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Angela's a G *hat*..
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I heard Iron Maiden changed the setlist with two songs. They took out Brighter than a Thousand Suns and added Wrathchild. Then they took out Paschendale and added Dance of Death. I love Dance of Death.
bah, no need to worry. mods dont check threads unless theyve been reported
laugh.gif of the six of us is a snitch

anyways, bcf, make sure you check the irish pubs around the city for janick
Originally Posted by Physicx

bah, no need to worry. mods dont check threads unless theyve been reported
laugh.gif of the six of us is a snitch

anyways, bcf, make sure you check the irish pubs around the city for janick
We have one dude but I didn't get to go.  I was planning on hitting up that Maiden Meet and Greet but its all good.  I just hope I can break my curse of the Drumstick.  4 shows in a row a drumstick has bounced off my hand and into someone elses.  Can't wait man.  3 more hours till I leave to the arena.  We got to be there early for that FTTB.
Forgot to say..those Maiden shirts Matt posted are dope..

All this Maiden concert talk is just making me jealous
Originally Posted by Av1r3x

Forgot to say..those Maiden shirts Matt posted are dope..

All this Maiden concert talk is just making me jealous
If you lived around my area.  I would have gladly taken you.

Anyway I'm exhausted.  I will try to post pics since my sister took all of them and I will talk about it tomorrow in detail.  Physicx and Rust, this tour is awesome you guys will love it.  The pit was amazing.
Originally Posted by BCF06

I heard Iron Maiden changed the setlist with two songs. They took out Brighter than a Thousand Suns and added Wrathchild. Then they took out Paschendale and added Dance of Death. I love Dance of Death.

You can't be serious..
Paschendale is my favourite Maiden song. I was hoping they would play it last time but it was only their old stuff.... And they took it out of this one?

God....   They better play it next week.
these colors dont run would be ok with me being cut

i loved brave new world though

sounds like you had an awesome time bcf. how close were you? i cant wait!
Sorry its taken me this long guys. I still gotta wait to post some pictures. They are in my sisters phone and we gotta transfer them but we were super up close we got a picture of Steve doing his signature move with the bass.

Well to me FTTB was a joke. It was pointless. We go to the venue at 5:00 and we had to wait till 5:15 before they handed out the wristbands for pit and FTTB. As it is it was hot as hell outside and no water around for miles. According to the website we were supposed to be escorted inside at 5:45 but the skank didn't take us in until 6:15 and they were going to let everyone else in at 6:30 %*# is that about. Anyway me and my sister might come out on Iron Maiden Fanclub TV as we were being recorded by one of the Maiden staff. Back to the entry. Me and my sister went straight to the merch area and there was no one there. We were first ones there and bought our merch I got 3 shirts and she got 2 by the time we were done they let everyone else in which sucked. We then got something to drink took a piss and headed down. As we got down there were already people there (of course they didn't need merch because they had already gotten them from the Dallas and Houston shows). We still got a good spot. I would say about 3 people behind the barrier. the view was amazing.

We waited and chatted with fellow Maiden fans (I swear Maiden have the best fans ever). Pretty soon Dream Theater came on. I had never seen these guys and they greatly exceeded my expectations. John Petrucci was a beast what more can you say about the guy. Mike Portnoy reminds me of a poor mans Neil Peart (compliment). He was great and beat the crap out of those drums. Everyone was on point and amazing. The cool things was that once Dream Theater came on the venue was almost full. I've never seen that for any other show I had been to. Luckily I was familiar with all their songs.

Dream Theater Setlist:
1.As I am
2.A rite of passage
4. Constant Motion
5. Panic Attack
6. Pull me Under (I went crazy when they played this song.

Dream Theater finished and they threw a drumstick but the dude in front of me caught it. It made me look bad because the dude looked like a pansy with a little jew fro. My sister won't stop laughing at the fact that he got it instead of me. It was all good though and Dream Theater tore it up.

Now was the waiting time for Maiden. The venue was begining to fill up greatly. A day before tickets were still being sold. The day of the show they sold out. I mean there was people all the way up to the highest seat. Not even Metallica had that much ( I was sure to throw that in my uncles face). Finally it looked really full. Everyone was chanting Maiden and it was great. Finally, UFO's Doctor Doctor came on (awesome song) and everyone knew it was almost time. Then some space music came on there was all these red lights. Once the space music was done Bruce ran straight out and sang The Wickerman flawlessly. I won't get into the whole setlist but boy every song was performed almost flawlessly. Wrathchild got the crowd going. I was so stoked they played Paschendale after all in my city it is an amazing epic song to be played live. Adrians solos on there are beautiful. Steve Harris and Dave Murray were on ours side most of the time and trust me when I say, you don't know how much greater Steve Harris is till you see him up close. His fingers look like Hummingbird wings. I did get a little pissed because this dude and his girlfriend we pretty much zombies and didn't make noise until Fear of the dark came on. They then showed some sign of life.

