The College Basketball Post

Osh got the world figured out. :lol:

Care to address how Title IX fits into all of this? You know GD well that there would be rustled jimmies for an uneven pay scale. Has to be fair across the board or it ain't happening.
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Tashawn Thomas AND Danuel House are transferring from Houston. Thomas IMO, is a Pro. House still can get there, too.
1. not enough, its a billion dollar industry. Why should they be artificially limited by a cartel?

2. You can have it, get your grades up son, plenty of academic scholarships, study hard perform and you can get one. This idea that athletic scholarships are some priovledge that student athletes should be happy to have is stupid. Its not free, they get the scholarship because the perform. You can get one if you perform in the classroom.
1. You just said they were getting paid...with a scholarship thats worth 50k. Your argument is already breaking down.

2. The NBA has an age limit, so no they can't go to the D league, its duopoly that forces them to go to school, its a cartel system that wouldn't hold up in any industry.

3. Lets say I believed that horse ****, and it was really worth it to go make the NCAA with no compensation, WHY DO YOU NEED AN ARTIFICIAL LIMITATION ON PAYMENT, if its worth only that a market wouldn't change that if most players were truly only worth 50k scholarship expense.

They are worth more and in a free market system, the scholarship wouldn't be enough.
Shouldn't the kids, working the longest and have been the most successful get the highest amount of money?

Its a distinction without a difference, that same logic can be easily applied to the players.
Sooo why do you need the artificial limitation, if Wiggins is worth only the scholarship a market wouldn't change that.

The reason they are terrified of that is because they OBVIOUSLY are worth more all of them Selden, Frankamp, Lucas all of them besides the walk ons.
1. You can get a scholarship, hit them books buddy.

2. You JUST SAID they are paid with education, if you are paid based a service you performed IT IS NOT FREE.
Its there right to with it what they want, I thought this was America??

Y'all sounding real socialist when it comes to paying young black people.
Look, called me old-fashioned, but to me college athletics is just that, college athletics. Sure, they are on TV a lot...but so is high school basketball, we going to start paying them too?

I do have issues with the NCAA, I think their transfer rules are extremely hypocritical and their draft rule AKA one-and-done rule sucks (but that's mostly, if not all, on the NBA) but to me paying college athletes would ruin the sport. Maybe, as a huge college basketball fan, I am worried about seeing my favorite sport decrease in value because of money going to player's heads and them wanting to get paid more before making their way to the NBA. Maybe a part of me is selfish that I made it through college just fine without a scholarship and working a semester completely unpaid to increase my knowledge and talent on my desired career path.

Regarding the coach's salary vs. a player's salary...don't entry level "employees" usually get paid less than the boss? The boss is the one that brings the player ("employee") into the team ("company") could say the same about a ton of businesses...the hard working interns, the entry level positions usually work just as hard, if not harder than the boss...yet who makes all the money? That's how it typically works.

The D-League age limit is 18 years old by the way...not the same as the NBA.
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Look, called me old-fashioned, but to me college athletics is just that, college athletics. Sure, they are on TV a lot...but so is high school basketball, we going to start paying them too?

I do have issues with the NCAA, I think their transfer rules are extremely hypocritical and their draft rule AKA one-and-done rule sucks (but that's mostly, if not all, on the NBA) but to me paying college athletes would ruin the sport. Maybe, as a huge college basketball fan, I am worried about seeing my favorite sport decrease in value because of money going to player's heads and them wanting to get paid more before making their way to the NBA. Maybe a part of me is selfish that I made it through college just fine without a scholarship and working a semester completely unpaid to increase my knowledge and talent on my desired career path.

Regarding the coach's salary vs. a player's salary...don't entry level "employees" usually get paid less than the boss? The boss is the one that brings the player ("employee") into the team ("company") could say the same about a ton of businesses...the hard working interns, the entry level positions usually work just as hard, if not harder than the boss...yet who makes all the money? That's how it typically works.

The D-League age limit is 18 years old by the way...not the same as the NBA.

LOL how old are you man? I'm picturing Bob Knight or Digger Phelps behind the screen. All jokes aside, how can you compare high school sports to college sports? The NCAA generates billions of dollars and the "student athletes" get none of it. High school sports don't make **** off their teams, a lot of teams actually operate in the red
I agree with everything Calipari said, and would add that the athletes should be able to make money off of their name (autographs, appearances or w/e) like every other person is entitled to
Look, called me old-fashioned, but to me college athletics is just that, college athletics. Sure, they are on TV a lot...but so is high school basketball, we going to start paying them too?

