The College Basketball Post

My take on the whole players getting paid argument...

Well, for one, they ALREADY ARE GETTING PAID. $25-50K a year for a scholarship plus a stipend? Do you know how many students would love to have that? And the ones that do get that might even get more?

These players know they aren't getting paid for going to school to play, if they want to get paid, why are they going to college? They can go elsewhere...there's the D League or overseas that will be more than happy to pay them to play basketball then go to the NBA.

Regarding coaches salaries...shouldn't the people that have been working the longest/been the most successful get the highest amount of money?

Andrew Wiggins needed Kansas more than Kansas needed Andrew blood programs are what they are...a Jabari Parker or Julius Randle isn't going to change that...Duke will be Duke, Kentucky will be Kentucky.

For the Northwestern players...a year at Northwestern is about $65K...athletes on a full ride don't have to pay that. You think the people that DO have to pay that are enjoying seeing the ones that get it for free want more money?

I spoke to a KU basketball player and he talked about their stipend saying "All anybody buys with it is shoes..." and we have Shabazz Napier "starving" while Willie Cauley-Stein is wearing a $140 shirt on the bench during the Title Game...c'mon man.
Like every other pay system works; a free market with multiple parties competing for players, your value would be determined by your value to the team.

Are you satisfied with a burger flipper getting a fraction of the payment as CEO of Mcdonalds?

we except market forces in every aspect of life except college sports? why?
you believe this propaganda?

When was the last multi BILLION dollar industry that folded up because it had to pay its employees?

They still found a way to pick cotton after slavery, why should this be different.

The NCAA tries to make it seem like it would be SOOOOOOooo difficult to pay players, that OMG, look at all these problems, how will it work??!!

Funny how nobody complains about the different salaries of coaches, athletic Directories, the NCAA executives, everybody else getting paid, but the minute you mention players it becomes sooooo difficult.
every other sport manages to allocate its resources in a free market environment, why does it become so difficult when it comes to college sports? How come a lower level assistant on Coach K's staff gets peanuts compared to coach K?

Do you know how much ego bruising you create in that scenario amongst kids?

Do you suddenly start weighing a kids production year in and year out in terms of the money allocated to them? How do you gauge the production of a 5 star incoming freshman who's never played a college basketball game? Do you start him lower on the pay scale? How do you split pay for a Kentucky who brings in 6 5 star freshmen?

How do you divvy it up for football? What if a kid gets hurt hurt and misses 60% of his season? Do you cut his pay and give it to his back up who now takes those snaps or gets his minutes on the court?

Breh, you're talking like this **** is black and white and an easy implementation. Not in the least buddy. You're just opening up Pandora's box at this point and it would not end well.
Do you know how much ego bruising you create in that scenario amongst kids?

Do you suddenly start weighing a kids production year in and year out in terms of the money allocated to them? How do you gauge the production of a 5 star incoming freshman who's never played a college basketball game? Do you start him lower on the pay scale? How do you split pay for a Kentucky who brings in 6 5 star freshmen?

How do you divvy it up for football? What if a kid gets hurt hurt and misses 60% of his season? Do you cut his pay and give it to his back up who now takes those snaps or gets his minutes on the court?

Breh, you're talking like this **** is black and white and an easy implementation. Not in the least buddy. You're just opening up Pandora's box at this point and it would not end well.
Couldn't agree more. This would completely ruin college sports...Shabazz Napier said something along the lines of a lot of people don't know how to handle their think 18, 19, 20, 21 year old kids know how to handle their money? No way

Players would think "I gotta get mine so I can get paid more..." and would strike up their ego even more. That would be a complete failure.

For instance, let's look at Albert Pujols, he gets this huge contract and hasn't done a damn thing with it...can you imagine if that happened at the college level? It would be "this poor kid can't handle all this pressure he has to live up to the money he is getting his freshman year..."
While I think both sides make valid points and I ultimately believe that players should be allowed to profit off of their own names and likenesses if there is an opportunity for them to do so, are we seriously worried about ego bruising? Come on, be foreal. If a player acts selfishly, then he'll be benched like any other scenario. Coaches still hold the ultimate power here. 
This dude said Wiggins needed Kansas more than Kansas needed him? :lol: :lol:

You do know that he was already projected to be the #1 pick if not for the rules saying he had to go to school and regardless of what school it was?

He could have played anywhere and been the #1 pick, if you think Bill Self system and Kansas program "helped" him at all, you're tripping.
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Yea, Wiggins didn't need Kansas at all. He could've went and played at Central Connecticut State and been a top 3 pick in the draft. That's just the arrogance of a big program speaking. Programs are NOTHING without the players.
People dont understand you simply cant just pay players whatever based on performance in college. You just cant do that ****.

I agree with what Cal said. Increase stipends and let players get a loan.
true but if wiggins wanted to be paid he

shouldve pulled a jennings ( not saying he did)

so i agree when they go to school its like they

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Yea, Wiggins didn't need Kansas at all. He could've went and played at Central Connecticut State and been a top 3 pick in the draft. That's just the arrogance of a big program speaking. Programs are NOTHING without the players.

Bottom line.
true but if wiggins wanted to be paid he

shouldve pulled a jennings ( not saying he did)

so i agree when they go to school its like they


It's unreasonable for a kid to have to go overseas to get paid when in every other profession if he had the talent, he could get paid here.
My take on the whole players getting paid argument...

Well, for one, they ALREADY ARE GETTING PAID. $25-50K a year for a scholarship plus a stipend? Do you know how many students would love to have that? And the ones that do get that might even get more?

1. not enough, its a billion dollar industry. Why should they be artificially limited by a cartel?

