The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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of course parker is playing pretty well too. i actually met him at nike in georgetown when they came to play the wiz. met mayo too. kj mcdaniels has been the biggest surprise.
Wording made him sound silly.

It would've made more sense if he said he was just trying to make sure he didn't get hurt in a way that was permanent, like a serious injury or what not

To 'avoid being sore' was not the right way to phrase things.

Oh well. I'm not dwelling on it.
Jabari has been "mehhhhhh" so far. The talent is clearly there by his shot selection isn't very good right. I've only seen offensive clips but it doesn't look like kid is running the offense thru him like I thought he would
The rookie class looks good, but not exactly what I expected. I was expecting 4-5 rookies to stand out similar to the way the 2008 and 2003 class stood out. You can definitely see the talent in the class, but no one looks to be on the level in their 1st year as some of the guys we've witnessed in the past. Maybe my expectations were a little too high for this class coming into the draft.

Now, I do think 2-3 years, this class will definitely be one of the best. I was just expecting it to happen much sooner than later.
Elfrid Payton has been fantastic. An absolute assist machine, his offense seems pretty good and seems like a very selfless player.

Aaron Gordon = pure power. Such an athlete. If he can get his jumper down he will be one of the big names. I just have a feeling.
am i crazy to say dirk is > chuck/karl
for the longest i had him and kg just below those two greats
obviously if we are labeling timmy a PF, he is the greatest
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I don't agree that Dirk is a better scorer Barkley was a great scorer

Dirks offensive game translates better into maturity but Barkley was dominant
I don't blame Rose either. Could've used a better word than sore but lets keep it a buck...ya'll and other fans don't give a crap about him off the court. He has to care about himself and his family. I would want to be able to to function in a day to day life afterwards also, which is why I'm happy guys like Yao and Brandon Roy retired when things were extremely difficult. Excuse him for being a human being with goals beyond pleasing you.

Come on man, he's acting like he's out there playing football and he's one head injury away from being Muhammed Ali or like his legs/ankles are one step away from being paralyzed. Is Derrick Rose thinking he's fighting for his life in the trenches of World War I or something?

The dude is a basketball player for gods sake, he will be able to walk with his children - Dude needs to chill the hell out. If he's that concerned with life after basketball he should pick up a couple books and start reading because he's always been; well you know....sort of slow. :lol:

I want to see his game back tho!
If you are a starter in the NBA for 15 years, the way people expect Rose to be, I think it's common for them to have long term ailments.
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Chicago fans still giving D Rose a pass huh [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

who is tho? everybody is saying he shouldve just kept his trap shut & hooped.... no passes given ...still reaching at them straws to drink that aide i see
If you are a starter in the NBA for 15 years, the way people expect Rose to be, I think it's common for them to have long term ailments.

Just curious as to which NBA players have long-term ailments after playing...obviously not counting being broke.
would any of you let your kids play basketball?

i dont think i would 

Are you kidding? Hell Noo, according to Derrick Rose it's just to too dangerous. Can't have my kids potentially risking an ankle sprain.

Wussification of America101
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