Running Free is an awesome closing song just because of the audience involvement.

After all was done they bowed and said they would love to be back as they have been coming here since the beginning of the band. Dave Murray then threw wristbands and I dove like an MF'er to get one as they fell on the floor. Having no luck I get back up and see that my sister is missing. I panicked like hell but I saw her a few people back. People go crazy for that stuff. I got Red flash soda all over my hands that sucked. What sucked more was the picks were thrown more on the corners. Either way it was an awesome time. To me Maiden is the best live and ever.

A few people complained about the setlist afterward but you always have complainers. I do think that maybe two more classics would have sufficed. But I loved the setlist regardless. Hell even some Blaze stuff would kick +$#.

Here was our setlist.

1. The Wicker Man
2. Ghost Of The Navigator
3. Wrathchild
4. El Dorado
5. Paschendale
6. The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg
7. These Colours Don't Run
8. Blood Brothers
9. Wildest Dreams
10. No More Lies
11. Brave New World
12. Fear Of The Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. Encore:
14. The Number of the Beast
15. Hallowed Be Thy Name
16. Running Free 
Well I'm really glad they didn't remove Paschendale, and elected to play Wrathchild, so you got the best of both worlds. I *+%$+#* wish they would've played Killers, though. That's easily my favorite song from the Di'Anno era. I think ya need to pump the brakes on that Blaze crap haha, although I think playing the Clansman wouldn't be the worst idea. That song destroys. To that end, however, a lot of those songs are quality, they just have crap vocals. Why the %*#% couldn't Maiden get Tim Owens? hahaha.

So with all this Maiden discussion, which is right in my wheelhouse, tell me, each of you, what is your favorite album? I've been very outspoken of the fact that mine is Powerslave, but let me tell you why. I was a young lad, merely two years into my guitar playing journey, and I was completely enveloped by Metallica and Pantera. I knew pretty much every song from Kill 'Em All to the black album on guitar, including most of the solos, and I had started doing the same for Pantera's songs. My guitar teacher assured me there were other bands out there to learn from, but I didn't wanna hear it. I would just learn another Metallica song and add it to the list. Some time elapsed, and he showed me the Trooper, and while I thought it was cool, I just wasn't that impressed. I had heard Run to the Hills before as well, and I had the same feeling. I was at CD Warehouse one day, and I found a copy of Powerslave used for like 8 bucks, and I became enthralled with the Egyptian theme. I respected the hell out of the artwork, as I had with the other album covers I'd seen, but this one caught my eye in a whole new way. This was right about the time when I was real into Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. I can't remember which game it was, but my sister had the regular Xbox, and it allowed you to import a playlist and listen in game. So, I ripped Powerslave to it, and jammed it while going through the game. From the start I was completely blown away. It was something about the cohesiveness of the mix that really grabbed my attention. The guitars were right in your face, and instead of being cranked all the way down, Steve Harris' thunderous bass was right there with it. I seriously listened to that album front to back hundreds of times, I couldn't get enough. That was seriously the only record I listened to for a few months. I can attribute all my Iron Maiden love to that album, because without it, I may have continued to dismiss them as I had before. Needless to say, I can still play parts of most Metallica songs cause they're so ingrained in my head, but I can play 12 Maiden songs all the way through, both Dave and Adrian's solos, cause while I prefer Adrian's playing, I love both of them, and I believe they bring something very different to the table that compliments the other. Adrian is more of a straight forward rock 'n roll player, while Dave brings a fluidity and finesse that is magic. His trills are absolutely insane, and he has an extremely warm and smooth lead tone. If there was ever a solo tone I would copy, it would be his. So, here's how I'd rank my top five.

1. Powerslave
2. Somewhere in Time
3. Piece of Mind
4. Number of the Beast
5. Killers

There is no bad Maiden, merely not as good.
thanks much for the well detailed review bcf. playing mostly post reunion material is fine because they played all their classics on the somewhere back in time tour (which i sadly missed)

sucks about fttb though. venues are always like that though, especially the starlite room around these parts. "doors at 7" on the ticket and they dont let us in until 8 and noone takes the stage until 9

anyways, my favorite album is powerslave as well. reason: simply 2 minutes to midnight. i wish i could elaborately explain why in detail but i really cant

