted or a "conspiracy"...but they're putting sauce on it. They're doing that **** because they're selling entertainment. Look at the people in the crowd while they're doing it. They're loving that **** It's the Big ******* 3. They not taking that **** that serious for them to have a real argument with real issues at hand. I guarantee you them ****** hit the strip club and the casino together directly after that game.

There was alot of sauce on that JBA coach interaction. It's a circus and anything goes when you're trying to get attention today. They're not even on network television. Those are THEIR cameras recording that footage. If they didn't want this to be seen...why would they have put this out? They got the ******* mic dangling in front them ****** like it's a tv show :lol:
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I doubt they putting any extras on it, that's who Oak and Jacks are. :lol:

Oak and Stephen Jackson been friends for years. So they probably was hanging out afterwards.
Explain to me WHAT IS a good look for THIS league?

ya'll probably think this was legit too huh? :lol:

The Big 3 is a league for former pro-athletes, the JBA is supposed to be a development league for teenagers. They're not winning any points with anyone by having their coaches punk teenagers.
The JBA operates as a community outreach project to the detriment of Lavar's own two children.

Melo and Gelo participating in this league completely ruins their credibility as serious basketball players.

Lavar snatched up a bunch of kids off the streets and created a basketball league for them to play AND GET PAID IN.

The criticism of this league is unwarranted. There's no harm being done here except to his own boys. Everything else about this league is a positive, including the ticket prices. Somebody has to pay the kids, right?
The JBA is pretty much equivalent to mid-tier AAU basketball so with a green light like Melo has I would expect him to ball out like he does.

The thing is, Melo's development could be handled way better than it is. Let us keep it #1HUNNA, LaVar pimping him to keep sell some clothes, shoes, and this struggle league. His son, his choice, but Melo's development seems to be a secondary concern.

Melo should be playing in a serious league overseas with a coach that will teach him parts of the game that LaVar didn't and learning to be on a team where he doesn't get everything he wants and learns to handle it. And in the offseason, he should be working out with Zo and other NBA pros. Like dude still needs to retool his jumper a bit. Hell, send his *** to IMG or something.

Melo clearly had a natural talent and feel for the game, but he is not a sure thing, I don't some people realize how tiny the margin of error is for an NBA prospect. Sooner is later Melo is gonna have to prove how good he is against other top-tier prospects his age; and I think there is a massive question mark as to whether he will be able to back up the hype.

I mean there is a massive amount of irony in LaVar talking up his new unique plan to get Melo NBA ready and pointing to Lonzo as one of his previous successes. When Zo took the traditional route to the NBA
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Dat box score tho

The jba is literally a league just to showcase Melo and Gelo. They took 54 and 35 shots, respectively, and no one else had more than 17.

What sucks is that you can see Melo's talent. He's just not getting any better by jacking up 35 ft threes and cherry picking. To develop, he really needs to play in a more organized system against better competition. RustyShackleford RustyShackleford brought up a good point about the margin for error for young prospects being so small. Look at the top 50 prospects going into their junior year of HS over the last few years, the majority of them don't sniff the NBA. if Melo continues to fall behind his peers on the development curve, there might not be enough time for him to make the NBA.
I’m rooting for Lonzo but this gonna be a disaster if he’s out of the league in a few years, his girl leaves him, pops get the mansion foreclosed and Melo doesn’t make it to the league.
I was a supporter of the BBB out the gate due to Lavar being active in his kids life, supporting them etc, but I gotta fall back.

Dude has made some bad decisions that will affect both Melo and Gelo’s development as men. Him pulling Gelo out of UCLA was short sighted at best, but Melo is a high school dropout now! No other way to look at it. College isn’t for everybody, but Lavar could’ve at least finessed a degree from a prestigious university for him. At best he was a GLeague prospect.

What he’s done to Melo is damn near child abuse. Of course he can get a GED and go back to college if basketball doesn’t pan out, but he’s made his path a lot tougher.

Edit: suprised this isn’t getting more coverage
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The jba is literally a league just to showcase Melo and Gelo. They took 54 and 35 shots, respectively, and no one else had more than 17.

What sucks is that you can see Melo's talent.
He's just not getting any better by jacking up 35 ft threes and cherry picking. To develop, he really needs to play in a more organized system against better competition. RustyShackleford RustyShackleford brought up a good point about the margin for error for young prospects being so small. Look at the top 50 prospects going into their junior year of HS over the last few years, the majority of them don't sniff the NBA. if Melo continues to fall behind his peers on the development curve, there might not be enough time for him to make the NBA.

At this point, can we?

Hard to gauge exactly how good he is when he's done nothing over the past year but play glorified pick-up ball where they keep stats. I'd love to see where he is in his development going up against actual talent.

This is a complete charade. As I said before, Melo's development has been hindered all for the BBB push. If he doesn't tread carefully, Lavar might be on 14:38 of his 15 minutes.
I was a supporter of the BBB out the gate due to Lavar being active in his kids life, supporting them etc, but I gotta fall back.

Dude has made some bad decisions that will affect both Melo and Gelo’s development as men. Him pulling Gelo out of UCLA was short sighted at best, but Melo is a high school dropout now! No other way to look at it. College isn’t for everybody, but Lavar could’ve at least finessed a degree from a prestigious university for him. At best he was a GLeague prospect.

What he’s done to Melo is damn near child abuse. Of course he can get a GED and go back to college if basketball doesn’t pan out, but he’s made his path a lot tougher.

Thier is so much TRUTH IN YOUR POST!!!
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