"sure their on TV a lot"

Cmon man. thats billions of dollars, its not about TV, its about MONEY. :lol:

This is professional basketball, its a JOB,

if you don't play well; SCHOLARSHIP GONE
If you give the coach static; SCHOLARSHIP GONE

that don't sound like a JOB to you?

The coaches and athletic directors bonuses are tied to WINNING, not education, because its PRO basketball masquerading as amateur athletics.

but to me paying college athletes would ruin the sport. Maybe, as a huge college basketball fan, I am worried about seeing my favorite sport decrease in value because of money going to player's heads and them wanting to get paid more before making their way to the NBA.

Well thats on you man, but don't come here and pretend like its fair or right.

Regarding the coach's salary vs. a player's salary...don't entry level "employees" usually get paid less than the boss? The boss is the one that brings the player ("employee") into the team ("company") could say the same about a ton of businesses...the hard working interns, the entry level positions usually work just as hard, if not harder than the boss...yet who makes all the money? That's how it typically works.

Yes and that employee has the right to negotiate his contract rather than have it artificially limited by a group of corporations. Thats called price-fixing and its illegal.

Interns. Cmon man you know that makes no sense. :lol:
 if a student is good enough to attract endorsements , or get a loan like the one lebrons mom got for the hummer  , im all for it .

but paying every athlete is too much even at 25k  year your talking bout 10 million a year per school....alot of these schools not even

making a profit would have to pay like 400+ athletes
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My solution would be to just get rid of all the silly rules about benefits/ endorsements/ agents n all that...that deal Adidas wanted to give wiggins b4 the season? Go ahead n sign that get that money...boatright just won a ship so a local Connecticut Chevy dealer wants to give him a camaro to to do a commercial? Sure y not ...if u the 7th man in the rotation you good with a scholarship, housing, meal plan n yambs available at the school, the few star players can take whatever else extra they can get
I'm convinced Osh sits in his basement in Moose County, Canada with no actual experience of the outside world.

If you've never been around college athletics and soaked it in then it's going to be really difficult for you to just paint a black and white solution.

Either it's equal across the board or it doesn't happen, simple as that. And it will never be equal across the board because of the varying factors involved - Title IX, west coast schools who have 37 varsity sports as opposed to an east coast school who has 25, sports who don't bring in any revenue getting a cut, schools whose sports don't bring in any revenue, period.

Unless we're looking at a shared revenue plan, similar to how Bowl game money is distributed, then it's just not gonna work.

Hey Osh, what about the students behind the scenes like the PT student assistant or the student managers who are with the squads all the time and even after hours? What about the cheerleaders and dance teams who travel with the teams? They gettin' a lil' cut too? Might as well start paying traveling fans as well who provide support for their team when they're on the road. They help them perform at their highest level, they should be paid too right?
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My solution would be to just get rid of all the silly rules about benefits/ endorsements/ agents n all that...that deal Adidas wanted to give wiggins b4 the season? Go ahead n sign that get that money...boatright just won a ship so a local Connecticut Chevy dealer wants to give him a camaro to to do a commercial? Sure y not ...if u the 7th man in the rotation you good with a scholarship, housing, meal plan n yambs available at the school, the few star players can take whatever else extra they can get

See, I don't mind **** like this one bit. Let them go get whatever money they can on off of their name.

The NCAA would never let this fly tho cause they want their cut and then the school wants their cut.

This dude really over talking about "Market" :lol:
"sure their on TV a lot"

Cmon man. thats billions of dollars, its not about TV, its about MONEY.

This is professional basketball, its a JOB,

if you don't play well; SCHOLARSHIP GONE
If you give the coach static; SCHOLARSHIP GONE

that don't sound like a JOB to you?

The coaches and athletic directors bonuses are tied to WINNING, not education, because its PRO basketball masquerading as amateur athletics.
Well thats on you man, but don't come here and pretend like its fair or right.
Yes and that employee has the right to negotiate his contract rather than have it artificially limited by a group of corporations. Thats called price-fixing and its illegal.

Interns. Cmon man you know that makes no sense.
Playing college basketball is a job? Yeah, okay. What is the point of going to college? To play sports? go to school. Playing sports is an added bonus. The whole scholarship being gone thing can apply to regular students too...what if you fail your classes? Scholarship gone. Is going to college a job too?

And these "entry" level employees can negotiate their "contract"...the amount of scholarship money they are awarded can be negotiated.

What about the boosters who went to the school and are now being asked to pay money? Isn't that "extortion" just like college athletes are "extorted" ...the same could apply to boosters.