second would be brave new world, third is maybe seventh son. i thought the x factor was so-so, not completely unbearable but certainly not one of my favorites. very pale in comparison with anything with bruce or paul. didnt like blaze's vocals
Well Matt my story is quite similar to yours.  I first heard The Trooper and it blew my mind way.  Now I'm no guitar player but I was more into rap during the time I discovered Maiden.  Bruce's vocals and the guitaring intriguied me.  It sounded so retro.  So I decided to learn a little more.  I went to a CD shop and decided to by their greatest hits Edward the Great.  I figured these had to be the best songs they have to offer boy would I find out I was totally wrong.  But despite that I fell in love with it.  I practically wore it out.  The song I jammed out to the most was Can I play with Madness.  It was just so different.  After hearing that over and over I decided they are good enough to try their discography.  I went back to the CD shop after I got payed and had not idea what to get.  So like you Matt I saw the Powerslave album and scanned it so I could get a taster.  I though it sounded good enough not great but worth a listen and the Egyptian artwork was like what the hell is this.  I bought it and took it home.  Once I put it on I was blown the hell away.  As we all know Aces High is the first song off that album and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  I mean it literally raped my ears.  I continued jamming out and every song just got better.  Once I hit Powerslave I knew that this would be a group I would never stop listening to.  Rime of the Ancient Mariner just left me mindblowed.  Of course I was a young highschooler. 

So I said my next paycheck I'm getting another album.  I wen to best buy and looked what they had.  I saw the Iron Maiden album and though the art work kicked !%% and bought it.  When I put it on.  I was heated
.  I yelled who the $#%$ is this.  This isnt the singer from the other album I listened to.  I was like this dude sucked (Paul Dianno).  I was a newb so take it easy on me guys.  So I wanted to take it back but I read the receipt and saw that it was unreturnable so I just put it away and never listend to it for a year (When I listened to it later I was mind blown again but more for the raw edgy guitaring like Phantom of the Operah, Prowler, and Remember Tomorrow.  Anyway I bought NOTB and loved it as well.

To make this short.  I finally bought the album that blew my mind even more than Powerslave and that album was Somewhere in Time.  I could not believe what I had just heard when I jammed out to it.  Its like I dug Maiden all over again.  Its got some kind of sound vibe and feeling that I had never heard before and still haven't heard.  From Bruce's perfect vocal to Adrian Smiths and Dave Murray's insane melodic sound and solos.  I honestly think this was Adrian Smiths album to shine and he did. I love all their albums but this will always be my favorite. 

I could go all day on my reactions to the other albums but that would take more than this page.

BTW Matt Blaze is a decent singer just not for Maiden.  I do think some of his stuff is good.  Like Man on the edge, Futureal, Justice of the Peace.
According to, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY will headline the "Black Label Berzerkus" tour this fall. The two-month North American trek will feature CLUTCH, CHILDREN OF BODOM and 2CENTS, with the first two bands sharing the main support slot."Black Label Berzerkus 2010" tour dates:Sep. 21 - Roseland - Portland, ORSep. 22 - PNE Forum - Vancouver, BCSep. 24 - Edmonton EXPO Centre Hall D Arena - Edmonton, ABSep. 25 - Agribition Hall - Regina, SKSep. 26 - Big 4 - Calgary, ABSep. 28 - Winnipeg Convention Centre - Winnipeg, MBSep. 30 - Anchor Inn - Omaha, NEOct. 01 - 7 Flags - Clive, IAOct. 02 - Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WIOct. 03 - Roy Wilkins Auditorium - St. Paul, MNOct. 05 - Expo Five - Louisville, KYOct. 08 - Convention Hall - Asbury Park, NJOct. 09 - The Colisee - Lewiston, MEOct. 12 - Cunard Centre - Halifax, NSOct. 14 - Metropolis - Montreal, QCOct. 15 - Sound Academy - Toronto, ONOct. 16 - Sound Academy - Toronto, ONOct. 20 - Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NYOct. 22 - House of Blues - Myrtle Beach, SCOct. 23 - Masquerade Music Park - Atlanta, GAOct. 24 - The Fillmore Charlotte - Charlotte, NCOct. 26 - Hard Rock - Orlando, FLOct. 28 - Verizon Wireless Theater - Houston, TXOct. 29 - Concrete St. Ampitheater - Corpus Christi, TXOct. 30 - Verizon Theatre @ Grand Prairie - Grand Prairie, TXOct. 31 - Lonestar Pavilion - Lubbock, TXNov. 02 - Stubbs Waller Creek Ampitheater - Austin, TXNov. 03 - Brady Center - Tusla, OKNov. 05 - DeltaPlex - Grand Rapids, MINov. 07 - The Fillmore Detroit - Detroit, MINov. 09 - Main Street Armory - Rochester, N.Y.Nov. 10 - The LC Pavilion - Columbus, OHNov. 12 - Cotilion - Wichita, KSNov. 13 - Uptown Theater - Kansas City, KSNov. 14 - The Fillmore Auditorium - Denver, CONov. 16 - The Complex - Salt Lake City, UTNov. 18 - Dodge Theatre - Phoenix, AZNov. 20 - Warfield - San Francisco, CAthis is the second year in a row that my favorite band clashes with the noctis festival in calgary
^what the !+%% happened there?

anyways, here it is again

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td]BLACK LABEL SOCIETY, CLUTCH, CHILDREN OF BODOM: 'Black Label Berzerkus' Tour Dates Announced - June 15, 2010[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]
According to, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY will headline the "Black Label Berzerkus" tour this fall. The two-month North American trek will feature CLUTCH, CHILDREN OF BODOM and 2CENTS, with the first two bands sharing the main support slot.

