TAY: thread about yambs...

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[COLOR=#red]knicks game she better had least top u off good **** homie[/COLOR]

we went to a bar, not the actual game! :lol:

Why didn't you smash at the park during that time?
Why didn't you smash at the park during that time?

OOh snap, I forgot to mention, the police came by and flashed the lights into my car and told me to take her to a house, I guess he was on the way home so he didnt get us in trouble. 8)
Hung out with this chick from my old HS, shes a year older than me, took her to watch the Knicks game at a local bar (I hate the Knicks), we ate and left.
Pulled up to a park, found a dark spot in the parking lot.
Got some neck, played with the bitties, rubbed on the yambs.
Shes talking about smashing later on this week :smokin
What hs ? :nerd:
Yo, confidence and poise are EVERYTHING when trying to get the yambs.
Overt-aggressiveness and arrogance aren't.
Not every woman will want you initially, but if you exude confidence and have a positive vibe, chicks dig that.
Woman get hit on all day, every day, so it's up to you to be innovative when in the yamb hunt, doing and saying things no other man has thought to ask.
You have to have the mindset that, "Not getting this chick won't break me, it's her loss actually."
Approach with a smile and ask her her name, ask if she would like to sit and talk over a drink sometime, get the digits, bounce.
Yambs will be had.
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Yo, confidence and poise are EVERYTHING when trying to get the yambs.
Overt-aggressiveness and arrogance aren't.
Not every woman will want you initially, but if you exude confidence and have a positive vibe, chicks dig that.
Woman get hit on all day, every day, so it's up to you to be innovative when in the yamb hunt, doing and saying things no other man has thought to ask.
You have to have the mindset that, "Not getting this chick won't break me, it's her loss actually."
Approach with a smile and ask her her name, ask if she would like to sit and talk over a drink sometime, get the digits, bounce.
Yambs will be had.

there's a chick i been chasing... going at her tough... she's not even that cute... body is MEH....

she's been sidestepping and brushing me off for awhile.. like a couple years. i'd fall back for months... come back... fall back... come back...

finally, i said eff it and came w/ a certain text...

"look... its clear i'm interested. its not hard for me to go find a chick. i'm not a bad looking guy and got enough going to where that wouldnt be a problem. but i'm steadily going after you, and you steadily not taking me serious.

when i get you to stop this chase, you're going to wonder why you didnt stop running a long time ago, and that's something i know for a fact"

called me a couple days later and we got some plans ironed out for this week...

she might flake, she might falter... but i felt that me comin' w/ this approach got her attention
there's a chick i been chasing... going at her tough... she's not even that cute... body is MEH....
she's been sidestepping and brushing me off for awhile.. like a couple years. i'd fall back for months... come back... fall back... come back...
finally, i said eff it and came w/ a certain text...
"look... its clear i'm interested. its not hard for me to go find a chick. i'm not a bad looking guy and got enough going to where that wouldnt be a problem. but i'm steadily going after you, and you steadily not taking me serious.
when i get you to stop this chase, you're going to wonder why you didnt stop running a long time ago, and that's something i know for a fact"
called me a couple days later and we got some plans ironed out for this week...
she might flake, she might falter... but i felt that me comin' w/ this approach got her attention

That text was chuuch on the move brogod. She's on one with you, seems like she was just waiting for you to call her out on the bluffing she was on.
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How would you guys approach getting at your ex's friend? They don't really talk that much anymore, if that matters. I just chilled with her and another guy friend the other day and I was kinda feeling her. The thing is, I don't want her to feel awkward about me showing interest.

Please respond.
How would you guys approach getting at your ex's friend? They don't really talk that much anymore, if that matters. I just chilled with her and another guy friend the other day and I was kinda feeling her. The thing is, I don't want her to feel awkward about me showing interest.
Please respond.
me personally... i dont eem worry about making the first move...

dont care if they're good friends or associates...

if you were serious with your ex, that just adds insult to injury... women do stuff like that...

my advice is let her come on to you or you KNOW she's CLEARLY interested. anything less than that, just chalk it up to the game... there are a BUNCH of women out there.
the thing that works for me is to not give the girls you like too much attention just enough for them to know that you see em and thats it...they're nothing special.

that will make the girl think there is something wrong with her and try her hardest to get your attention..

*note-this will only work on those attention ****** that like to be the center of attention at all times,the gorgeous ones with the ugly personalities, these are strictly for smashing.. 

but confidence is what makes us attractive plus you cant be ugly either, but most girls that have their ish together want someone that is genuinely a good dude, can make em laugh and make em feel special i always go for the chicks that work alot and have gone thru alot of schooling because they just dont have time to get out that often so i make them the center of the world for that time, not extreme caking but just asking about her and making her feel like what she is doing in her life is worth it and super exciting.

these ladies can be found in grocery stores like whole foods, starbucks books stores and other places where they would least expect to be approached especially when they're not made-up.
Yo, confidence and poise are EVERYTHING when trying to get the yambs.
Overt-aggressiveness and arrogance aren't.
Not every woman will want you initially, but if you exude confidence and have a positive vibe, chicks dig that.
Woman get hit on all day, every day, so it's up to you to be innovative when in the yamb hunt, doing and saying things no other man has thought to ask.
You have to have the mindset that, "Not getting this chick won't break me, it's her loss actually."
Approach with a smile and ask her her name, ask if she would like to sit and talk over a drink sometime, get the digits, bounce.
Yambs will be had.
Too real. Most guys get their self worth so wrapped up in her opinion, and when it doesn't go their way, they get angry and bitter.
Nothing wrong with confidence.  My motto is "if you don't like me then there's something wrong with you" :lol:

Some men think being a **** = self confidence. It's a fine line, but you can't just say/act a certain way and be like "oh I'm just being confident in myself". Lots of times you are missing key flaws that you probably should work out, instead of thinking everyone else is the problem.... Maybe it's you :D

(I don't mean you like YOU Powerballin', :lol: )
Oh I agree. But at my age (pushing 30) I wouldn't even know where to begin. All I've ever known is setting personal goals and trying to attain them. I'd like to blame it on family pressure. But that would be a cop out.

I've never been in a serious relationship. I don't even think I have the capacity, mental or emotional, to care for someone in that way. Just random hookups and friends with benefits.  Some days I'm flush with P, some days I'm bust. 

man I feel you... I mean I've had "boyfriends", but to say I've been in a serious relationship? Can't say I've had one of those since college (i'm 26 now , that was about 4 years ago) But for guys I've noticed it's different... I know a couple guys who didn't start getting serious with their relationships until around the 30 range. There is NOTHING wrong with focusing on you, though... real talk. But if you feel like you are ready to let yourself open up and meet a nice young lady then make sure you meet someone is likeminded... you seem to be ambitious so finding someone who is understanding that they will play the back burner to that is key. Lots of women say there are until they really know what's it's like only being able to see your man a couple times a week. Try to choose somebody who doesn't have lots of free time (oh on this nights I'm at the gym, this nights I'm babysitting, these nights I'm doing school work etc.) A ***** with too much free time means she's gonna wanna spend it all with you :lol: :lol:

But you are ripe :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: Most chicks I know love guys in your age range... because of your experience and ambition.
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