These athletes are just feeling sorry for themselves that they are on the cover of magazines, their number on their jersey is being sold, while they are receiving a free education, free trainers, free gear, free food, free housing, and a stipend on top of that. Sounds pretty nice to me.
Playing college basketball is a job? Yeah, okay. What is the point of going to college? To play sports? go to school. Playing sports is an added bonus. The whole scholarship being gone thing can apply to regular students too...what if you fail your classes? Scholarship gone. Is going to college a job too?
Not for a very select group of kids. There's a reason why most NBA bound underclassmen stop going to classes after the first semester.

Most 5 star and some 4 star recruits are supposed to be elite right? Well elite prospects are measured on their pro if they excel...they aren't expected to stay in school for the full tenure required to graduate. In their their point of college "to go to school"? There's no way you can say that. Everyone's goal is to play on the next level. They are not on the campus for the same purpose that the 5'5 Biology major from Overland Park is.

In most high schools, the coach is rarely JUST the coach. They hold some sort of position on the staff...whether it's the PE teacher, AD, or something else.

If college is just truly "to go to school"...take the money away from the coaches. Tell them they need to use their degrees to apply for a position on the faculty or else they'll just be volunteering. 
Playing college basketball is a job? Yeah, okay. What is the point of going to college? To play sports? go to school. Playing sports is an added bonus. The whole scholarship being gone thing can apply to regular students too...what if you fail your classes? Scholarship gone. Is going to college a job too?

And these "entry" level employees can negotiate their "contract"...the amount of scholarship money they are awarded can be negotiated.


What about the boosters who went to the school and are now being asked to pay money? Isn't that "extortion" just like college athletes are "extorted" ...the same could apply to boosters.

These athletes are just feeling sorry for themselves that they are on the cover of magazines, their number on their jersey is being sold, while they are receiving a free education, free trainers, free gear, free food, free housing, and a stipend on top of that. Sounds pretty nice to me.

See, the thing is, they should be compensated for anything OUTSIDE of the gym that they're name or likeness is associated with that generates revenue for the school or their sport. That's the main issue here.

And I never addressed this but don't believe the bull **** Bazz was spittin' about going home hungry. I played soccer at UConn. We used to have catered pregame and postgame meals for games AND practice. The basketball team got that plus more, on top of the meal plan attached to their scholarship. We didn't even have this **** at Duke so I don't know why Bazz is making it sound like UConn wasn't going above and beyond.

My fridge in my apartment was STOCKED with Gatorades I used to take after games and practices so you can only imagine what the ball team was pulling in. He wasn't being starved, he was starving himself :lol:
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See, I don't mind **** like this one bit. Let them go get whatever money they can on off of their name.

The NCAA would never let this fly tho cause they want their cut and then the school wants their cut.

This dude really over talking about "Market"
That is a market, though. If you allow kids to negotiate with corporations and their value is determined by marketability/pro potential. Basic supply and demnad principles. That's a market, bruh. 
Osh got the world figured out. :lol:

Care to address how Title IX fits into all of this? You know GD well that there would be rustled jimmies for an uneven pay scale. Has to be fair across the board or it ain't happening.

title ix

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Don't exclude them, if they generate revenue like a Brittney griner they can negotiate and be compensated fair market value.

I'm convinced Osh sits in his basement in Moose County, Canada with no actual experience of the outside world.

If you've never been around college athletics and soaked it in then it's going to be really difficult for you to just paint a black and white solution.

My cousin played football at Temple.

Its not difficult, this is the law, it just doesn't apply to the NCAA for some reason.

Either it's equal across the board or it doesn't happen, simple as that. And it will never be equal across the board because of the varying factors involved - Title IX, west coast schools who have 37 varsity sports as opposed to an east coast school who has 25, sports who don't bring in any revenue getting a cut, schools whose sports don't bring in any revenue, period.

This isn't socialism, nothing is equal, what your saying is un American, its as if you don't know how capitalism works, you are compensated for what you are worth a monopoly shouldn't artificially limit it.

Hey Osh, what about the students behind the scenes like the PT student assistant or the student managers who are with the squads all the time and even after hours? What about the cheerleaders and dance teams who travel with the teams? They gettin' a lil' cut too? Might as well start paying traveling fans as well who provide support for their team when they're on the road. They help them perform at their highest level, they should be paid too right?

If you are worth it you can negotiate and people will pay you, people barley pay professional cheerleaders so imagine college cheerleaders won't get much but I have no idea THATS WHAT THE MARKET IT IS FOR.

It seems to work for every other business on the planet.

You have bought this NCAA propaganda so thoroughly its amazing. :smh:
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Playing college basketball is a job? Yeah, okay. What is the point of going to college? To play sports? go to school. Playing sports is an added bonus. The whole scholarship being gone thing can apply to regular students too...what if you fail your classes? Scholarship gone. Is going to college a job too?

And these "entry" level employees can negotiate their "contract"...the amount of scholarship money they are awarded can be negotiated.

