The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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would not be surprise to see wade finishing in top 5 MVP voting this yr
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Wade is one of my favorite players ever but I doubt he'll ever be the same again.
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How did he look last night? SMH at the injury tho
Looked great on the offensive end.

In addition to the above vine,

he was rollin' to the rim and finishing as well as hittin' jumpers as far out as 19 feet.


Defensively, he needs some work.
Richard Deitsch @richarddeitsch ·
HBO says the network and @KDTrey5 are teaming up for a reality special called The Offseason: Kevin Durant. Debuts Nov. 4.

Finally. Not what I pictured but it's a start. Always hoped HBO would have an NBA series like a 24/7 road to the finals or something.

if Danny Green is standing on the memorial 

they have folks there actively looking to make sure nobody is climb on top of the memorial
"Holding up the "three-sign" or the "three-goggles" in a certain way while in Brazil could be mistaken for "f--- you" or "f--- off," I was informed.

The NBA sent the Cavs and Heat a memo with a list of questionable gestures that shouldn't be used in Brazil, we're told. The last thing anybody wants is for the stands to clear immediately after a player nails a 3-pointer."

:lol: :smh:
Spurs are teflon. From black nazis to Sleeping with each other's wives, pointing assault rifles at referees, homosexual divorce rumors. None of this stuff sticks to them or is the first thing in your mind when you think "San Antonio spurs"
Richard Deitsch @richarddeitsch ·
HBO says the network and @KDTrey5 are teaming up for a reality special called The Offseason: Kevin Durant. Debuts Nov. 4.

Finally. Not what I pictured but it's a start. Always hoped HBO would have an NBA series like a 24/7 road to the finals or something.

unedited too like Hard Knocks :lol:

definitely. Imagine like if they had a 24/7 during the jailblazers run. :wow: :rofl: pure comedy would ensue.
Danny Green...just no.....

NBA players and social commentary is usually a bad thing.

Where all the super cool beas supporters at? 
. X factor my ***.
Seriously Danny? Hes on IG too much as it is, but now Pop will handle this nonsense.
Maybe Beas will go the Starbury route and up a legend in China. Maybe.
I remember Wade sat out against the defending Champ Celtics and Beas almost carried them to victory down the stretch.

A rookie performing like that on the road against the league's best defense had me in awe.

I thought he had next.

I normally don't care about college stats, but he was so ******* legendary in that freshman year.

I thought he had it man.
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