Tekashi 69 lookin at RICO

I'm latino af
I'm latino af


Ramiro Bautista is a Prairie View A&M University graduate and serves as the university’s assistant registrar. (Photo courtesy of Prairie View A&M University)

Ramiro Bautista sought to accomplish two things after graduating from a two-year college in 2005. Primarily, he wanted to get into a four-year college with a reputable business program. Secondly, he wanted to be near a friend who received a full athletic scholarship to a certain university. That college turned out to be Prairie View A&M University, a historically Black college about 45 minutes northwest of Houston.

Back then, says Bautista, Latinos were a miniscule presence on the campus, accounting for less than 3 percent of the student body. Since fall 2000, growth of Latinos on campus has been more than 230 percent, according to the university. Despite a small drop during the last academic year, Latinos make up more than 5 percent of the population.

“When I came here in 2005 the outreach wasn’t there,” says Bautista, who stuck around after graduation in 2007 to get his MBA, is currently pursuing his doctorate there and serves as the university’s assistant registrar. “For the last three to five years, the university has been targeting markets with heavy populations of Latinos. As a result, there’s been a steady increase in the number of Latinos.”

For several years, he says, the university employed a full-time recruiter, a Latino who was also an alumnus and whose primary responsibility was attracting Latino prospects.

He says that A&M has also introduced a Direct Connect Program aimed at community college students looking to transfer to a four-year university. Based on the terms of the Direct Connect Program, students from Texas public community colleges with associate degrees who are U.S. citizens and residents of Texas may transfer to Prairie View A&M University and are eligible to pay the same fixed tuition and mandatory fees rate, at the time of registration, as that of their prior institution. These students will also receive a Direct Connect Tuition Assistance Scholarship to offset the cost.

Diversity at HBCUs

Diversity is increasingly becoming a priority for many historically Black colleges. In recent years, many have worked diligently to attract international students as well as students of other races and ethnicities, especially Latinos.

This is particularly true in states that have high numbers of Latinos, such as Texas.

Some higher education experts say that the mission of HBCUs to serve the historically disenfranchised strikes a chord with Latinos.

Dr. Deborah Santiago, chief operating officer and vice president for policy at Excelencia in Education, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group that promotes the interests of Latinos in higher education, says that HBCUs generally tend to be more student focused and have faculty who are culturally competent, making them attractive to emerging populations such as Latinos.

That’s a view echoed by Dr. Marybeth Gasman, a professor of higher education at the University of Pennsylvania.

“HBCUs often have family environments and Latinos feel more comfortable in these environments,” she says, adding that HBCUs generally have lower tuition and that this appeals to Latinos, many of whom come from lower-income families.

Adds Dr. Jerry Crawford, an associate professor of journalism at the University of Kansas, who has done extensive research on HBCUs, “Ever since the 1890s, their mission has always been to educate the underserved. Most people equate HBCUs with African-Americans. However, many times HBCUs took [other] people of lower socioeconomic status.”

The ability to recruit Latinos, he says, is even more critical today as more colleges operate as businesses and those who fail to do so go belly up. Latinos, he says, are a potentially bountiful market for all colleges, including HBCUs.

“More and more Hispanics are becoming aware of filling out Pell Grants,” Crawford says. “More are becoming college eligible. More universities are allowing students who don’t have full documentation to enter college.”

Santiago says that it is in the best interest of HBCUs to recruit Latinos.

Latino enrollment

“The reality is the number of Latinos eligible to go to college has increased,” says Santiago. “There is an awareness of that. HBCUs have found ways to try to be more competitive. They are being smart. Their survival can depend on recruiting more students and widening their base. Given the precarious situation of some HBCUs, their future could depend on their ability to attract these students.”

Linda Jackson, director of university relations for Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas, an institution that has seen 14 years of consecutive enrollment growth, says 19 percent of the approximately 1,030 students in 2010 were Latino, compared to 10 percent in 2004. She says Latino enrollment has hovered at around 19 percent since 2010.

