The beginning of the end for BlackBerry

Switching to an Iphone in a couple of months. Been with blackberry for 3 years already
Getting tired of it. Really tired of it. I'm bored
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Blackberry just seems like such a staple in corporate america especially in finance. I can't imagine doing work %%+! on an iphone or another smartphone/
Blackberry and company phone are synonymous consequently, I feel that RIM needs to re-focus their efforts on institutional customers and stop worrying about individual retail customers. The touchscreen blackberry's are CRAP.

They just need to stick to the script and improve what they already have for their "work phones".

My iphone = me
My blackberry = work.

That's always how it's always been
Although I agree they need to improve on their work phones, that way of thinking is just as silly as grandparents who still stubbornly use typewriters or something. 
I agree.  People had the same mindset about phones and mp3 players only 5 years back.  They wanted separate devices for each (and maybe a separate camera too).  However, once Apple introduced the iPhone and showed people that the battery life was sufficient and you could have one device in your pocket for all purposes people started to change their minds very quickly.

The same is holding true for corporate business people now as well.  I have several people who swore by their Blackberry's only to get an Android phone for personal use.  Once they used an android phone for their personal lives, they soon ditched their blackberry for an all-in-one device.  Unfortunately, Blackberry has tried to implement stop gap products for the past 4 years starting with the Storm and now going on to the Playbook.  If they would have seen the wave of application based phones they could have done much better for themselves.  Unfortunately, they are losing developers to Android & iOS and their hardware has also began to suffer as well.

IMO... the best device they could come out with is a device with a full screen (4.3"?) with a keyboard that covers the bottom half when punching out an email and slides down to reveal the whole screen when browsing or using apps.  The device would also need to perform similarly to the Motorola Atrix and dock with a laptop type device so you can easily type out full emails or letters when you are at work or other stationary spot.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Blackberry just seems like such a staple in corporate america especially in finance. I can't imagine doing work %%+! on an iphone or another smartphone/
Blackberry and company phone are synonymous consequently, I feel that RIM needs to re-focus their efforts on institutional customers and stop worrying about individual retail customers. The touchscreen blackberry's are CRAP.

They just need to stick to the script and improve what they already have for their "work phones".

My iphone = me
My blackberry = work.

That's always how it's always been
Although I agree they need to improve on their work phones, that way of thinking is just as silly as grandparents who still stubbornly use typewriters or something. 
I agree.  People had the same mindset about phones and mp3 players only 5 years back.  They wanted separate devices for each (and maybe a separate camera too).  However, once Apple introduced the iPhone and showed people that the battery life was sufficient and you could have one device in your pocket for all purposes people started to change their minds very quickly.

The same is holding true for corporate business people now as well.  I have several people who swore by their Blackberry's only to get an Android phone for personal use.  Once they used an android phone for their personal lives, they soon ditched their blackberry for an all-in-one device.  Unfortunately, Blackberry has tried to implement stop gap products for the past 4 years starting with the Storm and now going on to the Playbook.  If they would have seen the wave of application based phones they could have done much better for themselves.  Unfortunately, they are losing developers to Android & iOS and their hardware has also began to suffer as well.

IMO... the best device they could come out with is a device with a full screen (4.3"?) with a keyboard that covers the bottom half when punching out an email and slides down to reveal the whole screen when browsing or using apps.  The device would also need to perform similarly to the Motorola Atrix and dock with a laptop type device so you can easily type out full emails or letters when you are at work or other stationary spot.
Is BB slowly ending ? Yes. Any time soon? Doubt it. They still have the best E-Mail system of any smart phone. Unless you have Exchange or Mobile Me on your iPhone you aren't getting your E-Mail as soon as they come in like a Blackberry would.

iPhone is a great multimedia device with some corporate touches. Blackberry is a great corporate device with a lack of multimedia finishes.

Android is a great platform but until you have to stop pulling the battery out once a week because you can't get an E-Mail or your battery is dead before the end of the "business" day (9-6) it won't do much to the corporate world. ( Please save the argument of rooting, and doing simple tricks to save the battery life)

I work in retail and I've owned every major smart phone OS and can see customers frustrations with certain platforms. Had a guy recently upgrade his BB to an iPhone. Buy a new BB open up a line with that device and use it on a data only plan. His reason? He writes long E-Mail and the iPhone would slow him down.
Is BB slowly ending ? Yes. Any time soon? Doubt it. They still have the best E-Mail system of any smart phone. Unless you have Exchange or Mobile Me on your iPhone you aren't getting your E-Mail as soon as they come in like a Blackberry would.

iPhone is a great multimedia device with some corporate touches. Blackberry is a great corporate device with a lack of multimedia finishes.

Android is a great platform but until you have to stop pulling the battery out once a week because you can't get an E-Mail or your battery is dead before the end of the "business" day (9-6) it won't do much to the corporate world. ( Please save the argument of rooting, and doing simple tricks to save the battery life)

I work in retail and I've owned every major smart phone OS and can see customers frustrations with certain platforms. Had a guy recently upgrade his BB to an iPhone. Buy a new BB open up a line with that device and use it on a data only plan. His reason? He writes long E-Mail and the iPhone would slow him down.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Still dominates the corporate world. It's not going anywhere for awhile.

 at the pace they are going not likely, apple is coming. FAST.

Yup. My dad is a VP of HR for a medium-sized company and he just axed the company Blackberry plan. So many people wanted to use their iPhone's or Android phones for work that it made no sesne. Phasing in a plan to just reimburse employee's on their bills and up to half the cost of their new phone. He's been Team Blackberry for about 10 years now and said he'll probably be getting an iPhone in the coming months.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Still dominates the corporate world. It's not going anywhere for awhile.

 at the pace they are going not likely, apple is coming. FAST.

