The College Basketball Post

Woody: Not a Duke fan, so I'll defer to you. I'll rescind the scoring comment. But you truly think Jay was more explosive/athletic than Kyrie?
I gave ground to Woody because I'm not a Duke fan and will defer to those who have watched Jay more. But top-5 PG in the NBA? You're on that Steve Francis. CP3, Rose, Russy, Rondo. That's not debatable. Others could sprinkle in prime Deron or Steph.
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I gave ground to Woody because I'm not a Duke fan and will defer to those who have watched Jay more. But top-5 PG in the NBA? You're on that Steve Francis. CP3, Rose, Russy, Rondo. That's not debatable. Others could sprinkle in prime Deron or Steph.
Russy aint even a real PG, Rose might be down the same path with his injury and Rondo? Get real, go to youtube and search some of his highlights, watch the last minute of the game at maryland. My boy was unstoppable during his ENTIRE career. 
What's a "real PG"? The position has transformed to athletic specimens (combo guards) like Russy, Rose, Wall, Knight, etc.

I could easily counter your YT highlights with G2 of the ECF. Rondo clinic. Jay will never have that passing ability and court vision. He also can't manage or run a team like Rondo does as a true, old school PG. Fact.
What's a "real PG"? The position has transformed to athletic specimens (combo guards) like Russy, Rose, Wall, Knight, etc.

I could easily counter your YT highlights with G2 of the ECF. Rondo clinic. Jay will never have that passing ability and court vision. He also can't manage or run a team like Rondo does as a true, old school PG. Fact.
A real PG picks his time to score, not force up 25+ shots a game just to get to his 25 points. You've not watched Jay play because rondo can't even shine his shoes. FACT.

In fact I bet Jay could still give it to Rondo.
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Yet that player you're subliminally describing is a consensus top-10 player in the league/world.

I'm done here. Jay being significantly better than Kyrie? Fine, I concede that. Top-5 PG in the NBA for Jay without the motorcycle accident? Blatant Duke homerism.
Yet that player you're subliminally describing is a consensus top-10 player in the league/world.

I'm done here. Jay being significantly better than Kyrie? Fine, I concede that. Top-5 PG in the NBA for Jay without the motorcycle accident? Blatant Duke homerism.

You must be a unc uk or one of those type people. Its a mute subject because we simply wont ever get to find out, but you still a ****.
Jay was a monster at Duke. Explosiveness, ability to dunk with power for his size, strong. We only saw a glimpse of Kyrie but fortunately i saw him in person twice. Kyrie was/is more deceptive/creative than Jay
They both shared the ability to take over a game/ be a closer. Jay did it several times(miracle minute, final four against umd, ncaa tourney where he had something like 18 straight points)

Jay was and still is my favorite Duke player til this day. He was the guy who got my attention and reason i fell in love with the program growing up
We all have those influential players that change the game for us. Gardner and Slim made me a hardcore Zona fan.

Juan Dixon, Julius Page, Carl Krauser, Tony Bobbitt, Bootsy Thornton, Marcus Hatten, Omar Cook, Joe Forte, Ed Cota.
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