Jackson attributes the significant number of Latinos to several factors, including Texas’ large Latino population and the university’s attractive array of academic offerings. She says the university has an enrollment strategy in place aimed at targeting numerous groups, including working adults, traditional African-American students and Latinos.

At Paul Quinn College in Dallas, President Michael Sorrell says 20 percent of the incoming students this year are Latinos, up from about 15 percent last year. He says approximately 12 percent of the student body is Latino.

Sorrell, who’s been president for eight years, says that, in addition to Texas, the students come from many other locales around the country, including Detroit, Chicago, New York and California.

He insists that Paul Quinn doesn’t recruit students based on race or ethnicity, but on whether they are a fit for the college’s values, which include placing the team above the individual.

“I always found it distasteful when schools recruited me because I’m Black,” says Sorrell, a Duke University-trained attorney. “I don’t want to be your diversity experience. To me, there’s a higher level of sincerity when people view me as more than just a skin color.”

That said, his senior recruiter, a graduate of the college, is Latina. “She wasn’t hired for any reason other than the fact that she’s good,” he says.

Sorrell adds that Paul Quinn entices students for other reasons, including the fact that the students receive a vigorous liberal arts education, earn professional work experience in their last two years and typically graduate with no more than $10,000 in debt.

Experts say that it’s too early to say how the influx of Latinos is transforming the culture of HBCUs, but they say they’ve been quick to notice changes such as the emergence of Latino fraternities and sororities.

Bautista says that, at Prairie View A&M, he’s seen a heightened participation in student life by Latinos. He says several Latinos hold student leadership positions. One pledged the historically Black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha. Another, a student-athlete, was crowned Miss Puerto Rico and will be representing the commonwealth in the Miss America pageant. Many Latino cultural events, such as Day of the Dead, a Mexican festival that honors ancestors, now dot the student life calendar.

Sorrell says that, at Paul Quinn College, administrators have worked to mesh the cultures. An academic year kick-off event early in August, for example, featured dishes from both African-American and Latino cultures.

Pushback at colleges

But not everyone has been quick to embrace the changes at some of these HBCUs.

Chad Dion Lassiter, an alumnus of Johnson C. Smith College in Charlotte and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Community College of Philadelphia, says that sometimes there is pushback from alumni who fear that the heritage of the institution may be eroded by the influx of Latino students.

“During homecoming, I may get an alum saying, ‘So why does this Hispanic guy or girl want to go here?’” says Lassiter, a social worker who also teaches at West Chester University and the University of Pennsylvania. “I don’t think they understand that it is a similar population. It is xenophobia. They think something is going to get lost. One in particular said, ‘Why don’t they go to their own universities?’ I said, ‘That right there is irrational hatred. Why not open our doors to a group that has been similarly marginalized and oppressed?’

“The pushback comes from ignorance and xenophobia and not fundamentally understanding who’s coming and celebrating differences and not losing your mission as you do it. Ultimately we learn more about ourselves as we interact with [other] people of color. It enriches the university environment and the overall culture. It has the potential to enrich us and ultimately that is the greatest form of liberation. I think we’re better because of our interaction with Hispanic people.”

Santiago says change in higher education can be difficult. She notes that some at predominantly White institutions have expressed concerns when those colleges became designated Hispanic-serving institutions.

As she says, “There’s always concern that mission creep will dilute the integrity of the institution and its initial purpose.”

But Crawford says that the reality is, for HBCUs to survive in the 21st century, they must do business differently. And doing business differently means aggressively going after all students, he says.

