The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Zeller played 23 minutes. Marcus Thornton shot 4-10 and I'm not sure he ever really qualifies as being on fire just because of the fact that he's Marcus Thornton. It was a competitive game through 3 quarters which is more than I can say I expected.
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Zeller played 23 minutes. Marcus Thornton shot 4-10 and I'm not sure he ever really qualifies as being on fire just because of the fact that he's Marcus Thornton. It was a competitive game through 3 quarters which is more than I can say I expected.

Right. And I don't care if Red Auerbach was coaching, Tyler Zeller and Marcus Thornton playing more wouldn't have been the difference for this Celtics team to beat this Spurs team.
Boogie not playing today against the Grizzlies. **** 
I kind of like how Chicago picks up these small guards each off season for cheap

Maybe my man Johnny Flynn is get called up.......I kid
Boogie not playing today against the Grizzlies. **** :smh:

Sucks. Wanted the two best Cs in the league go head-to-head. Unless Rudy goes into absolute God mode against his old team, Grizz probably take this one fairly easily:'
If bhz were here he would say that the grizz should win handily but will play down to the kings level and it will be a close game even with boogs out
If bhz were here he would say that the grizz should win handily but will play down to the kings level and it will be a close game even with boogs out
it won't. Kings suck without Cousins. his impact is amazing on both offense and defense. 

I believe they are currently on a streak of losing the last 13 or 14 games that Cousins has missed
Nets boring as hell, I live in Brooklyn and never watch them.

Bullies going to win by 15 anyway.
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