The College Basketball Post

Grant being compared to mkg is dumb...there's no proof he can even play defense in that soft *** zone they run

Bruh have you seen MKG play?

The fool straight up stinks on O. So does Grant, that's what I was going off. Both of them are active athletes. Neither can shoot or handle. Especially in a half court situation both are useless. Charlotte doesn't even want the kid anymore. you see were all his mins are going, right to CDR.

Both these dudes are trash is what I was getting at. No changing my mind on it, I can't see MKG getting better and neither Grant.
MKG can play great defense and can finish pretty well though

his jumpshot is one of the worst but we have an actual squad now so that isn't need from biggest thing was him not being a 1-3 option on offense and now he's not w/ the jefferson signing and other players stepping up 

edit: yea Stokes is def an undersized PF.....yall advanced stats guys need to watch some of these players man 
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I'd like to see MKG just say **** a jump shot and just focus on ball handling, offensive rebounding, posting up and slashing off the ball. But that's for another thread.
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Eh. I dunno why so many in here are blasting grants game. Dude showed his offensive potential at times last year while really never having any plays ran for him.

I see him as a typical young gifted athlete getting ready to get drafted. All depends on the situation he's drafted into but this dude can really be scary good.
I assume that you mean going to the rim? He took 5 3s all year and made none. That sounds like an NBA 4. 
Really hoping a big name surprises people and returns next year...

Whether it's Jabari, Stauskas, Kentucky guys, etc...would be SO hyped for next year if one of those type guys came back.
Really liked Hood's game. Pissed me off every time I saw him playing for Duke. That was the wrong spot for him.
Why would you bring up race?

I'm glad Martin is doing this. He was not treated as well as he should have been.
Uh, because a black HC getting treated like crap at an SEC school after taking over the program under an NCAA investigation and subsequently taking them to a S16 probably has something to do with his race in my opinion. 
Uh, because a black HC getting treated like crap at an SEC school after taking over the program under an NCAA investigation and subsequently taking them to a S16 probably has something to do with his race in my opinion. 
1. Martin was not UT's first black head coach.
2. The previous coach, Pearl was successful and adored by the fan base. He never left town, hence Martin was coaching under this shadow the entire time. Pearl was kept on the payroll of a local booster's company.
3. The fans did not like his style of play, his coaching ability, or the way he interacted with the community. He fell far short of the shoes he was brought in to fill.

He was out of favor long before his S16 run. It was not because he was black. These are the same boosters and fans that wanted Charlie Strong.
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While I am sure, there is a culture of racism that pervades a school like UT (pretty much most SEC schools for that matter) I think its a rush to say that. I mean there last head coach was a Jewish guy from Boston, he wasn't exactly a good ol' boy himself. Plus, there have been other black head coaches there. He might have been treated like crap but that could have been just a result of the fanbase loving Pearl and anyone following him up was going to have a rough time of sorts.

Also, if I said you could live in Berkely or Knoxville, which one are you choosing? The bay has produced some good talent lately just have to convince guys to stay home. That starts with Ivan Rabb.
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That is correct. It's not race, it's stupidity. Nothing more.
Good luck with a Ben Howland re-tread hire [emoji]128584[/emoji] :smh:
Where did I say anything about him being the first? I know who Bruce Pearl is. I've posted in this thread for years, trust me, you don't have to school me on the coaching history at UT.

I merely stated my opinion on the matter. At an SEC school it's hardly out of the question to suggest that a coach could be facing some additional problems because of his race. And furthermore in a profession that has the lowest number of black HC's that it's had in 20 years. His race may not have been the deciding factor, but am I remiss to suggest that it played a role in the way that he was treated?
Great/smart move by Martin...

Guys that Tennessee should at least call...Gregg Marshall, Tim Miles, Tad Boyle, Mick Cronin, Shaka Smart, Ben Howland...
If you want to know why Nick Johnson left school.

The rule is so obviously an affront to the players who participate in college basketball that you’ll have a heck of a time finding a single coach who was in the room for those ACC meetings who’ll admit to a role in it. None wants to own it, because it’s so clearly self-serving. The rule’s very existence is equivalent to this statement: My program matters more than the young men it is designed to serve.

At least PRETEND to be about "development". :x :smh:
smart move by Martin......can't be loyal to them if they wasn't to you

and OKB, how did Canada not make the fiba world cup?
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