“St. Paul’s in Virginia was shuttered last year because [the school] couldn’t come up with $5 million,” he says. “It’s important that these HBCUs understand that their mission is supposed to be to educate people, but to do that you have to have accredited programs. These schools should not struggle. There are enough first-generation students to go around.”
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*****s logic in here is terrifying... Tekashi is now a "civilian" so it's okay to Snitch........ :lol::lol:

He said out his own mouth that his career would have gown nowhere w/o Treyway... the whole persona is what catapulted his career, no drama & trolling no career... would have been none of this w/o 93 involved. Dude was literally calling hits on people, having robberies done to defend him, starting beefs all over the country but he's a "civilian" :lol:

Point blank dude is a coward, he got involved in **** that he knew nothing about, jeopardized everyones lives for months & instead of dealing with those consequences that come with it.

Dudes talking about should he have took 50 for the "internet" folk..... as if snitching on one of the largest gangs on the eastcoast only effects him & what the "internet" says, ANYONE who is close to this dude has just had their life changed forever. His mother, brothers, close friends are all targets now... they have to pickup & leave their city, jobs, friends & relocate to a new part of the country under new identities.... because this ***** wanted to play gangsta.

Imagine being fully responsible for something & then having to look your mom in the face & saying... sorry you have to look over your shoulder every day... and leave your entire identity behind....... but i just couldn't do my time. Dudes are DIFFERENT

I guess he the first ***** in NYC history to ever rat :lol:

What happen to Alpo? Dude right here says he did time with ****** who got snitched on by Freekey Zeekey and got paperwork and he's beloved in NYC rap lore :lol:

Nobody touching this dude. Or his family. Jim Jones/Mel Murda having that spicy convo on the phone and Shotti/Marv/whoever not keeping their cash cow happy is to blame, Tekashi folding is just the domino effect of Treyway getting too bold with the situation.

No sympathy for dude bc no one told him to be making hits and **** especially in Times Square/Barclays but I don't really see why he'd just eat 50 years for how this situation unfolded :lol: He would have been a loose end and gotten murked anyway lol.

Dude shouldn't be in this situation to begin with but now that he is he'd be a DUMMY BOY fr to really eat half a century for ****** who would have killed him anyway after doing that lol.

Ramiro Bautista is a Prairie View A&M University graduate and serves as the university’s assistant registrar. (Photo courtesy of Prairie View A&M University)

Ramiro Bautista sought to accomplish two things after graduating from a two-year college in 2005. Primarily, he wanted to get into a four-year college with a reputable business program. Secondly, he wanted to be near a friend who received a full athletic scholarship to a certain university. That college turned out to be Prairie View A&M University, a historically Black college about 45 minutes northwest of Houston.

Back then, says Bautista, Latinos were a miniscule presence on the campus, accounting for less than 3 percent of the student body. Since fall 2000, growth of Latinos on campus has been more than 230 percent, according to the university. Despite a small drop during the last academic year, Latinos make up more than 5 percent of the population.

“When I came here in 2005 the outreach wasn’t there,” says Bautista, who stuck around after graduation in 2007 to get his MBA, is currently pursuing his doctorate there and serves as the university’s assistant registrar. “For the last three to five years, the university has been targeting markets with heavy populations of Latinos. As a result, there’s been a steady increase in the number of Latinos.”

For several years, he says, the university employed a full-time recruiter, a Latino who was also an alumnus and whose primary responsibility was attracting Latino prospects.

He says that A&M has also introduced a Direct Connect Program aimed at community college students looking to transfer to a four-year university. Based on the terms of the Direct Connect Program, students from Texas public community colleges with associate degrees who are U.S. citizens and residents of Texas may transfer to Prairie View A&M University and are eligible to pay the same fixed tuition and mandatory fees rate, at the time of registration, as that of their prior institution. These students will also receive a Direct Connect Tuition Assistance Scholarship to offset the cost.

Diversity at HBCUs

Diversity is increasingly becoming a priority for many historically Black colleges. In recent years, many have worked diligently to attract international students as well as students of other races and ethnicities, especially Latinos.

This is particularly true in states that have high numbers of Latinos, such as Texas.

Some higher education experts say that the mission of HBCUs to serve the historically disenfranchised strikes a chord with Latinos.