"Black Label Berzerkus 2010" tour dates:

Sep. 21 - Roseland - Portland, OR
Sep. 22 - PNE Forum - Vancouver, BC
Sep. 24 - Edmonton EXPO Centre Hall D Arena - Edmonton, AB
Sep. 25 - Agribition Hall - Regina, SK
Sep. 26 - Big 4 - Calgary, AB
Sep. 28 - Winnipeg Convention Centre - Winnipeg, MB
Sep. 30 - Anchor Inn - Omaha, NE
Oct. 01 - 7 Flags - Clive, IA
Oct. 02 - Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI
Oct. 03 - Roy Wilkins Auditorium - St. Paul, MN
Oct. 05 - Expo Five - Louisville, KY
Oct. 08 - Convention Hall - Asbury Park, NJ
Oct. 09 - The Colisee - Lewiston, ME
Oct. 12 - Cunard Centre - Halifax, NS
Oct. 14 - Metropolis - Montreal, QC
Oct. 15 - Sound Academy - Toronto, ON
Oct. 16 - Sound Academy - Toronto, ON
Oct. 20 - Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY
Oct. 22 - House of Blues - Myrtle Beach, SC
Oct. 23 - Masquerade Music Park - Atlanta, GA
Oct. 24 - The Fillmore Charlotte - Charlotte, NC
Oct. 26 - Hard Rock - Orlando, FL
Oct. 28 - Verizon Wireless Theater - Houston, TX
Oct. 29 - Concrete St. Ampitheater - Corpus Christi, TX
Oct. 30 - Verizon Theatre @ Grand Prairie - Grand Prairie, TX
Oct. 31 - Lonestar Pavilion - Lubbock, TX
Nov. 02 - Stubbs Waller Creek Ampitheater - Austin, TX
Nov. 03 - Brady Center - Tusla, OK
Nov. 05 - DeltaPlex - Grand Rapids, MI
Nov. 07 - The Fillmore Detroit - Detroit, MI
Nov. 09 - Main Street Armory - Rochester, N.Y.
Nov. 10 - The LC Pavilion - Columbus, OH
Nov. 12 - Cotilion - Wichita, KS
Nov. 13 - Uptown Theater - Kansas City, KS
Nov. 14 - The Fillmore Auditorium - Denver, CO
Nov. 16 - The Complex - Salt Lake City, UT
Nov. 18 - Dodge Theatre - Phoenix, AZ
Nov. 20 - Warfield - San Francisco, CA
2nd year in a row my favorite band clashes with the noctis in calgary which is sept 24-25. i think ill go to the calgary show 26 since im there anyways
Fave Iron Maiden album would probably have to be Seventh Son of a Seventh Son followed very closely by Killers..I love Paul's voice.

No explanation cuz I'm cool like that
I'm starting to really dislike Children of Bodom. These dudes never come here. How the hell am I supposed to dig there music apart from the album if they alway skip us. They go to a bunch of hick towns but skip San Antonio.

I see they are going your way again Physicx, are you going?
that sucks. i know how you feel, happens all the damn time though. maybe you should blame bls though

i would like to go but sodom, incantation, manegarm, metstatoll, martial barrage, ex deo etc are playing on the same day at a festival in calgary and i already commited to that

same with last year. destroyer 666, suffocation, novembers doom, aura noir, cynic, ares kingdom, begrime exemious played the same day as bodom. i went for bodom that year instead

hopefully i can catch the calgary show on the 26th since im in calgary anyways. whoever organized this tour is a ****** though. who the hell goes from vancover to edmonton to regina to calgary to winnipeg? that makes ZERO sense
Originally Posted by Physicx

that sucks. i know how you feel, happens all the damn time though. maybe you should blame bls though

i would like to go but sodom, incantation, manegarm, metstatoll, martial barrage, ex deo etc are playing on the same day at a festival in calgary and i already commited to that

same with last year. destroyer 666, suffocation, novembers doom, aura noir, cynic, ares kingdom, begrime exemious played the same day as bodom. i went for bodom that year instead

hopefully i can catch the calgary show on the 26th since im in calgary anyways. whoever organized this tour is a ****** though. who the hell goes from vancover to edmonton to regina to calgary to winnipeg? that makes ZERO sense
Your right about BLS.  But they come often I guess just not on this tour.  But there was a tour last year or the year before with COB and they totally skipped us.  Hopefully they'll pull a side show.
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