The College Basketball Post

Duke won't lose name recognition. They'll enjoy probably a decade-long reprieve from casual fans and the national media after K leaves, especially since Nike won't just up and leave them. K will pick a solid successor and maybe he'll succeed, but a top coach will come to them sooner than later.
I think y'all really underestimating the work WoJoGod is bout to put when K bounces...

All the big men going to be coming to Durham to learn his post moves :pimp:
I think y'all really underestimating the work WoJoGod is bout to put when K bounces...

All the big men going to be coming to Durham to learn his post moves :pimp:

I think y'all really underestimating the work WoJoGod is bout to put when K bounces...

All the big men going to be coming to Durham to learn his post moves

No chance in hell Wojo gets the reigns. Collins is probably gonna bounce to Northwestern and Nate will come on staff. I would hope that we would then reach out to Christian to come on staff in some form.

K will hand pick the next coach and I'm sure he'll still have some involvement in the program/university. It's not like he's just going to disappear. I'm not worried about recruiting once K leaves. If someone like Stevens is hired then honestly I'd be thrilled. Get some Duke guys on staff and have K as an advisor in some form. The name and legacy will appeal to players still after he leaves much like Jordan and Dean still help with the recruiting at UNC.

I think Dawkins was eventually going to be the next guy in line but his body at work at Stanford has been subpar and I wouldn't be comfortable at all with bringing him in as the next guy, Whoever they bring in will have to be proven.

What Mike, Cake, Vic, and I were discussing on twitter was that there were rumblings that Sean Miller would be who UNC would target when Roy leaves and that Stevens would be Duke's. The guy who run's Duke's site said that Duke has interest in Stevens to be K's successor.
If Stevens is going to bring that style of play to Duke, then I'll have grounds to hate them even more. 
Look Stevens to Duke is a no-brainer for both parties, but what makes you think K won't stick the university with one of his guys be it Wojo/Dawkins/Caple, just like Calhoun did with Ollie (although it seems Ollie is going to work out well for the Huskies)? He certainly has earned choosing his successor and with his ego, I can't see him going outside the family.
Alright that's it, Wichita State winning it all. Tebow gave them that patented pep talk speech on their team bus. Cue VC "it's over" gif. :pimp: :lol:
Zona hasn't been the same since 05

That Illinois comeback will forever haunt that program

Team was ill too

Salim, Channing and MY DUDE HASSAN ADAMS!
Is this the annual Jay Wright put my name out there with an opening deal or is there actual interest with UCLA?
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