You CAN'T believe that man.

Look if you are unwilling to use basic logic: National Labor Review Board ruled that is was a JOB, that they are employees.

If you fail your classes?

Heres and A+ essay a student athlete submitted on rosa parks.



What about the boosters who went to the school and are now being asked to pay money? Isn't that "extortion" just like college athletes are "extorted" ...the same could apply to boosters.

These athletes are just feeling sorry for themselves that they are on the cover of magazines, their number on their jersey is being sold, while they are receiving a free education, free trainers, free gear, free food, free housing, and a stipend on top of that. Sounds pretty nice to me.

1. Cmon man, boosters aren't being limited by anything, if they want to contribute they can nothing is limiting them. :lol:


See, I don't mind **** like this one bit. Let them go get whatever money they can on off of their name.

The NCAA would never let this fly tho cause they want their cut and then the school wants their cut.

This dude really over talking about "Market" :lol:

That is a market, though. If you allow kids to negotiate with corporations and their value is determined by marketability/pro potential. Basic supply and demnad principles. That's a market, bruh.

just donning on me that Malta has no idea how the free "market" works :smh: :lol:
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"sure their on TV a lot"

Cmon man. thats billions of dollars, its not about TV, its about MONEY. :lol:

This is professional basketball, its a JOB,

if you don't play well; SCHOLARSHIP GONE

If you give the coach static; SCHOLARSHIP GONE

that don't sound like a JOB to you?

The coaches and athletic directors bonuses are tied to WINNING, not education, because its PRO basketball masquerading as amateur athletics.

Well thats on you man, but don't come here and pretend like its fair or right.

Yes and that employee has the right to negotiate his contract rather than have it artificially limited by a group of corporations. Thats called price-fixing and its illegal.

Interns. Cmon man you know that makes no sense. :lol:
Playing college basketball is a job? Yeah, okay. What is the point of going to college? To play sports? go to school. Playing sports is an added bonus. The whole scholarship being gone thing can apply to regular students too...what if you fail your classes? Scholarship gone. Is going to college a job too?

And these "entry" level employees can negotiate their "contract"...the amount of scholarship money they are awarded can be negotiated.

Hey Osh, what about the students behind the scenes like the PT student assistant or the student managers who are with the squads all the time and even after hours? What about the cheerleaders and dance teams who travel with the teams? They gettin' a lil' cut too? Might as well start paying traveling fans as well who provide support for their team when they're on the road. They help them perform at their highest level, they should be paid too right?

What about the boosters who went to the school and are now being asked to pay money? Isn't that "extortion" just like college athletes are "extorted" ...the same could apply to boosters.

These athletes are just feeling sorry for themselves that they are on the cover of magazines, their number on their jersey is being sold, while they are receiving a free education, free trainers, free gear, free food, free housing, and a stipend on top of that. Sounds pretty nice to me.

You gotta be a old head lol
Look I don't want to go on with this forever.

Price fixing is an agreement between participants on the same side in a market to buy or sell a product, service, or commodity only at a fixed price, or maintain the market conditions such that the price is maintained at a given level by controlling supply and demand.

Price fixing is illegal.


Not illegal for some and right for others.

In fair nation people should be treated equally under the law and it is and the NCAA existence should be repugnant to any one who believes in capitalism, liberty and the rule of law.

It is a growing trend in America and Canada to a lesser extent, that law seems to only apply to weak and disadvantaged, while those who are privileged and powerful play by different rules.

When you advocate for the NCAA, you are advocating for price-fixing; depressing the value of a mostly minority population. This is who you follow, thats what you are capping up defend.

If you support that then whatever, just know what it is and don't pretend like it is something else.
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I have no issues at all with the argument that the kids should be able to sign endorsement deals and make money off their names...

But the idea of the colleges being able to pick and choose who they're going to pay on campuses is asinine.. They can't. It's going to have to be equal stipends across the board if that's the route they go.

Just give them the ability to sign marketing deals with Nike, Adidas, etc. and move on.
I have no issues at all with the argument that the kids should be able to sign endorsement deals and make money off their names...

But the idea of the colleges being able to pick and choose who they're going to pay on campuses is asinine.. They can't. It's going to have to be equal stipends across the board if that's the route they go.


The pick and chooses who they are going to pay for everyone else them employee, why would it be different for the athletes.
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Call it what you want, but that's the reality of it.

I work in the public school system and have been around this stuff since college. I can barely buy uniforms for my programs at school without my athletic director asking what the girls are getting to balance it out.

You can quote Title IX excerpts all you want and act like it isn't an issue for this, but it is. As long as state funded institutions are involved, the reality is Title IX will cause problems with any sort of unbalanced pay scale.
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