The College Basketball Post

They can. You pay those who have value. It's America, man. Different sports already receive varying levels of scholarships, no? Swim team guys getting half scholarships versus basketball guys. 

Funny quote from Mick Cronin. Trying to get Ollie out of here.
"If the Lakers were smart Kevin Ollie would be coaching the Lakers next year".
See, the thing is, they should be compensated for anything OUTSIDE of the gym that they're name or likeness is associated with that generates revenue for the school or their sport. That's the main issue here.

And I never addressed this but don't believe the bull **** Bazz was spittin' about going home hungry. I played soccer at UConn. We used to have catered pregame and postgame meals for games AND practice. The basketball team got that plus more, on top of the meal plan attached to their scholarship. We didn't even have this **** at Duke so I don't know why Bazz is making it sound like UConn wasn't going above and beyond.

My fridge in my apartment was STOCKED with Gatorades I used to take after games and practices so you can only imagine what the ball team was pulling in. He wasn't being starved, he was starving himself
I wouldn't have a huge issue with players getting paid outside the gym..

That's what I'm saying of my KU basketball buddies was constantly getting food catered and asking me if I wanted any cause there was so much extra...
You CAN'T believe that man.

Look if you are unwilling to use basic logic: National Labor Review Board ruled that is was a JOB, that they are employees.

If you fail your classes?

Heres and A+ essay a student athlete submitted on rosa parks.



1. Cmon man, boosters aren't being limited by anything, if they want to contribute they can nothing is limiting them.


The report on that paper was deemed to be false from what I read.

Boosters aren't being limited to anything? Neither are athletes. You want money? Go to the D League or overseas.
Osh, I appreciate your argument and respect your knowledge and opinion...but clearly this argument isn't going to get anywhere.
I wouldn't have a huge issue with players getting paid outside the gym..

That's what I'm saying of my KU basketball buddies was constantly getting food catered and asking me if I wanted any cause there was so much extra...

The report on that paper was deemed to be false from what I read.

Boosters aren't being limited to anything? Neither are athletes. You want money? Go to the D League or overseas.
Random note, but I never realized Jereme Richmond was doing three years in federal about going off track :smh:
just donning on me that Malta has no idea how the free "market" works :smh: :lol:

I more than understand the free market ya dummy. You're talking to someone who's worked in finance and then consulting for the last 8 years.

I'm simply stating that IT WOULD NOT WORK in college sports. Too many tangible and intangible factors.

How are you so caught up on the technical aspects of it instead of the real world applications that wouldn't make it a possibility? You're clearly a quantitative dude whereas I take a more qualitative stance on real life issues.
If players started getting paid it would make the narrow end of the funnel even narrower and it would direct all of the top players toward only a select few schools. Talk about the haves and the have nots.
I more than understand the free market ya dummy. You're talking to someone who's worked in finance and then consulting for the last 8 years.

I'm simply stating that IT WOULD NOT WORK in college sports. Too many tangible and intangible factors.

How are you so caught up on the technical aspects of it instead of the real world applications that wouldn't make it a possibility? You're clearly a quantitative dude whereas I take a more qualitative stance on real life issues.

the technical aspects ARE THE LAW.

fair is fair, right is right, it doesn't change because you want to watch college basketball.

its unlawful and unfair, just admit it.

Osh, I appreciate your argument and respect your knowledge and opinion...but clearly this argument isn't going to get anywhere.

thats fine just admit you are in favour of price fixing.
I just wish these athletes could get health insurance post college to cover lingering health issues if they don't make it to the pros.
kids gotta realize, a majority of them are not going to make it professionally. take advantage of the education. simple as that. set yourself up in the future if athletics isnt gonna work on for you.
Osh, what about someone like Steph Curry then? He goes to school at Davidson unheralded. In your system, kids like him end up never seeing the light of day and ultimately the talent pool diminishes based on who is good at 18 which is impossible to really know anyway.
I don't care what Osh long as Title IX is in effect, there will NEVER be a pay scale in college sports unless it's even across the board. There are way too many factors to consider doing it any other way.
Right, wrong, or otherwise... Title IX is a factor. A major one. It always will be as long as these programs are tied to institutions that receive state and federal funding every year.
Right, wrong, or otherwise... Title IX is a factor. A major one. It always will be as long as these programs are tied to institutions that receive state and federal funding every year.

I don't care what Osh long as Title IX is in effect, there will NEVER be a pay scale in college sports unless it's even across the board. There are way too many factors to consider doing it any other way.

fifne thats a different argument: the powers at be won't let it happen. okay.

but it isn't right fair or lawful. Thats what I am arguing.
Osh, what about someone like Steph Curry then? He goes to school at Davidson unheralded. In your system, kids like him end up never seeing the light of day and ultimately the talent pool diminishes based on who is good at 18 which is impossible to really know anyway.

no, if a prospect like Steph Curry can only bargain for a scholorship and stipend or wahtever nothing changes. He still plays for davidson he still becomes a star.
They can. You pay those who have value. It's America, man. Different sports already receive varying levels of scholarships, no? Swim team guys getting half scholarships versus basketball guys. 

Funny quote from Mick Cronin. Trying to get Ollie out of here.

"If the Lakers were smart Kevin Ollie would be coaching the Lakers next year".

:lol: @ mick
They can. You pay those who have value. It's America, man. Different sports already receive varying levels of scholarships, no? Swim team guys getting half scholarships versus basketball guys. 

Funny quote from Mick Cronin. Trying to get Ollie out of here.

"If the Lakers were smart Kevin Ollie would be coaching the Lakers next year".

:lol: @ mick


Not trying to get back on this subject, just a video that shows more skills than just dunking

Young Bob Sura :pimp:
why he got to be a young bobby sura? just cause he is white you compare him to a white athlethe :rolleyes.
to me, he's got a lot of dwyane wade in him
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