The 48 Laws of Power

Op, if you think this book will make you rich you're fooling yourself. Focus on following your passion, and use these laws to be aware when they are bing used against you.
I think most people are too literal about this book and Greene actually addresses that.

I actually am a very nice person and like to believe that I am genuine. When it comes to this book, tho, I just take what I get out of it and leave it at that.

What I get out of it is: No matter what kind of person you are, no matter how kind or whatever, people that are relevant or irrelevant to you will try to f*** with you no matter what you do. Find out who they are and be weary of them. Always be 5 steps ahead just for the sake of protecting yourself. Control your emotions and don't be predictable by any means because you WILL be manipulated by those who are one up from you.

That is basically what I got out off it.

A lot of truth is this book tho. I honestly believe that Greene wrote about a lot of things that we already know. He just put it into very bold straight forward text. And I think the reason why a lot of people are uncomfortable with it is because it is indeed true.
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Who else is excited as I am for Robert Greene's new book entitled Mastery?

It drops in about a week or so...
I have had this book since my senior year of high school, and now I'm a senior in college. It is an awesome read. Tons of examples on how each law is observed and the transgressions against it. I skim the book every once in a while to brush up on some things. My guy has 33 Strategies of War, and I also have The Art of Seduction. All pretty good reads. I'd definitely recommend reading them, and brushing up on a law or two a week.
The thing about 48 laws though is dudes read it and start getting on some grimy **** for no due it's a book that's an interesting read.

I don't everything I read at face value...
got the pdf after coming across this thread. Some I already knew, just didn't know I knew
First post since the merger! Feels good to be back!

Robert Greene writes a lot of great books. I'm currently reading this and like what it has to offer.

If anything it helps you open your eyes and mind to how the world is and what to expect. I can't wait for Mastery to drop next week!
I think this is a great book to make you aware of the tendencies of those in power...
the strategies, philosophies and techniques they use to maintain that power...
Being AWARE is essential to survival...
still a fantastic read and very relevant to many things.....
I'm sure it's an exciting read and I'll read it eventually but those saying they're going to live by it..good luck with that. Like someone mentioned earlier, a lot of these things are part of who you are already. If you are a cold hearted bastard by nature, then that's who you'll be. If you try to front and be something you're not, you will get exposed. I'll still give it a look though.
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I think this is a great book to make you aware of the tendencies of those in power...
the strategies, philosophies and techniques they use to maintain that power...
Being AWARE is essential to survival...
still a fantastic read and very relevant to many things.....

Exactly. This is not a Bible that one reads and goes out and practices each law on some trial and error stuff.

Some of these are inherent personality traits, but others (controlling your emotions) can be picked up.

This is more about the knowledge and like others have said.....being AWARE of what goes down and what makes other people tick. Becoming more observant to certain actions and the motives behind them.
I want Lil B to tutor me ..

i had the book and just let it soak in my pores. now i'm doing these things off the rip. :D
Scooped up a copy today and started reading.


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I think most people are too literal about this book and Greene actually addresses that.
I actually am a very nice person and like to believe that I am genuine. When it comes to this book, tho, I just take what I get out of it and leave it at that.
What I get out of it is: No matter what kind of person you are, no matter how kind or whatever, people that are relevant or irrelevant to you will try to f*** with you no matter what you do. Find out who they are and be weary of them. Always be 5 steps ahead just for the sake of protecting yourself. Control your emotions and don't be predictable by any means because you WILL be manipulated by those who are one up from you.
That is basically what I got out off it.
A lot of truth is this book tho. I honestly believe that Greene wrote about a lot of things that we already know. He just put it into very bold straight forward text. And I think the reason why a lot of people are uncomfortable with it is because it is indeed true.

I completely agree. :nthat:
you can't be a good, honest person that keeps his/her word and live by these laws. 

I'm up to the middle of the 3rd law in the book.

He does have good points and you most certainly can utilize these "lessons" in everyday life. You just have to know that there is a limit to what you can do.

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you can't be a good, honest person that keeps his/her word and live by these laws. 

good and honest people get taken advantage of everyday.

this book can be used to defend themselves from power too.

I feel like I'm a good judge of character, but at times even I get taken advantage of.

It's just like taking a self defense class.

but you're looking at it like "only people who know how to fight are bully's and murderers"

some people need skills to defend themselves especially in a world where deception is common in everyday life.
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