Yup. My dad is a VP of HR for a medium-sized company and he just axed the company Blackberry plan. So many people wanted to use their iPhone's or Android phones for work that it made no sesne. Phasing in a plan to just reimburse employee's on their bills and up to half the cost of their new phone. He's been Team Blackberry for about 10 years now and said he'll probably be getting an iPhone in the coming months.

I was just sayin how much I hate my blackberry, it freezes about 10 times a day. But BBM keeps me
I wouldn't ever talk to some of these people without BBM.
I was just sayin how much I hate my blackberry, it freezes about 10 times a day. But BBM keeps me
I wouldn't ever talk to some of these people without BBM.
I'm still rocking the old BB 8330 Curve. SMHx1000

Although, surfing the net with Opera Mini 4.2 or whatever is

I need to upgrade.

BB's were like the Cavs when Bron was there. Had a spark when they started, but now they just garbage.
I'm still rocking the old BB 8330 Curve. SMHx1000

Although, surfing the net with Opera Mini 4.2 or whatever is

I need to upgrade.

BB's were like the Cavs when Bron was there. Had a spark when they started, but now they just garbage.
I remember how BB6 was supposed to "change the game."

When they released that ad with all the hipsters using it and dancing etc, people were buggin' out iin the BB thread

I remember how BB6 was supposed to "change the game."

When they released that ad with all the hipsters using it and dancing etc, people were buggin' out iin the BB thread

Originally Posted by Al Audi

This is my last blackberry, torch has been the worse BB an I've owned BB since 2006. I don't feel bad. Iphone 5 is next for me.
Me too...except I have the Bold 9700
I used to get the newest blackberry before anyone else had it and updated the OS to the newest one and all that but these phones are wild outdated. Been meaning to switch to a white iPhone 4 but they released it so late I'm just patiently waiting on the 5. This phone became trash a loooooong time ago though and somehow I still pay $30 for internet 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

This is my last blackberry, torch has been the worse BB an I've owned BB since 2006. I don't feel bad. Iphone 5 is next for me.
Me too...except I have the Bold 9700
I used to get the newest blackberry before anyone else had it and updated the OS to the newest one and all that but these phones are wild outdated. Been meaning to switch to a white iPhone 4 but they released it so late I'm just patiently waiting on the 5. This phone became trash a loooooong time ago though and somehow I still pay $30 for internet 
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Fandroid alert? The hell are you talking about?

I work in the IT department of a large accounting firm. I'm pretty sure that I deal with more "business users" on a daily business than you do. My clients use everything - Blackberry, iPhone, Droid - and I get to test 99% of the phones Verizon gets before they put them on the shelves (one of our larger IT clients is a Verizon provider with stores across the entire state).

I was simply giving people who like QWERTY keyboards some alternatives. Not everyone likes touchscreen keyboards.
Backoffice support though bro?
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Fandroid alert? The hell are you talking about?

I work in the IT department of a large accounting firm. I'm pretty sure that I deal with more "business users" on a daily business than you do. My clients use everything - Blackberry, iPhone, Droid - and I get to test 99% of the phones Verizon gets before they put them on the shelves (one of our larger IT clients is a Verizon provider with stores across the entire state).

I was simply giving people who like QWERTY keyboards some alternatives. Not everyone likes touchscreen keyboards.
Backoffice support though bro?
Went to Evo last august...found myself on the internet browser wayyy to much. Came to a point in my life where i asked, "Do I really need to be on the internet on my phone, my 2 grand laptop is upstairs?" Texting was difficult and messed up quite often. After a couple months I had switched back to the BB, and have been happy ever since! BB X MacBook Pro FTW
Went to Evo last august...found myself on the internet browser wayyy to much. Came to a point in my life where i asked, "Do I really need to be on the internet on my phone, my 2 grand laptop is upstairs?" Texting was difficult and messed up quite often. After a couple months I had switched back to the BB, and have been happy ever since! BB X MacBook Pro FTW
This may sound kind of childish and maybe even stupid but BB/RIM needs to hear their customers out.

I mean according to those Windows 7 commercials, they heard us out and they improved on it and look at Windows 7, it's a HUGE upgrade from Vista (which they decided to sweep under XP)

I am BB loyal but just the other day, my phone nuked out on me. I had to reload the OS and it was just a mess since I didn't back my contacts/messages up.

If it were up to me, the following COULD save them:
-better/faster interfaces
-better browsing
-touchscreen integrated with a keyboard (like a BB 9000/later gens with a touch screen)*
-better/competitive prices as opposed to branding and assuming their outdated stuff will sell for $200+

*almost like a torch minus the slide.

My BB is probably the best phone with the way that I use it and to hear that they may go belly up is kinda sad. I really hope that BB execs/designers hear us out somehow.
This may sound kind of childish and maybe even stupid but BB/RIM needs to hear their customers out.

I mean according to those Windows 7 commercials, they heard us out and they improved on it and look at Windows 7, it's a HUGE upgrade from Vista (which they decided to sweep under XP)

I am BB loyal but just the other day, my phone nuked out on me. I had to reload the OS and it was just a mess since I didn't back my contacts/messages up.

If it were up to me, the following COULD save them:
-better/faster interfaces
-better browsing
-touchscreen integrated with a keyboard (like a BB 9000/later gens with a touch screen)*
-better/competitive prices as opposed to branding and assuming their outdated stuff will sell for $200+

*almost like a torch minus the slide.

My BB is probably the best phone with the way that I use it and to hear that they may go belly up is kinda sad. I really hope that BB execs/designers hear us out somehow.
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