TAY: thread about yambs...

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Yo, confidence and poise are EVERYTHING when trying to get the yambs.

Overt-aggressiveness and arrogance aren't.

Not every woman will want you initially, but if you exude confidence and have a positive vibe, chicks dig that.

Woman get hit on all day, every day, so it's up to you to be innovative when in the yamb hunt, doing and saying things no other man has thought to ask.
You have to have the mindset that, "Not getting this chick won't break me, it's her loss actually."

Approach with a smile and ask her her name, ask if she would like to sit and talk over a drink sometime, get the digits, bounce.

Yambs will be had.

Too real. Most guys get their self worth so wrapped up in her opinion, and when it doesn't go their way, they get angry and bitter.

A random girl's opinion should not be able to rustle your jimmies
excuse my ignorance... but this a booty? Why it's all square shaped? :lol: I'm legit confused and don't know what I"m looking at....

Lol I was being sneaky here. She was bent forward and I took it at a wrong angle. Def looks flat here.
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excuse my ignorance... but this a booty? Why it's all square shaped? :lol: I'm legit confused and don't know what I"m looking at....
Lol I was being sneaky here. She was bent forward and I took it at a wrong angle. Def looks flat here. Though you'd guys appreciate it but apparently you smash 10's n up

the person who pointed it out is a woman soooo...anyway
i personally can tell you that it looks like it's the angle and they just being your average NTers.
plus who even cares? it's dudes in here ain't smashin nothin but palmela on the regular.
excuse my ignorance... but this a booty? Why it's all square shaped? :lol: I'm legit confused and don't know what I"m looking at....
Lol I was being sneaky here. She was bent forward and I took it at a wrong angle. Def looks flat here.

redeem yourself with more pics of them square yambs

My girl just got her period and we're going out of town 
That *** is wack, I don't understand how saying that turned into an "nt virgin" discussion.

Props on the yambs acquisition though my g.
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excuse my ignorance... but this a booty? Why it's all square shaped? :lol: I'm legit confused and don't know what I"m looking at....

Lol I was being sneaky here. She was bent forward and I took it at a wrong angle. Def looks flat here.
Real talk, you one of the trillest new members to date, one of your first post was the bunz. Square bunz but bunz all the same. I applaud you sir.

Girl pulled the "you're my club boyfriend" on me last weekend..


Please respond.
Seriously, refer back to Gator's post. You gotta explain what that means.
why folks going in on the buns? they're clear that she's bending over and she has a flatty...

i'd hit...

chicks in panties + shoes = hawt.
Jokes, its all jokes, Its the angle tho.

Ken Piffy is that dude tho. Like I said, first few post included some bunz. :nthat:

Anyway, Recently I was friendzoned in a very awkward way. The chick that slid me the number from a few pages back. I got a rotation so I wasn't losing sleep. I got enough girl homies don't need no more. Chick was put a low priority notice and I would barely text her. When I do, IDGF so I say whatever. Now she trying to constantly text me throughout the day. Dat thirst. She wanna meet up over the Thanksgiving break. She suddenly feeling me. WTF, I actually felt her before all this though. She pure games.

Initially, she say she been hurt too much and she really wanted to be friends. Yet she trying to hug on me before and after class. When she slid the number, it took me by surprise and thought she wanted it. Her texts wasn't about **** which initially pissed me off then come with some lets just be homies ish. Chick is all Monopoly and ****. Too much for me, I might dead it though. Because if she has been hurt, then I wouldn't want to hurt her because I can't see nothing serious with her.
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wife left a month ago, was trying to get her back til last week, she wasnt down but we still talked everyday

then i decided i will just go to Vegas for the weekend

pretty sure wifey found out, she blocked my number and did everything possible to prevent contact

anyway, while in Vegie... got to know one of my friends friends....

we danced at marquee, she was puttin my hands on them yambs kissin on me and was into me....


we dipped to the room and she passed out before yambs were had

and pretty sure shorty has issues..... she was talkin bout her problems lil too much

WTF should i do?
i am not qualified to answer questions dealing with an ACTUAL WIFE...
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