Dr. Deborah Santiago, chief operating officer and vice president for policy at Excelencia in Education, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group that promotes the interests of Latinos in higher education, says that HBCUs generally tend to be more student focused and have faculty who are culturally competent, making them attractive to emerging populations such as Latinos.

That’s a view echoed by Dr. Marybeth Gasman, a professor of higher education at the University of Pennsylvania.

“HBCUs often have family environments and Latinos feel more comfortable in these environments,” she says, adding that HBCUs generally have lower tuition and that this appeals to Latinos, many of whom come from lower-income families.

Adds Dr. Jerry Crawford, an associate professor of journalism at the University of Kansas, who has done extensive research on HBCUs, “Ever since the 1890s, their mission has always been to educate the underserved. Most people equate HBCUs with African-Americans. However, many times HBCUs took [other] people of lower socioeconomic status.”

The ability to recruit Latinos, he says, is even more critical today as more colleges operate as businesses and those who fail to do so go belly up. Latinos, he says, are a potentially bountiful market for all colleges, including HBCUs.

“More and more Hispanics are becoming aware of filling out Pell Grants,” Crawford says. “More are becoming college eligible. More universities are allowing students who don’t have full documentation to enter college.”

Santiago says that it is in the best interest of HBCUs to recruit Latinos.

Latino enrollment

“The reality is the number of Latinos eligible to go to college has increased,” says Santiago. “There is an awareness of that. HBCUs have found ways to try to be more competitive. They are being smart. Their survival can depend on recruiting more students and widening their base. Given the precarious situation of some HBCUs, their future could depend on their ability to attract these students.”

Linda Jackson, director of university relations for Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas, an institution that has seen 14 years of consecutive enrollment growth, says 19 percent of the approximately 1,030 students in 2010 were Latino, compared to 10 percent in 2004. She says Latino enrollment has hovered at around 19 percent since 2010.

Jackson attributes the significant number of Latinos to several factors, including Texas’ large Latino population and the university’s attractive array of academic offerings. She says the university has an enrollment strategy in place aimed at targeting numerous groups, including working adults, traditional African-American students and Latinos.

At Paul Quinn College in Dallas, President Michael Sorrell says 20 percent of the incoming students this year are Latinos, up from about 15 percent last year. He says approximately 12 percent of the student body is Latino.

Sorrell, who’s been president for eight years, says that, in addition to Texas, the students come from many other locales around the country, including Detroit, Chicago, New York and California.

He insists that Paul Quinn doesn’t recruit students based on race or ethnicity, but on whether they are a fit for the college’s values, which include placing the team above the individual.

“I always found it distasteful when schools recruited me because I’m Black,” says Sorrell, a Duke University-trained attorney. “I don’t want to be your diversity experience. To me, there’s a higher level of sincerity when people view me as more than just a skin color.”

That said, his senior recruiter, a graduate of the college, is Latina. “She wasn’t hired for any reason other than the fact that she’s good,” he says.

Sorrell adds that Paul Quinn entices students for other reasons, including the fact that the students receive a vigorous liberal arts education, earn professional work experience in their last two years and typically graduate with no more than $10,000 in debt.

Experts say that it’s too early to say how the influx of Latinos is transforming the culture of HBCUs, but they say they’ve been quick to notice changes such as the emergence of Latino fraternities and sororities.

Bautista says that, at Prairie View A&M, he’s seen a heightened participation in student life by Latinos. He says several Latinos hold student leadership positions. One pledged the historically Black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha. Another, a student-athlete, was crowned Miss Puerto Rico and will be representing the commonwealth in the Miss America pageant. Many Latino cultural events, such as Day of the Dead, a Mexican festival that honors ancestors, now dot the student life calendar.

Sorrell says that, at Paul Quinn College, administrators have worked to mesh the cultures. An academic year kick-off event early in August, for example, featured dishes from both African-American and Latino cultures.

Pushback at colleges

But not everyone has been quick to embrace the changes at some of these HBCUs.

