The College Basketball Post

He's never been above .500 in B10 play. Minnesota has been better before him and could very well be better after him. If you're going to be middle of the pack, might as well take a swing with a younger guy.
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That & that Zona job is NOT opening up anytime soon.
I wouldn't say he's been exposed completely...his team got to the round of 32 this year, he's still young and at least can give off the impression that he has room to grow as a coach while still being an elite recruiter. Lot of schools would still love to have him.

And while Arizona is an elite job, I've heard rumors that if Roy retires in the near future that Sean Miller is at the top of UNC's list.

at some point Pastner has to win with all the talent he gets. if he went to USC it would be the samething all over, he would recurit talent but it stills comes down to him coaching i know he is learning on the job but still you cant just throw the ball out there and expect your team to win

and we talked about miller to UNC and Stevens to duke on twitter yesterday, if both fan bases think roy/coach K have 5-7 years left how can you say both guys will wait out for both jobs
Smart is already making 1.5 mil I think so UCLA would have to up the ante a bit for him to leave
of course they will. they will offer the right coach 3-4 million a year.
I'm just looking for their reasoning. I'm not sure who they think they can get or who they think they are... but I guess they expected more.
Few years ago I was a big supporter of Calipari staying at Memphis even with Kentucky being the bigger name program. That being said I think Pastner should stay at Memphis also. He's building a good program that should continue to improve along with him growing as an overall coach.
and we talked about miller to UNC and Stevens to duke on twitter yesterday, if both fan bases think roy/coach K have 5-7 years left how can you say both guys will wait out for both jobs

I said it then I love Brad as a coach but I don't know if he can recruit, Miller is a PROVEN recruiter.

I mean as far as young coaches the list is Miller, Smart, & Stevens. If you have a big time program that has to be your list, of which I don't see Miller leaving at all. The UNC job isn't much more glamorous than the Zona job and I'm not sure anyone wants to be that 1st coach who comes behind K.
UNC not as glamorous than Zona?

Wait, what?

Reading is fundamental. I said "MUCH MORE GLAMOROUS" its a top tier job but Zona isn't exactly a run of the mill job itself and he's reestablished that school to where Lute had it. Its going to take A LOT more than the job is here if you want it IMO.

But that's just my assessment.
Roy Williams is to Kansas what Arizona is to Sean Miller...Both have/had elite jobs and great places to win championships but when UNC comes knocking you listen.
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I'm not saying he's not going to listen but those are two totally different scenarios.

Roy cut his teeth as an assistant to Dean so that was like him going back home. Miller doesn't have any ties to UNC, none that I know of at least so that pressure/desire isn't the same as it was with Roy. l Everyone knew he was going to UNC eventually. EVERYONE. This isn't the same.

I said it yesterday when me, Mike, Woody, Nolan, Vic, & JMause were discussing it on twitter: there are 6 tier one schools as far as a coaching position UCLA, IU, UK, Duke, KU, & UNC. Any of those schools come calling you HAVE to at least hear them out but the circumstances of the situation dictate anything further than that. For example, I would not want to be that person following behind K. NOPE, nah, I'm good. maybe one coach removed... MAYBE. But if I'm at a tier 2 school: ie Zona, MSU, Michigan, Fla, UConn etc I'm not necessarily leaving my current situation for those schools unless its right.

Which is why I'm saying I'm not sure Miller is leaving anytime soon. He has it very very sweet down in Zona.
K is gonna pick his successor anyway.


The God
UNC not as glamorous than Zona?

Wait, what?
isn't much more glamorous (what he said)

i think the UNC job is the most glamorous in the country with arizona probably somewhere around 10th.

Why? What makes UNC more glamorous than UK, UNC, IU, or Duke?
when you think of college bball dont you think of UNC? when you think of long term history, its UNC,UK,UCLA, Kansas and IU. all those schools started doing wht they did from the 60's till now. duke just started in the 90's. long term history wise Duke is not even in the same class as the other schools

and if you want to go about right now. only UK rivals what UNC doesnt for all there alum and ex players how everyone comes back in the summer time and is a straight family

They have the jordan brand backing them up something everyone loves
BigMike you're crazy, Coach K has turned Duke into one of the blue bloods of college basketball. His championships are a testament to that.

LOL wut? Cmon Cake hahaha

Pastner should bounce. That Memphis fanbase is putting to much pressure on him because of what Cal did. USC > Memphis anyways

This is not true, Memphis' fan base know what they have in Pastner, he's a keeper.
we have this same debate every year... the difference with Duke is that we don't know what it's like w/o Coach K. those other programs are bigger than the head coach... but 4 titles and 2K wins is pretty good. :lol:
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