2. You can have it, get your grades up son, plenty of academic scholarships, study hard perform and you can get one. This idea that athletic scholarships are some priovledge that student athletes should be happy to have is stupid. Its not free, they get the scholarship because the perform. You can get one if you perform in the classroom.

These players know they aren't getting paid for going to school to play, if they want to get paid, why are they going to college? They can go elsewhere...there's the D League or overseas that will be more than happy to pay them to play basketball then go to the NBA.

1. You just said they were getting paid...with a scholarship thats worth 50k. Your argument is already breaking down.

2. The NBA has an age limit, so no they can't go to the D league, its duopoly that forces them to go to school, its a cartel system that wouldn't hold up in any industry.

3. Lets say I believed that horse ****, and it was really worth it to go make the NCAA with no compensation, WHY DO YOU NEED AN ARTIFICIAL LIMITATION ON PAYMENT, if its worth only that a market wouldn't change that if most players were truly only worth 50k scholarship expense.

They are worth more and in a free market system, the scholarship wouldn't be enough.

Regarding coaches salaries...shouldn't the people that have been working the longest/been the most successful get the highest amount of money?

Shouldn't the kids, working the longest and have been the most successful get the highest amount of money?

Its a distinction without a difference, that same logic can be easily applied to the players.

Andrew Wiggins needed Kansas more than Kansas needed Andrew blood programs are what they are...a Jabari Parker or Julius Randle isn't going to change that...Duke will be Duke, Kentucky will be Kentucky.

Sooo why do you need the artificial limitation, if Wiggins is worth only the scholarship a market wouldn't change that.

The reason they are terrified of that is because they OBVIOUSLY are worth more all of them Selden, Frankamp, Lucas all of them besides the walk ons.

For the Northwestern players...a year at Northwestern is about $65K...athletes on a full ride don't have to pay that. You think the people that DO have to pay that are enjoying seeing the ones that get it for free want more money?

1. You can get a scholarship, hit them books buddy.

2. You JUST SAID they are paid with education, if you are paid based a service you performed IT IS NOT FREE.

I spoke to a KU basketball player and he talked about their stipend saying "All anybody buys with it is shoes..." and we have Shabazz Napier "starving" while Willie Cauley-Stein is wearing a $140 shirt on the bench during the Title Game...c'mon man.

Its there right to with it what they want, I thought this was America??

Y'all sounding real socialist when it comes to paying young black people.
but the nba wont allow them

if i was them i wouldnt go to school knowing

im not being paid but then complain..

if they finished all 4 years it may not seem like

a waste of time

i would imgaine 1 and dones feel like a yr

of their life they played free
Do you know how much ego bruising you create in that scenario amongst kids?

Do you know how much ego brusing that goes on in a major commercial bank when the dude next to you gets a bigger bonus at the end of the year.

They seem to deal with it fine.

Do you suddenly start weighing a kids production year in and year out in terms of the money allocated to them? How do you gauge the production of a 5 star incoming freshman who's never played a college basketball game? Do you start him lower on the pay scale? How do you split pay for a Kentucky who brings in 6 5 star freshmen?

You don't you let the market do it, it seems to work fine FOR EVERY OTHER BUSINESS ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET

How do you divvy it up for football? What if a kid gets hurt hurt and misses 60% of his season? Do you cut his pay and give it to his back up who now takes those snaps or gets his minutes on the court?


Breh, you're talking like this **** is black and white and an easy implementation. Not in the least buddy. You're just opening up Pandora's box at this point and it would not end well.

Capitalism, and freedom are a pandoras box huh?

you sound like the southern states during the civil war. :lol:
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true but if wiggins wanted to be paid he

shouldve pulled a jennings ( not saying he did)

so i agree when they go to school its like they

He chooses the school for certain reasons too. Great exposure/nationally televised games, conference affiliation, top notch facilities and coaching staff. However, only one is allowed to profit. Not sure that I think kids should receive checks from the school, but at least being able to sign endorsement deals seems plausible.
People dont understand you simply cant just pay players whatever based on performance in college. You just cant do that ****.

I agree with what Cal said. Increase stipends and let players get a loan.

of course you can.

every business in the world manages to do it.

Heres the thing that bugs me with college fans, just admit:

1. I like college basketball the way it is and its within in by interests as a fan to maintain the status quo

2. But I acknowledge that the NCAA system is laughably unfair and is a clear anti trust violation and anything less that fair market value for services is repugnant and bares no resemblance to capitalism or liberty.

I get being selfish, EVERYONE is selfish, but I don't get lying and saying dumb **** to defend this ridiculous system.

Its like the Washington football team name, admit that the name is completely racist, but you don't want it to change because its your childhood team and you like the name and you don't want its history thrown away.

I get that, I don't like illogical arguments.
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They should scrap the whole thing altogether and still give kids the choice to leave right after high school.

I've seen WAY more kids come out after one year than I did when they could just come out of HS.  It used to be 2 or 3 that would leave after one year, now its like 10

And besides, it's the NBA scouts fault if they draft a kid too early.  They should be better at figuring out a kid's potential by now.
playing sports should be a work study type deal. i dont know how much kids get right now as far as stipend but they should be compensated. but to say they are starving or hungry, nah. especially the athletes at the top universities
I've wondered if the level of talent will increase if they pay these kids in college. Now in Middle School or High School they'll be seeing the dollar signs even sooner motivating everyone to work harder at a younger age. Maybe not, just a thought.
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Karl Towns. :pimp:

also keep an eye on Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk, youngest guy to ever play on the hoops summit, big time talent goes to an englsih speaking school in the Ukraine, likely to go to American college. Athletic, great shooter, great scoring instincts.

Top 20 recruit type talent.

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