Chad Dion Lassiter, an alumnus of Johnson C. Smith College in Charlotte and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Community College of Philadelphia, says that sometimes there is pushback from alumni who fear that the heritage of the institution may be eroded by the influx of Latino students.

“During homecoming, I may get an alum saying, ‘So why does this Hispanic guy or girl want to go here?’” says Lassiter, a social worker who also teaches at West Chester University and the University of Pennsylvania. “I don’t think they understand that it is a similar population. It is xenophobia. They think something is going to get lost. One in particular said, ‘Why don’t they go to their own universities?’ I said, ‘That right there is irrational hatred. Why not open our doors to a group that has been similarly marginalized and oppressed?’

“The pushback comes from ignorance and xenophobia and not fundamentally understanding who’s coming and celebrating differences and not losing your mission as you do it. Ultimately we learn more about ourselves as we interact with [other] people of color. It enriches the university environment and the overall culture. It has the potential to enrich us and ultimately that is the greatest form of liberation. I think we’re better because of our interaction with Hispanic people.”

Santiago says change in higher education can be difficult. She notes that some at predominantly White institutions have expressed concerns when those colleges became designated Hispanic-serving institutions.

As she says, “There’s always concern that mission creep will dilute the integrity of the institution and its initial purpose.”

But Crawford says that the reality is, for HBCUs to survive in the 21st century, they must do business differently. And doing business differently means aggressively going after all students, he says.

“St. Paul’s in Virginia was shuttered last year because [the school] couldn’t come up with $5 million,” he says. “It’s important that these HBCUs understand that their mission is supposed to be to educate people, but to do that you have to have accredited programs. These schools should not struggle. There are enough first-generation students to go around.”
That was a email from him
I dont know that guy personally
Just a random email from my old college
put that in a spoiler nawghty damn :lol:

If that's really him, Ernie from George Lopez show would definitely get some odd looks tryna throw around all those N-Bombs. It's two different types of Latinx people mane. :lol:
I guess he the first ***** in NYC history to ever rat :lol:

What happen to Alpo? Dude right here says he did time with *****s who got snitched on by Freekey Zeekey and got paperwork and he's beloved in NYC rap lore :lol:

Nobody touching this dude. Or his family. Jim Jones/Mel Murda having that spicy convo on the phone and Shotti/Marv/whoever not keeping their cash cow happy is to blame, Tekashi folding is just the domino effect of Treyway getting too bold with the situation.

No sympathy for dude bc no one told him to be making hits and **** especially in Times Square/Barclays but I don't really see why he'd just eat 50 years for how this situation unfolded :lol: He would have been a loose end and gotten murked anyway lol.

Dude shouldn't be in this situation to begin with but now that he is he'd be a DUMMY BOY fr to really eat half a century for *****s who would have killed him anyway after doing that lol.

Man i ain't listening to no old ***** who's constantly acting up on the internet word on anything. ***** was just on there pinning alleged bodies on alpo.......

also what the **** does other people snitching in NYC have to do with Tekashi's case.. there's a huge difference between snitching on a random person & snitching on an entire organization.... Lil ***** has put his entire family's life in the blender to avoid facing consequences.

and i'm not even gonna get into the ridiculous comparison between Alpo's situation & ******* 6ix9ine :lol::lol:.

this mindset off these opinions is crazy based off principles.. **** the street aspect, dudes are simply too fond of someone blatantly ignoring accountability for their actions... and this shows more & more in everyday life.
when a non black person
starts throwing the N word around all wild
u damn right it is

I live around mad Mexicans and have heard them using it since I can remember. We had race wars in grade school :rofl::smh: mostly over gang **** and not that in particular. When someone does it irl unless they aiming it at me ima let their ignorance rock. But online a discussion can be had. Obviously that **** ain’t cool but whatever
.....not sure what’s happening here.

That letter doesn’t read like it’s him. It’s the author of the letter reaching out to him. Also, never heard a tekasha song in my life, but that fella seems to have made a few mistakes.
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